Rollcall for current and active Aussie MFPers



  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Andy from Perth here, been on MFP for a while but first time blogger... Fitbitter too... turning big 5 0 this year and want to be the lightest I've been for 20 of those years..
    Got to 118 kg and decided enough was enough and started biking, got down to 110... then started new FIFO job with a company fitness scheme and got down to 97 kg for a holiday to visit the family in the UK in October last year. Alas the weight slowly crept back on as my job kept changing location.. came to a head before Xmas when I realised I had put on 6kg in 6 weeks while away in Abu Dhabi.
    So now back on the wagon. New starting weight of 109 kg, and target of 90kg to begin with. Using FitBit and a bit of accountability should make good progress even allowing for my month away when I have no control of the food that is prepared for me... will just have to exercise self control and log it as best I can.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi all,

    A lot of you are on my friends list, so you will know about this, but just in case anyone else is interested, I have started a new group : for a 12 week challenge which will start next week on Monday 20 January and go until the week before Easter.

    Latecomers are welcome, also overseas challengers if they are interested.

    Rules and Guidelines are here:

    You can basically do whatever you want in the challenge for nutrition and training, but I always advocate resistance training for fat loss, so you can expect some training tips and links to pop up every now and again. I've also made a list of good books and podcasts to read and listen to and welcome your favourites.

    We will have a weekly chat thread and I think it's just a really good way to keep ourselves accountable and help others reach their goals.

    If you are interested, please join the group and I'll see you around :)
  • DonziMonster
    DonziMonster Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All! I'm Donna, I'm 29 and live in Sydney (Inner-West).

    I'm officially at my heaviest now, at 75kgs (I'm 160cm tall). I realise 75kgs is not enormous, in the grand scheme, but let me add that it's an unhealthy 75kg. It's mostly fat with a little bit of bone, really :D And honestly, it's bigger than I'm comfortable being. But I also don't want to be as skinny as I was as a teenager - at 20 years old I weighed 39kg despite being a contender for Miss McDonalds and KFC Australia (bless that youthful metabolism). Skinny is not what I want either - I like my curves (just not the really big one on my stomach :laugh:

    Effectively I want to be slimmer, but without losing my rack :D My goal for 2014 is not only to lose the weight I want to lose (15-20 kilos) but I also want to be fitter, and healthier, and stronger. I don't want to be tired all the time, mostly :)

    I'm disappointed with myself because I told myself last year I'd be at my goal weight for my 30th birthday. Said 30th is in four weeks and I doubt I'll knock 15-20 kilos off in that time :)

    I don't always log meals or exercise or count calories, and I try to stick to an 80/20 kind of system. I'm more focused on eating well and moving my body more in general, not counting every calorie in and out and logging every move and every bite. I do log meals occasionally, and I do wear a HRM when I exercise (much as actual calories aren't my focus, I do like seeing the number of calories burned :happy: ).

    I've been on and off MFP for years, sometimes more active than other times, but I think that it's a great way to keep me motivated and accountable. I'm a junk food lover and lazy as all giddy-up so a terrible exerciser :) With all that in mind, 2014 is the year I stop saying I'm going to do it, and actually do it! I'm starting slow, focusing more on shifting to a healthier lifestyle than a full blown regime, and having people to chat to will be really helpful I think!

    Happy to add or be added, I think it's great for us to shoot encouragement to each other!
  • DonnaW_78
    DonnaW_78 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi All, I'm Donna & I'm from Sydney. I've been here since April 2013 and plan on being here all 2014. Happy to accept any new friend requests :)
  • FitterTerri
    FitterTerri Posts: 91 Member
    Hi there, I've been on MFP for the past couple of years. I have had a couple of breaks from logging etc. Just getting back into it again as I haven't logged since last October. I think I just got too caught up in counting calories and macros and was too strict on myself. At one stage the kitchen scales nearly went through the kitchen window.....

    I was down to pretty much my goal for the past couple of years, but I must admit that I have gained about 5kg's, I feel so horrible and don't fit into my clothes anymore. I'm currently 62kg (I'm 158cm - that's 5' 3" I think) and I want to get down to somewhere around 53-56kg's depending on muscle mass etc. I'll judge the final number as I go.

    I live on the Mid North Coast of NSW (about 45 minutes south of Coffs Harbour), I'm 40 years old and love my gym equipment, hiking, paddling and general outdoorsy stuff. Married with 2 kids (17 & 15). I'm also entering the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic in October this year (111km paddle).

    Happy for friend requests. :happy:
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    I am on the east coast of Australia. I am currently studying for my Bachelor of Health Science Food and Nutrition degree.... why? Because I am so deeply interested in all things mind/body health, but particularly nutrition. I go to my daughter's school and see all the sad, angry looking overweight mums living through their children. I go to the beach to train and estimate the average clothing size there to be about a 16 or 18. Something has got to change, and I want to be part of that change. Most people don't even know where to begin. This is one of my greatest passions in life.

    I personally have a higher standard or threshold, if you will, and although at times I have dropped the ball and gained a few kg, I'm not settling for mediocre, larger clothing sizes and disease.

    I have my own set of nutritional beliefs and principles that I have developed through my self education, and although my training in regards to resistance is somewhat lacking, I am determined to right this and break my 'cardio girl' mould once and for all.

    I am pro Paleo/Primal/Keto, but I have a level head. I know that the all or nothing approach fails for most, so at the moment I am carb cycling. Please add me if you are a regular user who interacts with your friends list and don't overload yourself socially, as I have a tendency to delete people who never interact with me. I am in the forums to socialise, help and be helped and be friendly and supportive. This is who I am looking for as MFP friends ...the whole point of adding friends in the first place, hey. :-D

    Have a fantastic day, give it your all, and be happy. :-)

    I like you!! :-D
  • aura82
    aura82 Posts: 27 Member
    Recently returned MFPer. Live in country Victoria. Have lost 6.5kg. Currently sitting on 69kg and would like to aim for below 63kg (which would put me in the healthy weight range)
  • itbloke
    itbloke Posts: 20 Member
    New to MFP - I'm 29 and live in Melbourne

    Feel free to add me ppls :)
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a 52yo Sydney lifter currently looking for his abs
  • Back after 12 months off needing to shed a bit fairly quickly trying to avoid having a knee replacement
  • SSarahh23
    SSarahh23 Posts: 22 Member
    Back after a couple of months off, managed to lose about 10kg last year (which isn't a lot, I know) and somehow have maintained that without gaining anything back. My boyfriend and I have just booked a trip to Europe for later in the year so I want to look and feel good for that :D

    Happy to accept any friend requests from fellow Aussies :)
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Hi, I'm Gael from Tassie.
    I'm 54 and I've been on MFP for about 4 months.
    I'm a night shift worker and nurse.
    I've got a lot of weight to lose.
  • Iv just started so Im here :D
    I plan on being here for most of 2014/15 as I have a fair bit to lose.

    Oh and I am from Melbourne
    If you would like a new friend feel free to add me :D
  • Adam_NeverGiveup
    Adam_NeverGiveup Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all , Im Adam 41 on the Gold Coast but a born and bred NSWman

    Anyway Im back on MFP after a short lay off but I was inactive for a fair bit of 2013

    Ive got my mojo back and I am making great progress the 1st 2 weeks of 2014. Im back for the long haul as Ive got at least 30kg to lose maybe more.

    Send a FR if you want some extra support , Im good for it and I can use some more too
  • ronnykar
    ronnykar Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, my name is Veronica,

    I live in Melbourne, I have been using my fitness pal for 390 days and have lost 44 kgs. I have 13kgs left to lose and lots of toning. I am pretty unfit as ive lost all my weight without doing much exercise at all so the next step for me is to get fit and toned.

    If anyone is in a similar situation feel free to add me :)
  • juul76
    juul76 Posts: 20
    I am Jo, joined somewhere in April I think. I have lost about 23 kg. Gained a couple when away for 6 weeks visiting my parents overseas and of course Christmas as well. I was 93, I am now about 71-72kg. My main goal is 69kg, and if I can get there, 63kg....

    I am 38 years old and live near Bunbury, WA. Lived in New Zealand as well but originally Dutch.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Brisbane here. Mid thirties, 167cms and want to lose about 6-10 kilos.

    I prefer the cycle method, meaning two days per week low calories (500-600 cals), 2 cheat days (2500) and the rest at 1500 calorie days. Also knows as 5:2 or IF.

    Last year I kicked my chocolate addiction this year I am hoping to reduce the booze, esp Wine!!!!
  • broncosbabe
    broncosbabe Posts: 50 Member
    Brisbane/Ipswich area, 27yrs old, 164cm and currently about 63kg. I hit 58kg last year and was strong, fast and fit. I want to get back to that.

    Goals for this year are:

    - Half marathon in 2:15 or less
    - 2.4km PFT in 11:20 or less
    - Be able to do the arm hang!
    - Complete a full marathon
    - Complete a full Olympic Distance Triathlon
    - Be able to do 5-10 chin ups/pull ups without stopping with perfect form

    I've been on and off logging for a while now. Just time to be accountable again I suppose. I'm not overly happy with my body at the moment and know the only way to fix it is to do something about it. I do believe in cheat days, and I will never deprive myself of an alcoholic beverage, chocolate or salami (Italian heritage - antipasto is my BIG weakness!) but will do what I can to earn it back and try to moderate this.

    Feel free to add me with a message please :)

    Cheers! Mel
  • anushkadey
    anushkadey Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all,

    I am Anushka from Melbourne. Just joined MFP few days back. I am 26, currently around 73 kgs. My height is 5'6". My goal weight is around 56-57 kgs. Feel free to add me.
  • rms705
    rms705 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi There,
    I'm Rachael from Perth. I will be here for 2014 at least. Joined again in Nov 13 and so far down 3-4kg (starting weight was 85kg) aiming to get down to approx 65kg.
    Happy for new friends and more support so feel free to add me as a friend.