Logging Activities

giggalz Posts: 54 Member
Howdy roo!! I've had a bodymedia since...August maybe? After having a fitbit one..and now the polar loop..I rely mostly on my bodymedia. I'm a night owl and often times will do my days workout after midnight..So I log them under the same day for me..like for instance its Sunday..I will workout after midnight which would technically be monday..but when I log them into MFP I log it under Sunday..not Monday. Should I continue doing this ?? or could this possibly mess me up somehow? or just put it under the next day beings my bodymedia counts it for that day.

Just curious of others thoughts on this...I've always wondered whether this is okay..or hinders any results. Since having all of these fitness devices I havent really lost anything (but hey havent gotten bigger right??)


  • lisab64mfp
    lisab64mfp Posts: 89 Member
    I think as long as you log the same way consistently it should all work out. I'm assuming you have your MFP and BMF accounts linked. Do you have negative adjustments enabled?
  • giggalz
    giggalz Posts: 54 Member
    yes i have them link..i've been doing it this way the entire time..its just something i always wondered...i'm not sure if it does in regards to your last question..and i cannot seem to figure out where to make sure?
  • lisab64mfp
    lisab64mfp Posts: 89 Member
    It's in the Diary Settings (My Home - Settings - Diary Settings).

    Depending on what you have your activity level set at (ie if it's one of the lower levels -sedentary or lightly active) you probably will never have a negative adjustment. I have my activity level set higher (somewhere in between active and very active is right for me in the winter) but do occasionally have a less active day and want to make sure I stay w/in my calorie limit.

    (just thought of this) If you sync your BMF in the mornings you'll probably see a negative adjustment on MFP. I tend to delete that negative adjustment because I don't want to see it and I know I'll be busy throughout the day (and will burn more than BMF projects in the AM). Typically I sync my BMF at night just before I close out my food for the day -- that way the numbers are accurate (I don't wear my BMF at night).
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    If you're logging your activity as 1 cal burn (since the BMF will show any actual calorie burn overage) you should be fine... technically in that case you are just logging the activity for your own info. If you have the BMF linked to MFP then you should only be logging the 1 calorie burn for an activity.

    Curious, since MFP and BMF go by the 24 hour day, midnight to midnight, why not log on the actual day?? If you workout at 1am on Monday, technically it's Monday, why not log it on Monday? Is there any benefit doing it the other way?
  • giggalz
    giggalz Posts: 54 Member
    ah i skimmed right over it ...yes i do have negative adjustments enabled..I have mine sent on sedentary..beings my job is mostly sitting all day ..define mornings..mornings for me is typically in the afternoon ....i dont sync till after I work out and plug in my food info on mfp
  • giggalz
    giggalz Posts: 54 Member
    confused by the 1 calorie burned thing? I use my hrm for accurate burn in that time..i have been using it..since i started working out..and thats been before the bodymedia..

    if i worked out on monday at 1am..i count it as sunday..because that is still a day for me..it could of been a rest day the previous day..and my burn would be very low..and i wouldnt be allowed to eat as much..i would require more food on workout days then non workout days
  • lisab64mfp
    lisab64mfp Posts: 89 Member
    Whatever morning means to you is fine by me. The point I was trying to make was that you might see negative adjustments. I hate them and delete them if I do a morning sync cuz I hate seeing them reflected on the calories I "can" eat. The BMF adjustment changes w/each sync if you sync multiple times during the day.

    I don't do the 1 calorie burn thing either -- I input my HRM numbers from my exercise into MFP and then let BMF do the adjustment for my activity for the rest of my day. It just amazes me how many calories a person burns from just being busy compared to what they burn while doing "busting their butt" exercise.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I didn't realize you could log HRM and BMF. SInce I wear my BMF the entire day (even when I workout) and have it linked to upload to MFP it accounts for everything. I'm marked as "sedentary" myself (I work an office job), and MFP allots me a certain number for calorie burn based on this. If I go over that number based on uploads from my BMF then it shows as extra calories burned in MFP. Since I have the Link I start a "Quick Start" workout when I begin and stop it when I end so I know how many cals I burned during my workouts.

    As far as "morning/afternoon/evening", do what works for you, but for me it would be confusing to keep track like that, especially on days off or on vacation. Even if less was eaten one day or more the next (depending on workouts) it would all even out in the end..