Online binge eating scale test



  • cyclone_girl
    cyclone_girl Posts: 2 Member
    Just scored a much as I want to be able to say I'm shocked, the 20 pounds I've gained in the last year makes it impossible to hide :'-(
  • knp972
    knp972 Posts: 20
    I scored a 31 :( my behavior has gotten so much worse in the past few months
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    36, severe. Not as bad as I thought it would be actually.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    27. Can't wait to drop into moderate group. I just got to keep on trying.
  • Samphires
    Samphires Posts: 31 Member
    I got 34 :( Binging and fasting continuously.
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    I got a 20, which is reasonable considering I know my answers were much "better" than they would have been before I started my weight loss journey in April. At the same time, I thought I had this thing beat. I hadn't really considered my behavior to be "binge eating" per se, just eating for excitement and to beat boredom. I stopped cold turkey and hadn't touched any sweets, cake, chocolate, bread, pasta or anything for 8 months. I even managed to control myself at parties and other events, eating a bit more than usual, but no desserts, etc.

    Then I hit the combination of the holidays and being within 15 lbs. of goal weight. I allowed my defenses to drop a bit, and ate some goodies in order not to offend the host, saying "Oh, one piece won't kill me." I also ate white rice with chicken and some bread, because that's what was served and I thought I was at the point where I should be able to eat normal food in moderation once in a while.

    Those decisions/choices reopened my binge tendencies, and I overate somewhat at the rest of my vacation meals. Still, I would have been eating at or a bit below maintenance if that's all I ate. Unfortunately, I managed to eat granola bars, dried fruit, bagels and oreos when no one else was around.

    When I returned from vacation, I got right back on track, encouraged that I had only gained 2 pounds that week, believing I had learned some good lessons and would do some things differently. Back on track for a week, then we had a small party with my kids' friends and moms. I ate more tortilla chips and guacamole than I had budgeted for while chatting, but that would have been OK. Then everyone left to go to a movie, leaving me to clean up and cook dinner. In the clean up process, I ate 2 donuts, a muffin, a slice of marble loaf, 8 jelly candies and 3 shortbread fudge brownies.

    That was 2 days ago and I'm right back on track, but much more respectful of the power of this disease. I really just thought these were bad habits that I had to break, and had done so. Between these 2 binge periods and a score in the "moderate" range, I realize I still have a lot more work to do before I can consider bingeing to be "beaten", if ever.

    Off to listen to more OA success story podcasts and look for some of the recommended books on BED for my Kindle...
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    I scored 35 - severe
    I am not surprised over the last couple of months and certainly today I have realised I need real help!
    I have struggled between bulimia and binge eating on and off for about 7/8 yrs now but seem to be really stuck at the moment and today I realised how much - I got back into my routine after Xmas and new yr today and after a few weeks eating everything I wanted and not beating myself up about it I was getting back on the healthy eating wagon and try lose weight. I did so well during the day even finished my diary with calories to spare literally 10 mins later I started feeling the urge to binge and I was arguing with myself in my head (yes I know I sound like a right nutcase) telling myself I'm not going to cave in then next minute I'm in the kitchen it wasn't a big binge in comparison to some I've had but made me realise I have absolutely no control over myself :(
    Feel free to add me if you think we can help each other I REALLY need some help at the moment and think this is my last attempt to do this before I get professional help :(
    Never thought I would be doing this :( but here goes!!
  • OliviaMG1
    OliviaMG1 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all- I scored 32. Not shocked. I realized last year that I what I was doing was a "problem" & it has a name--BED. I also suffered from bulemia in high school & college. I am really looking to gain control over my relationship with food. For a while I replaced the BED compulsive-related behaviors with obsessing over food---still kinda part of BED though. Then, just fell off the wagon & gave into impulses & let food win.

    Yesterday 1/6: me=1 B=0
  • Tig_
    Tig_ Posts: 32
    I scored 40 which is pretty worrying. Yikes.
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    I scored an 18, which is the low end of moderate. I'm quite surprised I didn't score higher, and I'm certain a few months ago I would have scored much higher.
    I've been working hard on controlling my urge to binge. It isn't easy, but I've been making progress. Having healthy snacks every day at work has helped a lot. The other thing is checking in on how I'm feeling throughout the day. If I'm happy, I'm fine, but if I'm stressed or angry that's when I need to watch my behaviour around food and choose a healthy pick-me-up instead.
    Small steps and small victories every day. :)
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    18, far lower than I thought. But judging by the questions, higher scores = a constant BE problem. Mine are more like episodes.
  • Your score was 38 out of a possible 46.
    Scores in the 27 - 46 range indicate severe Binge eating behavior.

    I am kinda shocked actually. Now to figure out how to fix this :frown:
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Scored a 35... Pop up advert underneath for a takeaway website..... Makes sense
  • becki_x
    becki_x Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new to the group. I did the test and it came up as 42/46.

    I've decided I need help and made an appointment with my gp for this morning. Hopefully with time that score will go down. :/
  • Scored 25.

    I am having mixed feelings about this number. In a way it is a very good number, 'cause I am aware that I can controll my binges much better then in the past. In other way, March is being a really hard month to me, and it is still half way. I don't know if I will have more binges, but I suspect that I will! So this number is a reflection of my problem.
  • Oh dear - 42 that's really bad :0(
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    I scored 24.
    relieved its not higher.
  • Me too.

    I scored 26. I, kind of, already knew this. I've been taking antidepressants for about a year and it's made things much easier to manage (and with the help of a therapist) which is why I thought I would try mfp again. I feel a bit more relaxed and feel like I can manage stressful situations much better.

    I've been a member for about three years (on another account and then this one), but needed to take a break because I couldn't handle the stress of making the changes and the, sometimes, nasty attitudes from the general populous outside of groups.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    29...severe. Ouch.

    It's only been the past few months that I've even considered myself to have a problem, so I started researching. Now to put a name to it plus the condition of "severe" is quite scary. I don't really know what to do. I feel really out of control and hopeless.

    ^^ This was my score and "hopeless" response last August. I saw the topic again and decided to check in....12 out of 46. Wow, never thought I'd be able to say my score went down.

    I am not where I want to be but this goes to show you that you can never give up. Keep working and keep striving for progress, not perfection. In fact, I just had a mild binge yesterday, but looking back, I handled it much better than I would've back in August.

    I know it's scary and hard. But keep working at it. It can get better and everyone deserves that. <3
  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    I scored a 28. I'm posting so that I can come back and find my score later and hopefully drop that score like many of you have!