April 2014 Babies



  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Its a girl! And I had "elevated glucose levels" in my pee yesterday...so I am getting sent for my gestational diabetes test 2 weeks early. (Still not until after Christmas though....so I can live in blissful ignorance over the holidays...)

    Does everyone get the glucose tolerance test in the US? We only get checked in England if we have a family history of diabetes (I do so have to have it) or a BMI above 30. Or if they find glucose in your pee. We have the test at 28 weeks.

    Enjoy your Xmas chocolates :smile:

    I'm pretty sure it's standard in the US. At my appointment next week, we'll be setting up the test and I'll be receiving the nasty orange drink :noway: I'm 23 weeks 4 days and will be getting the test around 28 weeks.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Its a girl! And I had "elevated glucose levels" in my pee yesterday...so I am getting sent for my gestational diabetes test 2 weeks early. (Still not until after Christmas though....so I can live in blissful ignorance over the holidays...)

    Does everyone get the glucose tolerance test in the US? We only get checked in England if we have a family history of diabetes (I do so have to have it) or a BMI above 30. Or if they find glucose in your pee. We have the test at 28 weeks.

    Enjoy your Xmas chocolates :smile:

    I'm pretty sure it's standard in the US. At my appointment next week, we'll be setting up the test and I'll be receiving the nasty orange drink :noway: I'm 23 weeks 4 days and will be getting the test around 28 weeks.

    That drink is vile! I'm having the test at 28 weeks, in Jan, and I'll be cursing my dad and his type 2 diabetes. When i had the test the first time I nearly passed out. I have low blood pressure, and I think quite low blood sugar, which doesn't mix well with fasting and a disgusting orange drink!
  • pearlsandcupcakes
    Hi everyone! I just joined the group. I'm pregnant with my first, EDD 4/26/14, and so excited to hit the halfway mark. I've been using MFP for the past few days to try to make sure I'm eating enough calories for the little peanut. I lost 10 lbs due to morning sickness my first trimester and now am having trouble eating enough due to a GI disorder. I have to eat small meals low in fat and fiber and take in a lot of my calories in liquid form - basically think the opposite of almost all eating advice you've ever gotten! I'm going in for my 20 week ultrasound and check up on Tuesday and hoping I'll have started gaining weight. Lovely to meet all of you!
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined the group. I'm pregnant with my first, EDD 4/26/14, and so excited to hit the halfway mark. I've been using MFP for the past few days to try to make sure I'm eating enough calories for the little peanut. I lost 10 lbs due to morning sickness my first trimester and now am having trouble eating enough due to a GI disorder. I have to eat small meals low in fat and fiber and take in a lot of my calories in liquid form - basically think the opposite of almost all eating advice you've ever gotten! I'm going in for my 20 week ultrasound and check up on Tuesday and hoping I'll have started gaining weight. Lovely to meet all of you!

    Welcome! How did your 20 Week Ultrasound go?
  • Superpowered
    Superpowered Posts: 13 Member
    I am due April 22!
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    It is official, I'm having another boy! So that makes four boys for me :heart:

    *I could really use some suggestions for more boy names :tongue:

    What are your other boys called? I have one boy (so far!) called Jack.

    Samuel, Nicolas & Ryan.... I really like Jackson but it got vetoed because it's to popular. I don't get that since all my boys names have been on the popular list at some point.

    Like I said, my son is Jack, which was actually the no.1 most popular boy's name in England at the time, but we both loved the name, and it really suits him. I'm a teacher, so naming my kids has been quite hard, although with girls it's easier as there's more choice! My daughter is called Maya. For this one we like Zoë.

    Boys names I'd thought of in case this one was a boy........Isaac, Noah, Luke, Liam, Ben, Tom... I also like Chris and Matthew, but we have those in our family already.

    It's interesting the difference between popular names over here, and in the US. Ryan is very popular here. So is Jordan, for both girls and boys.

    I live in Canada but I think the name trends are very similar due to television shows and movies. I'm having trouble settling on a name because I work for the school district and can associate names with kids I don't like:tongue:My boys call the baby...."The Forth" or TM for short. I have a feeling this knick name might stick.... LOL

  • tisdalla
    tisdalla Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Mamas! I am expecting my fourth baby on April 24, but will schedule a section as the date gets closer. This will be my second girl - yippee!! No names yet - the few I liked my oldest shot down :( anyway, I just started back with tracking so hoping it will help keep me honest. Last three babies I gained 35, 40, and 50 lbs and when I got pg this time around I was already about 25 lbs over where I'd like to be. I've gained 20 so far and am hoping to keep it to 15 more for a total of 35. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey all, I am a first time mum, due on the 27th April - 24 weeks on Sunday and expecting a little boy.

    I have a very high bmi so am trying to use MFP to ensure I stay on track and not gain too much during the pregnancy - I lost almost 50 lbs with MFP a couple of years ago but have binge-eating disorder so put it all back on :( Hoping if I can get back into regularly logging it will help after I have given birth to get rid of the excess weight once and for all.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi - I'm new to the group! Due April 15th-ish here :) First time pregnant and we're expecting a boy!

    I've already gained too much weight, so I'm back to MFP for logging to keep my diet and exercise in check for the rest of the pregnancy.
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    How are we doing going into the third Trimester April Mom's?

    We had our first pre-natal class last night, it seems like it could be helpful.
    Apparently I am measuring small so they are sending me for another US next week to make sure baby girl isn't also measuring small

    Having a hard time with fitness as I have had a pretty bad cold since Christmas that just won't go away, and I was in a car accident on Friday so now I don't have a car to get around and am still a bit stiff and on strict orders not to overdo anything this week.

    I was making a lot of yummy protein filled smoothies...but hubby lost the ring for the blender :( so now with no car I can't even get into town to buy a new blender...so that's really frustrating as those smoothies have been a life saver to make sure I was getting fresh veggies into my diet (STILL having weird food aversions).

    How are you all??
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    How are we doing going into the third Trimester April Mom's?

    We had our first pre-natal class last night, it seems like it could be helpful.
    Apparently I am measuring small so they are sending me for another US next week to make sure baby girl isn't also measuring small

    Having a hard time with fitness as I have had a pretty bad cold since Christmas that just won't go away, and I was in a car accident on Friday so now I don't have a car to get around and am still a bit stiff and on strict orders not to overdo anything this week.

    I was making a lot of yummy protein filled smoothies...but hubby lost the ring for the blender :( so now with no car I can't even get into town to buy a new blender...so that's really frustrating as those smoothies have been a life saver to make sure I was getting fresh veggies into my diet (STILL having weird food aversions).

    How are you all??

    Hope you're ok after the car accident. And I hope your car will be back soon! Order a blender from Amazon!

    I'm doing ok, but I'm tired. I work part time as a teacher, plus I have a 2 and 4 year old, and my husband works shifts. He's on lates this week. I was at work today, then decided to have a quick gym session after,then went to collect my son from after school club, then straight to get my daughter from nursery, then home to make dinner, bath the kids etc. They're just playing nicely before bedtime now.

    I've been eating really well and allowing myself a treat at the weekends only, and still exercising 4 or 5 times a week, yet I can still feel my thighs getting bigger. I hope it's just water retention or something.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    How are we doing going into the third Trimester April Mom's?

    We had our first pre-natal class last night, it seems like it could be helpful.
    Apparently I am measuring small so they are sending me for another US next week to make sure baby girl isn't also measuring small

    Having a hard time with fitness as I have had a pretty bad cold since Christmas that just won't go away, and I was in a car accident on Friday so now I don't have a car to get around and am still a bit stiff and on strict orders not to overdo anything this week.

    I was making a lot of yummy protein filled smoothies...but hubby lost the ring for the blender :( so now with no car I can't even get into town to buy a new blender...so that's really frustrating as those smoothies have been a life saver to make sure I was getting fresh veggies into my diet (STILL having weird food aversions).

    How are you all??

    I'm seriously battling cravings now, and I haven't had that problem for my entire pregnancy. All I ever want is something sweet, I had to stop buying junk food or I would devour it all. We finally scheduled Saturday night to be our pizza/movie night and I've found that looking forward to that helps me eat healthier the rest of the week. I've been struggling with a cold since Christmas too, it's killing me! I feel so drained 90% of the time. I did my treadmill today, but only 20 minutes and at a slower pace. I'm trying to stay active, but this cold is really making it hard and I don't want to over do it. I eat as healthy as I can, but really need more protein in my life. I usually love turkey chili, but made some last night and just couldn't handle it. I've been drinking carrot juice every day just in case I don't feel so hot and can't stomach veggies. Salads have been the 1 thing I can always eat lately. I am either full all the time and don't feel hungry at all, or am absolutely starving. I'm excited that April is getting closer, can't wait to meet my baby girl and feel "normal" again.
  • bekahl
    bekahl Posts: 43 Member
    My EDD is 8th May but our first little boy was 4 weeks early and a very healthy 7lb 5oz, and the midwives are already saying that this little boy is currently a very good size for how far along in pregnancy I am. So I have a very strong feeling that he will be an April baby.
    I said the whole way through my last pregnancy that our little boy would be early and he was so I think I'll be right again this time.
    I dont' mind him being a bit early as long as he is healthy and a good size.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My EDD is 8th May but our first little boy was 4 weeks early and a very healthy 7lb 5oz, and the midwives are already saying that this little boy is currently a very good size for how far along in pregnancy I am. So I have a very strong feeling that he will be an April baby.
    I said the whole way through my last pregnancy that our little boy would be early and he was so I think I'll be right again this time.
    I dont' mind him being a bit early as long as he is healthy and a good size.

    I'm the opposite! Both of mine have been late! My daughter (my 2nd) was due April 30th and born May 12th! This one is due April 20th, but if she's as late as her sister was, she'll be a May baby too!
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    My EDD is 8th May but our first little boy was 4 weeks early and a very healthy 7lb 5oz, and the midwives are already saying that this little boy is currently a very good size for how far along in pregnancy I am. So I have a very strong feeling that he will be an April baby.
    I said the whole way through my last pregnancy that our little boy would be early and he was so I think I'll be right again this time.
    I dont' mind him being a bit early as long as he is healthy and a good size.

    I'm the opposite! Both of mine have been late! My daughter (my 2nd) was due April 30th and born May 12th! This one is due April 20th, but if she's as late as her sister was, she'll be a May baby too!

    May 12th is a good birthday (It's mine!) I am kind of hoping baby is just a touch early to be born back at our original EDD of April 6th (EDD is currently april 11) because that's my husbands birthday.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My EDD is 8th May but our first little boy was 4 weeks early and a very healthy 7lb 5oz, and the midwives are already saying that this little boy is currently a very good size for how far along in pregnancy I am. So I have a very strong feeling that he will be an April baby.
    I said the whole way through my last pregnancy that our little boy would be early and he was so I think I'll be right again this time.
    I dont' mind him being a bit early as long as he is healthy and a good size.

    I'm the opposite! Both of mine have been late! My daughter (my 2nd) was due April 30th and born May 12th! This one is due April 20th, but if she's as late as her sister was, she'll be a May baby too!

    May 12th is a good birthday (It's mine!) I am kind of hoping baby is just a touch early to be born back at our original EDD of April 6th (EDD is currently april 11) because that's my husbands birthday.

    Awww. I will remember to wish you happy birthday when it's my daughter's 3rd birthday this year!

    If my baby is a bit late, I hope she's born on April 28th as that's my dad's birthday. My due date is Easter Sun though, which would be pretty cool!
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi everyone! New to this thread, but not necessarily MFP. I'm due April 30th with our fourth little girl. :) I was doing so well before getting pregnant, but I've put on too much weight, too fast and I'm really hoping to get things under control these last few months. I know it's going to be even harder after she's here and I'm sleep deprived and exhausted all the time.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    How is everyone? I'm 32+1 now. I start maternity leave in 3 weeks and can't wait :smile:

    I'm still managing to exercise regularly but I do feel tired a lot. I've been craving sweet things lately so I'm finding the eating more challenging. I'm great at healthy meals, but I give in to sweet treats too often. Not sure how to stop that!
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Wow ladies, we haven't been very active here!

    How's everyone doing? I'm 36 + 1 today, sitting on my couch with an ice pack on my back. A couple nights ago, I had extreme back pain and nausea, and started to think I was going in to labor. I told myself if I couldn't fall asleep, I'd call L&D. Well, I fell asleep and felt a little bit better yesterday. However, I called my doctor and switched my appointment to yesterday instead of Thursday. Went in and after inspection and a urine test, no signs of contractions or a kidney infection (which was actually MY worry, because my pain is localized to the right side). Musculoskeletal... which isn't fun, but not dangerous. I have a couple days off work, so I'm ordered Tylenol, heat/ice, rest when able, and I'm getting an osteopathic manipulation tomorrow. I can take a walk if I'm up to it, but I haven't been exercising in the last few weeks anyways (my feet are swollen and they get sore waaaay quicker than normal!). So, that's how I'm doing these days!

    Anyone wondering how in the hell we're going to make it to 40 weeks? I know that this back pain is a bit more than the norm and it will get better, but I can't imagine carrying around this baby another 4 weeks.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Wow ladies, we haven't been very active here!

    How's everyone doing? I'm 36 + 1 today, sitting on my couch with an ice pack on my back. A couple nights ago, I had extreme back pain and nausea, and started to think I was going in to labor. I told myself if I couldn't fall asleep, I'd call L&D. Well, I fell asleep and felt a little bit better yesterday. However, I called my doctor and switched my appointment to yesterday instead of Thursday. Went in and after inspection and a urine test, no signs of contractions or a kidney infection (which was actually MY worry, because my pain is localized to the right side). Musculoskeletal... which isn't fun, but not dangerous. I have a couple days off work, so I'm ordered Tylenol, heat/ice, rest when able, and I'm getting an osteopathic manipulation tomorrow. I can take a walk if I'm up to it, but I haven't been exercising in the last few weeks anyways (my feet are swollen and they get sore waaaay quicker than normal!). So, that's how I'm doing these days!

    Anyone wondering how in the hell we're going to make it to 40 weeks? I know that this back pain is a bit more than the norm and it will get better, but I can't imagine carrying around this baby another 4 weeks.

    You poor thing, hope you feel better soon. You're still working? When do you finish? How long will you have for maternity leave?

    I'm in England and we can take a year off for maternity leave, although we get no pay in the last 3 months of that year, so I'll see how finances go!

    I'm finishing work on March 14th. I'm a secondary school teacher so on my feet a lot, and it's quite a stressful job, so I need a break before baby arrives. Plus I have 2 kids already (age 2 and 4) so I want to have a break when they're at school/nursery.

    I can imagine 40 weeks! My son was 10 days late and my daughter 12 days late, so I'd be happy to stop at 40 weeks with this one!

    I'm 33+3 today and still going to the gym and doing aerobics and Zumba.