Just Starting Dukan for real for the first time

S1inky Posts: 21 Member
I had the book about a year ago - thought it was good and gave it to my sister who actually followed it and thought it was good and had some success with it. Altered my scales and now realise that without clothes on I am officially just under obese at 11st 11lbs! 5ft 3. Totally disgusted with myself. Some of this will be water retention as menopausal with periods and have hypothyroidism. But really...

Bought myself another copy of the book 2010 version and started on Saturday. Problem was I had bought the wrong shopping. So not strictly adhering ie roast lamb, breaded ham not low calorie, greek yogurt and activia yogurt - not low fat as picked up the wrong packets. Roasted lamb chops. I have scraped myself through 3 days and lost 3lbs. I was going to do the 5 day attack but have decided to do a' lite' veg for day 4 and 6 and then cruise properly alternate days, (my version anyway) until yes, on a mean little app says: SEPTEMBER ugh. 8 whole months..


  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Well done on your initial loss.......great result even with the 'non allowed' foods. How much do you need to lose In total ? 8 months sounds like a long time in cruise ? Oh I would kill for some roast lamb!!!
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    I think it takes a while to get used to correct shopping, I wouldn't freak out about it. The carb-withdrawal is what gives you the kick. In my experience, a little fat usually does less damage than a little bit of carbs. (Perhaps because fat doesn't affect insulin)
    All I can say is that I do best on the diet when I really prepare in advance and stick to it. I rebooted on January 7th with a fat-free grill and a stack of lean meats and boiled eggs. I am very proud of myself for having stuck so well to it for one whole week, even though my loss is only 1.5 kg (3 lbs?). However, since I keep a diet diary for the past few years, I was able to notice that the first time I did Dukan and lost my 18 lbs, I needed 12 days for the diet to really start working with serious fat loss.
    There is also a difference in how much weight there is to lose. It seems to be easier if you are rather obese, and if you are just on the cusp or a little overweight, the weight loss is slower. Remember that our bodies are programmed for survival, and it doesn't like giving away its reserves unless in a dire emergency!
    So just stick with the diet, do your best and take a deep breath cuz it will work out eventually.
    And cruising until September? Is that correct? I recall the book saying to do 3 days of cruise per lb that you want to lose.
  • S1inky
    S1inky Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, going by your point of 3days for each 1ib : that would mean hoping to lose 5st 3lb ish. Which I hadnt actually calculated on. so that sounds like good news to me. I will ditch that stupid little app as even I could work it out better. Also I remember if you go to the Dukan official site you can get more exact guides to length of program you need to stick to. So I will do that next.

    After veg yesterday I am back to 11.12 - but only just /borderline. The plan for today is egg and bacon and roast chicken, and a 1 slice pastrami - erm , yes I know. A mini gherkin or two, yogurt and that will be it.

    Thank you for drawing my attention to the timings of each stage.