Why does my stomach think I'm starving?

Guys, help me out - I'm asking because it's driving me batty right this moment and I'm betting most, if not all of you, are smarter than me when it comes to health and fitness.

Right this moment, I feel starving. As in nauseous, shaky, vibrating eyeballs starving. But I can't be. I had a Subway 6 inch three hours ago, and I had Oats for breakfast before that (and skipping breakfast entirely is one of my worst habits, usually).

So I've had a good breakfast and lunch, both decent and filling. I've just knocked off the last of a 1L bottle of water that I started this morning.

What am I missing?


  • DonnaW_78
    DonnaW_78 Posts: 76 Member
    Is it through boredom or is your tummy really grumbling hungry? I'd suggest a cup of coffee or tea, more water or go out for a walk. Do anything to get your mind off it. I'm terrible when I'm home & bored but I find a cup of coffee usually eases the hunger.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    How about protein and fat? Just a suggestion as it seems with oats and subway you've had plenty of carbs.
  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    I always make sure there is some kind of protein in each meal

    nuts and Seeds in my breakfast at 9:30
    Meat of some sort or eggs or tuna with my Salad at lunch at 2:00
    and Meat of some sort with my at veggies dinner at 6:30

    Drinking at least 2 glasses of water with each meal.

    I dont get snacky at all any more..

    Oh.. and I take my time eating it to.. usually over 30-45 min..
  • itbloke
    itbloke Posts: 20 Member
    Protein needed - helps me greatly.

    I had the same issue, I am currently intermittent fasting for 3 days a week (on the 4:3 plan) and was really hard on my first day, sort of like withdrawal symptoms, however they passed for me after a few days, yesterdays fast - no probs :)

    I've also found that having the biggest meals in the morning (most of my protein intake here) through to smallest in the evening helps with cravings.
  • DonziMonster
    DonziMonster Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the tips guys!!! I'll be keeping a better eye on my protein intake and making sure I drink lots of water through the day, not all in one hit when I think it might be the problem :)
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    Being hungry is horrible and can set you off track, so maybe just plan on having a mid morning snack.

    A tub of yogurt or some cheese and crackers, some cottage cheese and celery or a banana or something, just to keep you going a little longer.

    I eat a decent size breakfast and am absolutely starving by lunchtime (even when I'm sitting at a desk a work all morning), so if I need to I just eat, a few extra calories to make for a more enjoyable and easy day is worth it.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Look, in reality Subway is a healthier option but not exactly what I'd call healthy or balanced and in my opinion being hungry three hours after having a 6 inch would be quite normal.

    If you want a better but similar option, good quality wholegrain or sour dough bread (none of subway's breads fall into this catagory) with a decent amount of lean meat, salad and some healthy fat from avocado or egg. This should keep you full a bit longer but in case you get hungry keep some healthy snacks about the place.