Keto and Exercise

Need some advice on this subject. I have seen mixed things about Keto and exercise, so was hoping I could get pointed in the right direction. Some people say that lots of exercise while doing keto is a good thing. Some say not to exercise at all, and some say to keep it very easy paced, no intense cardio or anything.

What works for you guys? I have been thinking of joining a gym because I just don't have the room in my house for exercise equipment, but is it worth the cash? If I shouldn't be doing high intensity, or exercising much I might be better off just going on a 10 minute walk outside. However, if high intensity works for you guys I would like to join a gym because having a 2 month old baby prevents me from going out longer than 10 minutes at a time with her for a walk. I live in the south, but it is still fairly cold here!

Please let me know what you guys are doing, and what seems to be working the best for you so that I can get a plan of action!


  • Deuxtrouble43
    Deuxtrouble43 Posts: 41 Member
    I would like to know too but for now, every 2 days I walk on the treadmill at our rec centre for 1/2 hour and then go and swim laps for 20 minutes. That's pretty much it for me right now. I do want to get into weights as I know that will tone my body.

    I am lucky I have a huge rec centre by my house - swimming, drop in fitness, gym, track, indoor fields, skating etc. and it is about $20.00 less a month than my gym membership was (and includes a monthly pass for my daughter!)
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Anyone (besides your doctor, of course) who tells you not to exercise is wrong. When I was actively trying to lose weight in a keto state between June 3rd - November 11th, I lost 56 pounds by 30-40 minutes of walking/jogging four times a week.

    I've found building muscle to be much more difficult while in ketosis, but it helped burn fat, and toned pretty well! Now I exercise four or five nights a week for an hour. I've never been more toned, and I'll be hitting my UGW in two weeks, at which point I'm dropping keto in order to "beef up" for the beach.

    My form of Keto is Atkins, and one of its mottos is, "If you aren't exercising regularly, you aren't doing Atkins." All I know is that I followed the book, did keto and plenty of exercise, and it worked very, very well!

    I have a gym membership for the winter months (Cleveland is brutally cold in the winter), and it's totally worth it. Though, with a two-month old, that may not be realistic for you. Then again, with a two-month old, I'd talk to a doctor before beginning any workout routine.

    Be well, be safe, be happy!
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    This is what I've been doing with some better than expected results. Stronglifts 5x5 3 day a week (MWF), some form of cardio (running, rowing, half assed zumba lol) on alternating days. I really hate cardio so it's 30min tops and done. Rest day on Sunday. I eat 1600 cal on cardio days, 1800 cal on lifting days and 1300 on rest day.

    I'm down from 137.6 to 129.6 in 7 weeks and have lost 3" off my waist. I can't not repeat how over the top amazed I am at how much my body composition is changing. Really wish that I had started Keto and lifting from the start instead of wasting 1yr doing nothing but cardio and 40 30 30.
  • TomfromNY
    TomfromNY Posts: 100 Member
    You can certainly exercise on a keto diet, but I don't think it's necessary to lose weight/fat. I read an article about a doctor in France in the 19th century (I think?) who treated obesity by prescribing an essentially keto diet (meat, birds, fish, soup). He put his patients on bed rest because he thought that exercise would make them hungrier.

    What are your goals with exercise? To lose weight/fat faster? To increase strength? To increase endurance? To reduce stress? For fun?
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    WALK- but instead of 10 minutes go for 30 minutes 4 times a week or more if you want. People underestimate walking so much. Who will stay with the 2 month old while you go use the gym? Most gyms won't take care of a 2 month old.

    I walk during my lunch hour with my buddy from work, and if I can I will throw in a zumba wii or work out dvd.

    If you have to be home there are many dvd's you can use to burn some calories. I remember using a biggest loser or jilian dvd at the beginning of my journey. If you still want to join a gym, ask them for a free week pass before you sign up and signing that contract.

    Good luck!
  • LoveSanrio
    I think what I really want to achieve with exercise is more just stress relief, and getting out of the house a bit. I am a stay at home mom to 5 little girls, so needless to say, I stay home a lot LOL! My husband eats Keto as well, and I just thought more than anything it would be something we could do together. Of course I wouldn't mind maximizing my fat loss, so I suppose there are a lot of reasons I would like to work out.

    There are a couple gyms here that will watch children from 6 weeks up. I can also have her grandma watch her for a couple hours a couple times a week as well. I may see how the weather goes though and just walk for a bit on my own through the neighborhood. My husband gets 2 days off a week, and I could definitely use those days as my walking days... get out, clear my head, get some quiet time.

    I also am in the process of purchasing a puppy! I lost my dog to old age a year ago (she was 16), and am finally feeling like I can get another dog. She is not ready to come home until the beginning of March, but eventually she will be my walking buddy, so I will get a decent walk in every day by walking her. Very much looking forward to being able to do that again!
  • cchild2
    cchild2 Posts: 47 Member
    I've been doing my version of Slow Burn weights and HIIT. It maximizes results for minimum gym time. 2-3 times a week I do:
    Chest press, lat pull down, quad, bicep, tricep, shoulder, only 1 set each. The slow burn part is that for each rep, it takes about 3-4 seconds to go up and 3-4 seconds to come down. I use enough weight that I can only do 5-10 reps. When I can't do anymore, I lower the weight and continue until I'm maxed out. Then I lower it once again. So it's only 1 set, but it is a super set.
    No rest in-between - go right from one to the next.

    Once I reach 10 reps with the starting weight, the next time I increase by 5 lbs.

    For the HIIT, I do treadmill. Two minutes of warmup then I do 1 minute of high intensity (you should be breathing very heavy by the end of the 1 minute), then 1.5 minutes of slow walk. I repeat the 1 min high intensity and 1.5 min walk for a total of 7 times. To get the high intensity, I increase both the incline and speed.

    Google "HIIT" and also "slow burn weights" for more info.
  • LoveSanrio
    Thanks for that! Gives me a good map of something to do. I've never been a weight lifter, so I didn't know where to start. When I was younger I ran track and cross country, so I have always enjoyed running. It relieves so much stress and makes me feel fantastic afterward.

    I think I am going to pick up a weight set. It won't take up much room in the house, and it seems like I will be able to put it to good use.