Daily Calorie Intake

Anyone else find the suggested calorie intake abnormally high? If I post to a workout, this thing wants me to eat over 3250 calories! I do not have that much food in my house.


  • F3_Hairband
    F3_Hairband Posts: 2 Member
    That is strange, it told me 1590 calories per day.

    I wonder what would cause that. Maybe run back through your goals and see if you typed something incorrectly?
  • SilentBobF3
    Agree that you should check your inputs, but that may be about right if you're extremely active in your daily life (outside of F3 and any other workouts that you do).

    Make sure you select the right level of daily activity and don't take your workouts into account when doing so (i.e. should probably be "sedentary" if you work a desk job). Also, check what you input as your goal. If my goal is to maintain my current weight, it suggests 2,220 calories per day from "normal" activities.

    Also consider that MFP wants you to log everything, so include coffee, any cream / sugar added to coffee, ketchup and any other condiments/sauces that contain calories, etc. If you don't eat or drink anything like that, you're good.
  • unclejwilk
    Aye. Thanks fellas. It was the sedentary job option that was putting it high.
  • walkerham
    walkerham Posts: 2 Member
    Mine has me around 2160 and when you factor in a morning post I never get to that many calories in a day.