Atkins and Insanity!!!

natliii1 Posts: 27 Member
I am on a mission to become healthy this year!!! I have previously done Atkins and and Insanity and had good results my body was looking tight, lol.
I would like people to join my group so we can motivate each other, have weekly weigh ins and maybe start up some competitions where prizes will be won.

Who else has done insanity and Atkins together and what were your results?


  • hananemolki
    hananemolki Posts: 6 Member
    i have done Atkins before and it worked but have never done insanity .. am thinking of buing teh DVD's so i cant start doing that .
  • natliii1
    natliii1 Posts: 27 Member
    The results are amazing when you do the two together, when I first did Atkins I did it without exercise and I looked really lean but when I combined the two my body looked amazing.
    I would definitely recommend Insanity its hard but the results are amazing.
  • Kola1on1
    Started Atkins today and Insanity tomorrow, haven't done any of them before so I'm pretty excited. What am I in for?
  • marym251082
    Hey ,

    I am planning to start the atkins diet today. I have heard a lot about it and willing to give it my best. I need to lose 30 pounds and looking for some motivation and support. I have had weight problems all my life , so am looking forward to a good start. I tried doing Insanity before and dint make an effort to do it even for a week. Any tips or suggestions???thanks in advance :)