Please be my PaleoPal



  • pluckypaleo
    pluckypaleo Posts: 50 Member
    Hey! Luna and I are friends already, but I am paleo and I dont log my food right now. I just started January first and my main focus is eating paleo. I am almost 100% paleo and I love it!
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    I aim for 1600 cals/day, so feel free to add me :)
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm doing my best to live Paleo after falling off the wagon during the holidays. My diary is open to my friends feel free to add me!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Hi Plucky paleo. Yes I am paleo - strictly for about a month so far. I jumped straight into it (tho was already legume and most grains free because I just bloat on them. I'm just readig Chris Kessler's the Paleo Code.. and saw his 30 day reset. I might get even a little stricter and go without eggs for 4 weeks and see if it makes a difference..

    I'm happy to be your freind. I am noting calories and macronutrients, because I have health problems and I want to see what makes a difference. But really, the most important thing is to stay really focussed on paleo.

    I'm not at the creative stage yet.. Just eating lots of protein and vegetables monring noon and night.. Happpy to have paleo friends tho. It's a journey to a richer life for me.
  • abbergailann
    abbergailann Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lunagreen, I am having the same problem! Adding fat is not a problem but adding calories without adding a ton of carbs/sugar is difficult. I set my calories to 1800 because I am breastfeeding...but my baby is 10 months so I doubt I'm still burning that many extra calories. Please add me, I need more primal/paleo friends!
    I ate pretty strict paleo to keep from gaining too much weight while pregnant and then again to lose my baby weight. I went off the deep end over the holidays so I'm just now easing back into it so my diary is far from perfect....
  • karen1105mfp
    karen1105mfp Posts: 51 Member
    I need PaleoPals too! Friend add being sent now :smile:
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Paleo friends add me! I'm been eating mostly Paleo for a few months now and loving it. However, I'm not tracking - so don't freak out when you see my calorie goal set at 1200 - I don't count cals, measure, or weigh and I'm losing weight.