Ways to lose weight



  • Okay, I'll join in too. I'm Karen and water has been a struggle for me too. I think I've solved that problem by drinking 1/4 of my daily water before each meal and then at bedtime. Sometimes I will put lemon or lime slices in the water (it doesn't add calories but gives it a little flavor). Some people have told me that the lemon or lime added to their water helps them to not drink soda pop. So that's an idea for those of you struggling with the issue.

    Support is always a plus. There are times I don't feel like exercising, but to miss out on meeting the girls at the YMCA I just couldn't do. We were just talking about this today. Three of us didn't feel like exercising, but just needed to be with the group and of course the group works out while chit chatting so what could be better?
  • lizzybarron
    lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
    I have found out that if you drink a large glass of water before every meal, you feel more full there for you don't over eat. I bought a super pump and I am trying to drink at least 2 full bottles of that (1.25 L) a day. If any of you ladies want to add me or send me a message then feel free, I really want to help out people who are in the same boat as me :) xx Lizzy
  • Lizzy, if you can work in a bakery and not eat what is made there; you've got will power of titanium. :laugh: I would have to quit that job. Just smelling delicious breads, muffins, cakes, pastries, oh my :noway: I think I just gained a pound thinking about them; never mind if I could smell them.
  • This may be a little different, but one of the ways I get enough water is by having a glass or bottle that has a straw in it. For some reason I drink way more that way! Another thing that has worked for me is to work out in the morning because it makes me a lot more thirsty during the day.
  • lizzybarron
    lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
    Lizzy, if you can work in a bakery and not eat what is made there; you've got will power of titanium. :laugh: I would have to quit that job. Just smelling delicious breads, muffins, cakes, pastries, oh my :noway: I think I just gained a pound thinking about them; never mind if I could smell them.

    I do have will power, its just sometimes I slip. It is very hard because everything looks so good! Today is my first shift since I have been eating healthy so wish me luck! :smile:
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    I have found out that if you drink a large glass of water before every meal, you feel more full there for you don't over eat. I bought a super pump and I am trying to drink at least 2 full bottles of that (1.25 L) a day. If any of you ladies want to add me or send me a message then feel free, I really want to help out people who are in the same boat as me :) xx Lizzy

    I hear people say this all the time, I am going to start trying to drink a glass of water before each meal today and see if that helps with my eating. Thanks!!
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Tabatha and I am 33. Right now, my current goal is to weigh 145-157 pounds. It is going to take some time, but I can and will do it. I have been trying to lose weight for about the past 9 months. I had my gallbladder surgery in April and decided that I was going to become healthy after that. I was doing really well until the holidays hit. I stopped exercising and decided that I was going to eat what I wanted to when I wanted too. Most of the time I wasn't even hungry and I would eat. I gained most of that weight back. On January 1st I weighed 270 pounds. I have started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I missed 1 day and today is day 12 of completing the workout. I have been eating 3 meals a day and not snacking at all. I have also only had 1 can of pop since Jan 1st. I am trying to drink only water. It has worked well. My only problem is I am having trouble drinking enough water. I currently am drinking about 1/2 of what I should be a day, according to my weight. Also, I don't have any way to track my calories burned during my workout. I note that I do the workout in the comments section of the exercise on MFP. As soon as I get my taxes back this year, I am going to buy a calorie tracker to see how many I burn during my workout. I can't wait to see that number, it will be exciting.

    Hi Tabatha! I want to say awesome job on only 1 can of pop in the last 2 weeks! This is an issue I need to work on. I do not drink regular pop but diet pop is my enemy now.

    Goal:No more pop of any kind, no more sugary juices either.

    I found this in a past forum regarding calories burned with the 30day shred, hopefully it can help you a little:

    30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out. ~ taken from Jillian Michaels website
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    Lizzy, if you can work in a bakery and not eat what is made there; you've got will power of titanium. :laugh: I would have to quit that job. Just smelling delicious breads, muffins, cakes, pastries, oh my :noway: I think I just gained a pound thinking about them; never mind if I could smell them.

    I do have will power, its just sometimes I slip. It is very hard because everything looks so good! Today is my first shift since I have been eating healthy so wish me luck! :smile:

    I would probably slip everyday, Carbs are my downfall lol
  • sheevup
    sheevup Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lizzy, Thanks for offering help on starting mini challenge!! I am Sheevu and want to lose at least 15lbs by end of April. My problem is I either work from home or travel so hard to keep myself on track with food. I go on and off MFP so i need mini challenge which I normally take seriously!!
    What do you have in mind for challenge? We can start for short term goal to understand if we are able to do it and achieve our target.

    I am good at working out every day with no problem! I am vegetarian so hard to stay away from Carb but i will try my best :(

    Let’s do it!!
  • lizzybarron
    lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
    I'm glad that you have joined my group :) It actually wasn't my idea to do the mini challenges. I don't have any ideas! Anyone else have any?