Starting T25 Jan 13th!

I just received the T25 program in the mail and am excited to start Monday! I've have a hard time getting and keeping the weight off since I had my little boy. I would love to start the program with a group and help each other along the way! If anyone would like to start with me, I would very much welcome the support and enjoy helping others through it as well!

Bring it on T25! : )


  • You will LOVE IT!! I have an 18 month old son and I have struggled with my weight since having him. I started T25 back in September. I had to repeat several weeks cause it took me a few to get into the swing of working out again. I am about to start week 4 of the Gamma round tomorrow. I am down 16 lbs. This program has changed my life!
  • lege97
    lege97 Posts: 9 Member
    I started T25 yesterday too! I'm a mom to 3 boys, and after massive abdominal surgery and 3 pregnancies, I have about 50lbs to lose. I've never been good about working out, but have done the first two days and am loving it! I've heard such great success's hoping!!! How did your first 2 days go?
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I also started T25 yesterday! I've done Insanity a few times and needed a change. I am loving it so far! I am a work-at-home mom of 5 so I am liking the shorter workouts. I still try to fit in something extra if the day allows but it's nice not to commit to a 60-90 minute workout everyday. I'm hoping to see some good results from it!
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    M on day 3 too... will probably make up for the lost day on sat/sunday.
    I have these two weeks and then I go off for a 12 day vacation. Lets see how that goes. Though I'll be climbing a peak there....
  • lege97
    lege97 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! I had to take 2 rest days this week (Wed and Thurs) because of a terrible chest cough. So I'm a couple days behind, but I got Total Body Circuit in yesterday, Abs today and am planning my for tomorrow. I weighed in this morning and was down 5 lbs!!! I so excited...and motivated! How did week 1 go for all of you?
  • Hey Ladies!! :) I just joined myfitnesspal today woot!! I had started T25 yesterday am I to late to join this group??
  • HI Ladies,

    Ive started T25 today, i live in the UK so its nice to hear success stories from the USA. Shaun T's workouts are known off, but Insanity is more recognised.

    Had a baby 2 yrs ago, and am struggling with the excess baby weight i gained. So hopefully with the help of fitness pal and T25, they weight should melt away. :laugh: