What's your starting weight and goal weight/ goals



  • Hi I am 49 and 8 months . Meaning in 4 months I hit the BIG 50. I am 5'6 and 190 pounds. I gained 25 last year and need to get it off plus more. My goal is 135
    SW- 190
    GW- 135
    1st Goal - 150 by my birthday
  • artrunner89
    artrunner89 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am 6'0 tall and 175lbs. I have always been self-conscious of my body, NOT ANYMORE. I want to lose 30lbs and get to my old weight of 145. I seem to be on a plauteu, but ready to punch start this and kick some butt! Who's with me!:)
  • licktat
    licktat Posts: 11 Member
    I joined this group as an incentive for you all. I am down 49 lbs since late July. So essentially, I will have lost 50 pounds in six months. I hit a plateau, in October, but I didn't give up. I think the plateau was aggravated by my cheating on the diet. That said, you can fight through your expected cheating on the diet by making sure your get your cardio in 6 days a week for 40 minutes or more....
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    Hello yall. Ok do we have to follow your diet plan to be in this group? I just workout and eat a deficit watching portion size. If it's cool to lose how we want to....

    I am 5'5"


    Once I reach my goal I will reassess if I need to lose more but I would like to reach this goal by my birthday which happens to be June 1st :smile:
  • If you have a plan set out and it's working doll, GO FOR IT. This is more of a support group than anything
  • emilysfatsuit
    emilysfatsuit Posts: 23 Member
    Count me in! You all rock! I became more and more motivated as I read through all your posts. :)

    SW: 259
    CW: 224
    My "50 lbs by June Challenge" goal: 170
    UGW: 129 (my secret fantasy is to make it into next year's "Half Their Size" issue of People magazine! lol)

    I've lost 39 pounds doing my own version of a low carb/high protein diet and cardio exercise, so, for this challenge, I'll continue doing what I've been doing. After I wrap up my day, I'll go home and take an oh-so-flattering (NOT!) "before" picture and my measurements tonight.

    To be honest, I'm kind of dreading posting my "before" picture, but so excited that I'm only 5 months away from my first fabulous "after" picture!
  • ganaranabanana
    ganaranabanana Posts: 7 Member
    Hey all! I'm 5'5 and 24 years old. My starting weight was 226, my current weight is 191 and my goal is to weigh 135 by by birthday on June 27th! I lost 50 pounds before, but then going back to work at a homestyle cooking place packed on some pounds, and then it just kept going up. I don't have a specific exercise regimen, as long as I make sure to workout at least 4 days a week I feel awesome. I think above all my fitness goals, I want to be proud of my body and push it as far as it can go. Everyone says these are machines, so I would love to test this.!
  • Obesity is a virtue
  • noobs
  • miya265
    miya265 Posts: 13 Member
    SW 259 pounds
    CW 209 pounds
    UGW 135 pounds

    Ht 5'6"

    I just want to fit into better clothes and look and feel great!!!

    My mantra: Just do it
  • Hi my name is lakena my starting weight is 207 I would like to be 135 I want too lose weight to feel better and be healthier.
  • Hi everyone!!

    Wow what a fantastic idea for a group! All your posts are motivating!!!

    SW: 222.8 lbs
    CW: 200.6 lbs
    UGW: 150 / 155 lbs
    HEIGHT: 5'7''

    My man and I are about to embark on the T25 journey next week to help us with our weight loss goals and we've started eating healthier, WHOLE foods. Trying to stay away from processed stuff!
    I'm tired of being the 'fattie' i'm ready to throw my self-esteem and body-concious issues out the window!
    Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you!!! :D
  • Good work so far. Keep it up!
  • My name is Cynthia. I'm 45 years old (46 next month). I'm 5' 6". I want to loose weight to get and stay healthy. I also want to feel sexy again. I'm not married, I don't have kids and I work full time. I decided to loose weight on Dec 22, 2013. I told myself the day after Christmas I'd stard and I did but I didn't get serious until Dec. 29th.

    My starting weight on 12/29/13 : 212.5
    CW: 206.5

    I don't want to add my goal weight because it makes me realize how far I have to go. Instead, I'm aiming for the next 10 lbs. My next goal will be 10 lbs, and so on...

    I started doing Tae Bo Basic which is about 25 minutes. I did that for the first 2 weeks. On Wednesday, 1/14, I started "Ripped in 30". I have to say my whole body is sore but I like it. I do just one dvd session a day and I cook my meals. I keep it fresh and simple.

    I stay motivated by giving myself a star on a wall calendar for every day I work out. It works!

    Good luck to you ALL.
  • livingatthelake
    livingatthelake Posts: 3 Member
    I want to make 2014 my year of change:

    SW. 260
    GW. 210 by June
    UGW. 180

    I lost 27 pounds last year and would like to make major changes this year. I wanted at the first of the year, altered my diet to 1,200 calories and do cardio about 4x a week and strength training about 3x a week. Right now I am not losing weight. Suggestions please as to what is happening. Help!
  • SW/CW 257
    UGW 187
    June Goal 207
    Height 5'10"
    Starting Bob Harper's jumpstart to get me going!
  • Absolutely not an expert but have been reading a lot, are you drinking enough water?
  • Vyrooka
    Vyrooka Posts: 2 Member
    Starting at 250... We can do this!
  • Hi I just found this group and I am going to try my hardest to do this! I would love to be down 50 by June - that would be amazing! A little about me, I started at 272 I am down 30 thus far (242 roughly) and would be ecstatic to get to 190 (exactly 50 pounds away!

    Please friend request me to keep me on track and for motivation purposes if you feel led!
    Have a great weekend!
  • Karen_8992
    Karen_8992 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm ready to jump on board. I am 5ft 9 and my SW was 292, my current weight is 242. I would love to lose 50 lbs by June and be at a GW of 192...That would make a total of 100 lbs off since beginning! I am ready to feel good this summer and not feel like I am hiding on the outside. I'm a pretty positive person and love my teaching job. It is like I am tugging in two different directions...positive and happy but because of my weight/size I'm kind of hiding in my mind.

    I'M READY TO DO THIS! I would be happy to MFP friending you so we can be a motivating world.:happy: