FOR FUN - Paleo/Primal Folks, what is your blood type?

redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
Recently I have read about the blood type diet. It got me thinking, because it totally fits my family.

If you have not read about this here is the short scoop:

O bloodtype is ultimate hunters/gatherers bloodtype. It asocuated with high stomach acid that makes digesting meat and animal protein easier. They can not digest wheat and gluten well, and often have problems with dairy as well. Suggested to cut out grains, legumes and seversly restrict dairy. Most recommended fruits: berries.
Practically it sounds like paleo isn't it?

A Bloodtype is the classic vegetarian/farmers . It associated with low stomach acid, which makes meat digestion harder. They thrive on nuts and seed and legumes and grains, limited dairy

B bloodtype is the most adapted to the modern diet, they can eat dairy freely , but gluten can be an issue, also suggested to avoid tomatoes

AB bloodtype is newest bloodtype, it showed up less than a 1000 yrs ago and it can handle grain and gluten the best, limited meat

So what is your and your family bloodtype? Does their food preference /primal/ paleo status coincide with the bloodtype?


  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    Interesting. My hairdresser does this and I keep meaning to read about it.

    I'm B and gluten is an issue for me. I can't go without tomatoes though - love them!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I have a O blood type, and I always was an animal protein eater , even as a kid. Sunday lunch was the feast in our house with a huge roast and french fires and dessert. I remember my sister , who has a type A bloodtype , always took a bucketload of french fries , refuse the meat and ate the dessert for the both of us. Me and my dad, both type O were indulging on the meat like crazy . As a dessert sometimes I just ask for more meat :) My parents were kind of poor, and meat was expensive so this Sunday feast were my favorite meal of the week. Also I was the type of kid , who eats the bologna out of the sandwich and throws the bread away. My sister was the type of kid, who throws away the bologna( or pass it to her little sister) and eats the plain bread.

    Later my type A sister became a vegetarian when she was a teenager for 8 years and only those years she was normal weight.
    I was a little chubby ( but not obese ) teeneger and young adult, and the first time I became normal weight was after I finished college the first time and I had money to eat meat and vegetables on daily basis.

    I learnt about primal/paleo a few years ago, and it just suited me , because by nature I am a meat eater and never liked pasta , bread etc . I always ate the topping from the pizza.
    My husband has a B bloodtype, and for years I can not convince him to be primal . Yesterday I roasted chicken legs, and when he asked what is for dinner and I answered, he said AGAIN? Why are we eating meat all the time? He prefers grilled cheese sandwich over steak. Or would eat bread with sour cream or plain yogurt all day.
    My son who is also type B is the same as his dad. The kid would live on eggs, cheese, yogurt and fruit if I let him. Seriously the kids eats 50+% of his protein from eggs.

    My 12 months old baby daughter , who is again type O is a huge meat eater. She prefers beef over ANYTHING.
    In a restaurant , I order steak with veggies and my husband orders pasta. My baby daughter steals my steak and my son eats plain rice .
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I'm O and everything you described fits me to a T. Paleo is the first diet that has made any sense in my life.
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    I'm with the other O types. I have been a huge meat fan ever since my parents would feed it to me. Funny how that description is me. Just last weekend when I went grocery shopping and came home with 35 lbs of meat for our meals. haha Yummy!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The problem with the Blood Type Diet is that almost everyone would do best eating the recommendations for O. I fit it all too, but I still think Paleo/Primal lifestyle kill the BTD.

    I'm an O negative. Gotta have me lots of meat and fat.. but my ancestors have been farmers for at least a thousand years, and posibly more.

    My child is an A positive.... which she inherited from her Inuit side. Her ancestors have lived off of animal fat and meat almost completely for thousands of years so....
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    AB+ and I think the BTD is full of it.

    I actually don't do well on a grain-based diet. My family was poor growing up, and so we had a lot of grain based meals - despite living on a hill and walking/biking everywhere and playing basketball for school (small school, so I played in both the 7th and 8th grade games and later both JV and Varsity games), I was still a good 25lbs overweight. I also always had acne that no amount of face-washing or medication could touch.

    Nowadays, if I have gluten in my diet for more than about a week, I get eczema and acne flair-ups that don't go away, even with medication or other remedies, until I nix the gluten again.

    Additionally, the one thing I've typically been able to eat, even while sick, is steak. I could be throwing up nearly everything I eat, and even if one of the things I've eaten is steak, my body will purge everything else (I have no idea how, since everything is theoretically "mixed up," but my body has always done that).
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm O negative.

    Was a vegetarian for 10 years, not good for me.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I'm O positive. Fits me to a T.
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    I'm O+ as well and agree 100% that paleo/primal is the only way of eating that makes any sense to me and my body. It's the longest I've stuck with anything and I'm so grateful that I found this way of life. Anything else "diet" or otherwise, can take a hike! lol
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    The problem with the Blood Type Diet is that almost everyone would do best eating the recommendations for O. I fit it all too, but I still think Paleo/Primal lifestyle kill the BTD.

    I'm an O negative. Gotta have me lots of meat and fat.. but my ancestors have been farmers for at least a thousand years, and posibly more.

    My child is an A positive.... which she inherited from her Inuit side. Her ancestors have lived off of animal fat and meat almost completely for thousands of years so....

    Fun fact - O is the most common blood type, and because it's recessive in terms of hereditary (ie - if both parents are O, the child must be O, but if one parent is A or B, the child may be A/B or O), people with A or B blood types may also be "partially" O. AB is the rarest, at about 5% of the total population (compared to about 45% for O).

    So, if the science BTD does actually have any credence, then perhaps this is why most people actually do well on a Paleo diet? Of course, I voiced my opinion on it earlier, but I thought that was an interesting thought, nonetheless.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Fun fact - O is the most common blood type, and because it's recessive in terms of hereditary (ie - if both parents are O, the child must be O, but if one parent is A or B, the child may be A/B or O), people with A or B blood types may also be "partially" O. AB is the rarest, at about 5% of the total population (compared to about 45% for O).

    So, if the science BTD does actually have any credence, then perhaps this is why most people actually do well on a Paleo diet? Of course, I voiced my opinion on it earlier, but I thought that was an interesting thought, nonetheless.
    Yes O allel is the most common, but actually the proportion of the bloodtype vary a LOT based on geographic locations. There are countries/populations which are 100% of one single bloodtype like A.
    Here are some maps:

    Also one of the theory on the history of the bloodtypes is that originally all human were O bloodtypes, and the A and then B and most recently AB bloodtypes are the result of evolutions as human adapted to the new situations . ( There are theories that say the opposite, but noone know for sure , but it is a fun to apply this theory on the history of diets)

    If the BTD has some merit, it is totally reasonable . Originally everybody was hunter gatherer type O, and slowly as agriculture and farming , dairy became available as a food source human started to adapt to it to able to digest it. Some human digestive system adapted to the new food sources , which no longer made them sick. However the adaption of the new food sources took over much much faster than evolution could handle, and the new grain/dairy based diets became widely adapted despite the fact that a large proportion of humans still can not handle it. Those who are physically or emotionally/mentally sick and/or fat / or underweight in grain based diet thrive on going back to the hunter gatherers roots.

    I do believe the health benefit of paleo/primal diet, but lets face there are people who thrive physically/emotionally etc eating grains in their entire life. This kind of logic explains why grain based diet makes so many people sick,but not everybody.

    Anyway I just thought I bring this idea up for kicks, to see if others see this tendency of O type meat eater /primal vs non-O type non-primal family member different food preferences.
  • jenjersnapco
    jenjersnapco Posts: 206 Member
    So interesting. I am A+ and was a vegetarian for years. I have never had a taste for meat but, despite a relatively healthy diet that included lots of whole grains and a regular workout routine, I was still overweight and couldn't lose. Once I switched to paleo, it started to come off. I still dream of red lentil dal though!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Interesting.. I am type A. My naturopath recently encouraged me to follow the diet with some addtional animal protein. BUT, I don;t tolerate gluten or grains in general, certainly not legumes, and only the smallest amt of dairy (though when I do eat wheat or dairy I can get quite addicted).

    I don't digest beef at all well- yet try a yummy steak a couple of times a year. I'm a bit better with lamb, much better with chicken or fish.

    And I can eat almost any kind of vegetable, and most fruits in moderation..

    Certainly I'm never hungry on a paleo diet, and its what I ate when I hiked in the Himalayas - no rice - and I was pain free and filled with energy.

    Hard to know sometimes what our body's would have naturally sought out had we not been bottle fed cows milk from young, bread at every lunch, cheese at every evening, mountains of sugar etc. Hard to know what the body would naturally want and avoid, rather than what are problems created by our lfiestyle as children - carried on into adulthood.
    So I found paleo because of what I know works for me when I am not unkindly indulging myself.
  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    Interesting but doesn't fit me at all. I'm A+ and tolerate all the animal protein very well. I do love vegetables but you couldn't pay me enough money to be a vegetarian. Maybe I'm a mutant.
  • O+ meat eating, warrior woman on a mission! :)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I,m O pos was a vegetarian for 5 years in my early twenties probably my unhealthiest at that point. Paleo really suits me this is all so interesting.
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    0 pos....I was a vegan for years and have never been more unhealthy. I was a good vegan too..not just french fries and diet coke :) Now I have mega anxiety if I miss meat in a meal! Ha ha...the body knows what it wants!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Interesting but doesn't fit me at all. I'm A+ and tolerate all the animal protein very well. I do love vegetables but you couldn't pay me enough money to be a vegetarian. Maybe I'm a mutant.

    I've been discovering how much my body hates grains, so if you are, so am I.

    ...Or maybe it's an indication of how "tolerates best" still isn't all that good?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Interesting but doesn't fit me at all. I'm A+ and tolerate all the animal protein very well. I do love vegetables but you couldn't pay me enough money to be a vegetarian. Maybe I'm a mutant.

    I've been discovering how much my body hates grains, so if you are, so am I.

    ...Or maybe it's an indication of how "tolerates best" still isn't all that good?

    Then my A+ Inuit child is a strange mutant too, as are the family members that she inherited the A+ from..... Yet, as Inuit their diet has been dominated by animal fat and meat and almost no plant foods for thousands of years.... I think D'Adamo's theories fall apart completely with even just a little investigation. Yeah, "tolerates best" sucks. So, it's fun to see if the BTD fits us or not but I'm certainly not about to apply the recommended blood type A diet to my child. Only the O recommendations make sense in my mind and at least it did open my eyes to to the idea that maybe grains weren't totally healthy as I'd been told forever by so many sources....
  • candleholic
    candleholic Posts: 10 Member
    I'm O pos, and the description fits me perfectly! Interesting information.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'm B+. No issues with milk or gluten (I just choose to avoid gluten and go light on dairy products).
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I'm blood type A- highly allergic to gluten, legumes make me ill and I eat a stack of meat- I'm thinking it's a load of s*** lol
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    A+ here. No wonder I have a green thumb, love fresh herbs and veggies. My favorite source of protein is organic eggs. The chicken and beef I eat has to be boiled for a long time because of digestion issues. I'm pretty sure I have low stomach acid. I recently quit keto because it was depressing me to not eat veggies freely.