The Good, the Bad OR the downright ugly

So I saw we were thinking of maybe posting something good - or bad - about the past week.

My good - NO pop!
My bad - I did have a few Monster Rehabs (I'm weaning off!) another bad - I didn't even want to tell you guys about the Monsters :-/
My ugly - I consumed like 1500 calories of enchiladas and chips and salsa Friday night. It was delicious buuuut the water retention? Not so much.

What are your goods, bads and uglies?


  • 2014NewBodyNewMe
    2014NewBodyNewMe Posts: 57 Member
    My good:smile: starting to eat salads again
    My bad:grumble: Husband making brownies and muffins and eating them.
    My ugly :cry: Eating a bag of BBQ chips in one night.
    Worried about tomorrow weigh in:ohwell:
  • Nightfall30
    Nightfall30 Posts: 112 Member
    My good - Stayed under weekly calories
    My bad - Dominos pizza
    My ugly - Was supremely stressed so under-ate by a lot on some days, & exercised only one of the 7 days
  • kjungie2014
    kjungie2014 Posts: 4 Member
    The good- I started to take better lunches to work during the week.
    The bad- Started drinking pop again after I was ALMOST completely stopped
    The ugly- Pigged out on pizza and pop with the boyfriend on Friday.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    The good: Got up every morning and worked out for the 2nd week in a row!
    The bad: Had a few beers Saturday
    The ugly: Had fried food and salty foods Saturday

    Can't complain too much since it was only one day:) There is always this week!!
  • rlallain
    rlallain Posts: 376 Member
    I LOVE that we're doing this!!! This is what helps us all know that we're not alone in our struggles, but we see the other good stuff going on, too, which motivates us. Yay!

    So now my turn:
    The good: I got in 5 great workouts during the week, with some fun playing outside in the snow with the kids this weekend to burn some extra calories.
    The bad: I'm still horrible on the weekends. I don't track food, I give in to whatever my husband is eating - bad!
    The ugly: I ate an ice cream sundae after a high sodium meal Friday night. *Really ugly!!*
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    My good: I made mason jar salads for the whole week for my boyfriend and I. We enjoyed them. I've continued this week.
    My bad: I went over slightly in calories on Friday night.
    My ugly: I did not meet my 10,000 steps goal any day this past week. :-( Ashamed but determined to do better this week.
  • Good: I had a great workout week and bought a bike and rode around all weekend with my dogs.
    Bad: I had 2 evenings this week where I didn't as well as I knew I could have
    UGLY: I binged on Sunday night on pizza.... 4 cheesy bread and 3 pizzas.... OUCH.

    I haven't weighed myself today from today weigh in... I AM SCARED
  • I LOVE that we're doing this!!! This is what helps us all know that we're not alone in our struggles, but we see the other good stuff going on, too, which motivates us. Yay!

    So now my turn:
    The good: I got in 5 great workouts during the week, with some fun playing outside in the snow with the kids this weekend to burn some extra calories.
    The bad: I'm still horrible on the weekends. I don't track food, I give in to whatever my husband is eating - bad!
    The ugly: I ate an ice cream sundae after a high sodium meal Friday night. *Really ugly!!*

    OH YES WEEKENDS!!! I did not track well at all this weekend... I am in the same boat! It is difficult when the weekends are all about NOT being in the "routine"..... need to do something to help me remember to track on Saturday and Sunday.
  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    Here it is...Sunday again.

    My good? I finally got rid of my pesky "monthly visitor" and blasted through my mini plateau of 158. Woohoo!
    The bad...I had McDonald's chocolate chip cookies.
    The ugly...three McDonald's cookies. Ohhhhh...I feel better for telling you but still! Ugh.

    I'm right back on the horse though, so I count that as an "okay".

    Exciting news? I think I'm going to start lifting "heavy" (heavy for me, that is). I'm psyched!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    The good: I did 150 jumping jacks every day this week.
    The bad: I went out to dinner Tuesday and ordered what I thought would be the healthiest ended up having about 1/2 a cup of nuts that were probably sauteed in butter, which I didn't count on. I tried to only eat some of them...but basicly ended up picking them off my otherwise empty plate and eating them anyway.
    The ugly: I was also surprised with two slices of bread on the side of my salad...I ate those too after vowing not too. Oh and I still haven't been reaching my 10,000 steps a day goal. I need to work harder on that.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    The good: Stayed on track even with husband. Ordered very healthy off the menu, went grocery shopping instead of out to dinner by myself during extra time with the sitter (hubby was out of town most of the week) and stayed close to calorie goals even when I hosted a party Sunday night.
    The other good: Inspired another mom from my daughter's school NOT to skip the gym AND worked out with her, too. She was grateful and said she was totally ready to sneak home until I called her out.
    The bad: Ate a few more pita chips (homemade, by me, self sabotage) at the party then I wanted to. And had that one Modelo that was staring at me after I already had two cocktails.
    The ugly: Surgeon confirmed that I have an umbilical hernia and that I shouldn't fix it since it doesn't hurt (thank you, back to back pregnancies). Party trick, ladies....I will not be doing certain abdominal exercises in public anymore either. Not fun to hear that no matter how good I get it, my belly is always going to look goofy now.
  • The Good: Got back on track with eating healthy. I feel like when I eat healthy, I am super good, but when I want to be bad, I am super bad. I had pizza (my absolute fave thing to eat, and worst lol), soda, the works. I did decide that I had to see it as a stepping stone to getting back to where I want to be. I have a poster in my bathroom by the scale that says, "Giving up because of a setback is like slashing your other 3 tires because you got a flat" so I decided I'm not going to sabotage my hard work and get back on track.

    The Bad: I gained 3 lbs in my week of bad, some water I am assuming because I had a crazy amount of salt, but I did weigh myself and 1 lb has fallen off already.

    You all are very inspiring and I hope you know that! I currently weigh 182 lbs and I feel happy talking about it with you all. Thank you for your support!
  • You all rock!
  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    Another Sunday is here - Super Bowl Sunday, to be exact.

    My good: somehow I've lost like 2.5 pounds this week. I worked out every day and COMPLETED the Blogilates beginner calendar!
    The bad: I had PIZZA Saturday. Like half a pizza throughout the day. It screwed with my daily calories and I went hungry later that night.
    The ugly: hmmmm...I've done pretty well this week and can't think of an "ugly" week will probably be a different story! :-)

    How is everyone else doing? Ready for weigh-in tomorrow? :-/
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    The good: I met my 10,000 steps goal twice this week and added a few more exercises into my routine
    The bad: I had a super bowl plan but didn't end up sticking with it, though I had light beer and lower calorie pizza so the impact wasn't as big as it could have been, thanks to the plan.
    The ugly: I ate 3 pieces of Lindts chocolates on Sunday, said I would only try a bite of the Chicago Mix popcorn my dad pressed on me and ended up snacking on it all night and just generally ate all the things I said I wasn't going to touch at our super bowl party.