Week 1 Weigh In (20-26 January)

SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
Hi there Challengers!!

I've had a few messages about the Weekly Weigh in and decided that it's probably best to keep the Chat and Weigh in threads together. So here is the Week 1 Weigh In thread :smile:

Now, if you only just filled your stats in the INTRODUCTION thread, you might want to give this one a miss, and start your updates in week 2. It's entirely up to you. I generally do my weight and measurements on a Saturday morning (day after a rest day and before the gym) so I'll be filling mine in on the 25th.

OR if you want to do a monthly weigh in, then you might only want to fill in your update in weeks 4, 8 and 12. Again, entirely up to you.

For those updating - just copy the text below, post a reply and fill in the blanks.

I honestly believe that weight loss is NOT just about the number on the scale, it's about having the right mental attitude as well, so please remember to read your goals and affirmations EVERY DAY to remind yourself why you are doing this! I've included some extra questions below, you don't have to answer them if you don't want to - but keeping a positive focus and congratulating yourself for the small things that you do every week is a good way to keep the ball rolling and progressing to your end point.

Achieve your nutrition and fitness goals every day and you WILL reach your 12 week goal. Start with the end in mind!!


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Challenge Starting Weight:
Goal Weight:

Today's Weight:
Weight loss this week:

Today's Measurements:

Starting Body Fat % (if known):
Goal Body Fat %:

What goals did you kick this week?

How do you feel?

List 3 things you are grateful for?

What are you going to improve on next week?

Progress photos (optional)


  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Name: Helen
    Challenge Starting Weight: 82.6
    Today's Weight: 83.3
    Weight loss this week: gain of 0.7kg

    Starting Body Fat : 40.6%
    This week's body fat: 39.9%
    Loss of 0.7%

    I am confident that the weight gain is just fluid retention, esp as my body fat droped by 0.7%. I would expect that next week the weight will drop and the body fat % will increase as the fluid retention eases.

    What goals did you kick this week? Happy with my exercise, my water intake and my veggie intake.

    How do you feel? Hot and tired. Looking forward to some cooler nights.

    List 3 things you are grateful for? Living in such a beautiful area where I can walk along the river most nights. My partner for not grumbling about what I cook and my taking time to exercise. The variety and quality of fruit & veg available to me.

    What are you going to improve on next week? More of the same.
  • weightywarrior
    Name: WeightyWarrior
    Location: Qld
    Sex: Female
    Age: 50
    Height: 164cm
    Starting Weight: 141kg
    Starting Date: 22/01/14
    Goal Weight: Goal for this challenge 130kg

    Starting Measurements:
    Bicep: 50cm
    Boobs: 137cm
    Waist: 129cm
    Hips: 161cm
    Thigh: 80cm

    Starting Body Fat % (if known): 73%
    Goal Body Fat %: Less than 73%

    Personal goal (written as an affirmation): It's the 16th April today and I am on my way! I've shed quite a few kilos and I'm not stopping now!
  • weightywarrior
    Oops seems I posted this in the wrong thread. This was my introduction not my week 1 results. I only started today. Sorry!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    WW - No problem at all - welcome to the group!!!
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Well even though I've been sick all week and my usual weigh in days are Mondays, I thought I'd post my weigh in because no one else seems to be yet. We all have ****ty weeks. This one is mine...

    Name: Monique
    Challenge Starting Weight: 54.6
    Goal Weight: 51ish

    Today's Weight: 54.8
    Weight loss this week: +.2

    Today's Measurements:
    Bicep: 26
    Chest: 85
    Waist: 66
    Hips: 94 (+1)
    Thigh: 55 (+1)

    Starting Body Fat % (if known): 20.76
    Goal Body Fat %: 21.9

    What goals did you kick this week? None. I ate something bad on the weekend and have been bloated since, plus I've been eating sugar all week because I felt sorry for myself. Tsk tsk.

    How do you feel? Sick. Bloated. Strangely motivated to pick myself back up. Stressed by work.

    List 3 things you are grateful for? Long weekend. Legs to run. Pets to hug.

    What are you going to improve on next week? Diet. Exercise comes easy to me. Diet does not.

    Have a great Aust Day everyone. Hottest 100 hooray!
  • DonnaW_78
    DonnaW_78 Posts: 76 Member

    I'm taking Friday's as my weigh-in & progress report day.

    Starting Weight: 62.6kg
    Today's Weight: 62.1kg
    Loss: 0.5kg
    Goal Weight: 60.0kg

    Starting Measurements remain about the same as 'Start date':

    Bicep: 28cm
    Chest: 95.5cm
    Waist: 71cm
    Hips: 96cm
    Thigh: 52cm

    What goals did you kick this week? This week I've made a huge effort with my foods & exercise. I've stayed at (or under) food cal goal every day plus I've done the following exercises (I'll try to report these weekly so I can monitor myself & keep it up):

    Monday - Super Circuit class (60min)
    Tuesday - Run (34min)
    Wednesday - Bootcamp (51min), Run (22min)
    Thursday - Bike (15min), Weights (35min) - I upped the kgs on most weights this week so I'm really stoked about that
    Friday - Body Pump (51min), Body Attack (60min), Bike (10min)
    Saturday - Rest Day
    Sunday - Plan to do a Cardio warm-up & Weights

    Biggest Goal of the week has to be no alcohol consumed since last Sunday - that is HUGE for me! And my heavier weights session on Thursday - it felt good :)

    How do you feel? Although I'm a little disappointed in the 0.5kg loss (I really expected to lose a lot this week - just from being strict & feeling like I'd lost that xmas bloatiness) I am happy with a 'loss' nonetheless and I know it will take time. I also know I'm not going to get that bigger loss in the coming weeks so I really do have to be proud & happy with myself :) My skin is fantastic too at the moment. I put that down to the no drinking, upping my fruit & veg intake plus I haven't had nearly as many coffees as I usually would.

    List 3 things you are grateful for? 1. My healthy happy family including a super supportive husband who is striving for a hot body just as much as I am 2. Summer 3. That loss on those damn scales (I am grateful I promise)

    What are you going to improve on next week? Nothing, my aim is to have another week like this one (minus the Sunday splurge I'm having on Australia Day - it'd be un-Australian if I didn't)

    Wishing everyone a happy Australia Day on Sunday! Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!!! Keep up the great work :)
  • candirose69
    Name: CandiRose
    Challenge Starting Weight: 80kg
    Goal Weight:74 for this challenge 53 long term

    Today's Weight:79.6
    Weight loss this week:-.4kg I'm pretty happy with this. I was down to 79kg before my slight binge last night. might start weigh in on a Fridays morning BEFORE the Friday night munchies set in

    Today's Measurements:

    What goals did you kick this week?
    I made it to Pump twice even with the disruption to my schedul
    I have stayed under calorie goal mostly until last night even with Wednesdays night chocolate block with my sister.
    I did not eat any crap at work and brought my lunch everyday (even to our stupid lunch meeting!)

    How do you feel?
    Right now very bloated and a little ill, also very stressed!! up until last night I was feeling very in control and I know I will get that feeling back next week once I'm back in routine

    List 3 things you are grateful for?
    My faith
    My loss
    My super supportive husband (2 years married today xx)

    What are you going to improve on next week?
    Back into routine if it kills me!
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Hope I'm not too late to weigh in!
    Name: Sam
    Challenge Starting Weight: 96kg
    Goal Weight: 90kg

    Today's Weight: 95.7 (was actually on Friday but didn't get to the computer until now)
    Weight loss this week: 0.3kg

    Did not record other measurements, I will do them every fortnight

    What goals did you kick this week? Small weight loss. Eating within calories most of the time. Snacks at work were mostly fruit- I am loving it at the moment. Bought some yummy teas from T2 that taunt me with delicious smells so I am wanting them instead of soft drinks and other junk.

    How do you feel? Better than expected. Still trying to get past the '300 grams is hardly anything' mentality and remember that any loss is good, and I am making progress no matter what.

    List 3 things you are grateful for? My boyfriend (he's rad), my friends (one of whom I have introduced to MFP!) and my work (I am lucky to have a great boss and the best coworkers)

    What are you going to improve on next week? Well this is a bit backwards because the weekend just past is included in 'next week' but oh well. I will try and improve my eating- I need to incorporate more vegies and stop being lazy with my food. I am also going to try and do a little yoga to help with my back pain.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Great work everyone, even if you didn't see a loss this week, as Helen showed us, sometimes we can have a gain on the scales, but a loss in Body Fat - so just keep following your plans and keep up the good work.

    For those of us (including me) who didn't get off to such a great start - dust yourself off and get on track. Today.

    Weigh in's now continued in the Week 2 thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1185761-week-2-weigh-in-27-january-2-february
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