


  • Hi all,

    I'm Kate from Hampshire. Been on here a couple of weeks or so. I'm a serial yo-yo dieter wishing, hoping and praying that I'll keep it off for good and no slip back to my wine and chocolate chasers. :)

    If anyone wants new friends, please feel free to add me.

    Kate x
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    yesss love this group! i'm actually in houston, texas - but was born in barnet and have family in saint albans and bridgnorth! love all things british, and can't wait to make a trip sometime in the near future.

    i'm 29, with a goal of about 10 more pounds to lose. motivation is starting to slip, so thought joining MFP and some inspirational groups would be beneficial :heart:
  • phildanf
    phildanf Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm Phil and I'm 31 years old and I'm an accountant (don't worry I'm not a boring old fart just yet! :laugh: )

    I live and work in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.

    I love exercising and have regular detoxes from drinking! Played football all my life and up to a fairly decent standard. Plagued with injuries so restricted to what exercise I can do - no road running (unfortunately!).

    You'll generally find me in the swimming pool and on the cross trainer mostly! Eat relatively heath already (apart from Xmas!!)

    Married to Kim and got a little boy called Oliver who is just over 1!

    :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • lottichar
    lottichar Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm Lotti, 21 and from the North East. Looking for some support so that I can learn to sustain a healthy lifestyle rather than just yoyo-ing! I'm currently at my highest ever weight and it seems like such a huge challenge but I'm looking forward to the days when I can say that I am fit.
  • leighroberts1
    leighroberts1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi...I'm Leigh from Leeds, trying to get fit and healthy, i eat quite good but its the motivation that i need most....always been quite slim but getting older has its foot forward...stiff upper lip and get on with it...with enjoyment of course.
  • danrough
    danrough Posts: 30 Member
    Hey there! Joined MFP in December last year or thereabouts. Really enjoying the extra sense of accountability it gives me. I'm currently 104.3 Kgs which has me at least 10Kgs over suggested weight limits.

    Off to the Alps with friends to ride bikes in July. It's time to shed weight to make climbing those Cols easier!

    Add me - hopefully we can provide each other with a little extra motivation!

  • Hello All... i'm not British... i'm American - but I would love to have some friends from across the pond to support me in the journey!
  • peel75
    peel75 Posts: 1
    Hi all... I live and work in London.

    I always considered myself quite healthy... right up until the point I quit smoking last may and put on about 10Kg in about 5 months. I've been training in the gym 5 times a week since Oct/Nov but hasn't seemed to make any difference, so I guess you really can't out train a poor diet.

    Anyway that's why I am here. Need to ensure that I keep track of what I am eating and when I am training...

    Would love anyone to add me as a friend for mutual support...
  • Hi all, I'm Jen...29...mum of 3...engaged and needing to lose about a house in weight.
    Will welcome any friends and motivation
    Lost 7lbs in 2 weeks using MFP so on the right road.... xx
  • janinepady
    janinepady Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Janine, and nearly 50! I gave up a fast paced job and took a more leisurely one, and boy did the pounds pile on! Never been as heavy as I am now, but definitely aim to shift it. Started MFP about 3 weeks ago, and am sticking to calorie control and am doing more exercise - myself and a couple of friends from work are doing one work-out a week and I take my daughter's dog out for a walk four times a week. I am building myself up to actually exercising daily, but want to lose a bit before I start being too energetic.

    I am happy to be part of this group - I want what we all want - less weight, more fun!

  • Hi All

    I'm a guy in my 40's living in Yorkshire. I've been on MFP for almost a week and so far things are going well, I've quite a bit of weight to loose so I'll be around for a good while. I hope we can motivate each other. My diary is open in case your nosy and new friends are greatly appreciated.
  • CatFrogPanda
    CatFrogPanda Posts: 45 Member
    Hey I'm Chris, and 22
    Want to loose 16IB and get rid of the still christmas fat. I have lost weight before but I want to be able to keep it off this time. I try to burn 500 calories a day (its a new one i'm trying). I am Currently 9st9IB and want to be 8st7IB again.
    I like most thing japanese so anime/films/TV/Music/manga and learning a bit of japanese lang.
    anyone feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyone

    I'm Nicola, live in North East and I'm 25. I'm a size 10-12 and 11st but really want to get down to around 9st 5. I'm 5'7.

    I'm on meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch and I eat as healthy as I can for my dinner and snacking. I've started going to the gym 3x per week and I've invested in some dumbbells and a resistance band.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • britandcelt
    britandcelt Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Julia, 34 years old. I was born in and live in America but am a dual national. My parents are British and my whole family lives over there, with the exception of my sister and father. I have Crohn's disease so my weight is a struggle due to the challenges of flares, multiple food allergies, and multiple medications...balancing life in general with a chronic disease. I would like to lose 50 lbs (about 3.5 stone) and I have lost about 7lbs so far. I'm working with a bunch of co-workers on My Fitness Pal (we're all in nursing) so have a big support group.
  • Hello All!

    I'm Sally from Texas-USA! Looking to loose approx 5 stones in the next 6-8 months. Also, I have an affinity for GB & would love some new friends! I think it would be lovely to visit my friends in GB once I've finished my transforamtion... and of course you would be welcome here as well!

    Let's chat soon!

    Blessings & Best wishes!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi I'm Jennie and I live in Cornwall. I have been a member of MFP for 5 days and am really enjoying using it so far. I am hoping after the Easter hols my enthusiasm is still as high as once back at work I have a lot less time to be organised so thought if I get into the swing of it now it will hopefully be easier after the hols.:wink:
  • lilymypetal
    lilymypetal Posts: 15
    Hi everyone I am new. I live in London, and am looking for friends to keep me motivated.
  • Drexito
    Drexito Posts: 6 Member
    Greetings from South Beach, Florida
  • Marccapi
    Marccapi Posts: 12 Member

    Looking for more friends on here to add from the UK. im from the Hertfordhshire area and workout mainly with weights 5 times a week :smokin:
  • Lola1508
    Lola1508 Posts: 4 Member
    Lola. From Newbury :)

    Only just joined.. Need some lovely friends to keep me on track x