Hi...lets say hello



  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Activity :bigsmile:
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    'jeero' activity :D
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    And yet there is over 200 members in this group.
  • damonfan
    damonfan Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all .. i have been on MFP for quite some time but elated to discover an Desi group only now ..Hope you all doing well and pursuing your way to a fit and healthy lifestyle

    Now about me .. I have always been an overweight child and the only time i was considered lean was during my college days . I stand at 5 10 and during my college days i had a weight of around 70 ... after my graduation i studied for some competitive exam and got a job but in that period of 2 years my weight ballooned to above 90 kgs and it reached zenith or should i say nadir in june 2013 when my scale gave a reading of 110 kgs . I was finding it tough to climb stairs and BP was reaching higher levels .

    Then i made a promise to myself that i will not let the business go as usual and will change this condition . I took a pledge of reaching 80 kgs by the year end and started gymming .

    The journey has been a tough one .. had to sacrifice my cravings and just changed the way i approached food and diet . Cut all the Rice , Sweets , did gym for approx 2 hrs 6 times a day and what not ... But seeing myself on the weight scale with each 5 kg gone i felt motivation and followed this schedule religiously .

    I am now at 85 kgs and receive compliments on my effort .. However i am not getting complacent and wont stop before i achieve ideal weight for my height ie around 70 kgs ..

    So in conclusion i will say that this journey has all been about determination , regularity and sincerity towards the goal .. And i enjoy every minute of work out . every drop of sweat coz it makes me feel more alive rather than my early languid self

    Keep pushing yourself and you can do it for sure

  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome damonfan!
  • damonfan
    damonfan Posts: 2 Member
    Heyy.. Where are all fellow desi's ??? Do share your experiences guys so that everybody feels motivated
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    Started T 25 ...Day 1 completed but with sore feet and pain next morning....
  • Hi,

    I am Abhishek from Hyderabad. I was heavy from childhood.
    Weight went all the way to 100kgs (in a 5' 4'' frame) due to extra snacking at office.

    Started exercising 3 months ago and currently I weigh 90kg.
    Cycling and walking are the only exercises of choice.

  • serialifter
    serialifter Posts: 791 Member
  • Rohibelieve
    Rohibelieve Posts: 17 Member

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Namaste & Happy New Year!! It's lovely to find an Indian group here. I'm an Indian (from B'lore), but have been in the states since I was a kid. I have a lot of weight to lose (i.e. +100lbs). I'm a vegetarian, but leaning towards vegan. Any vegans in the group?? Just had surgery, so I have some limitations presently. I'm planning to walk in the pool to start exercising again.

    Would love to hear your inspiring stories! What works for you? Do you count calories? Do you eat at home mainly? What do you do during festivals/poojas? Are they non-issues?

    Here's to good health!
  • serialifter
    serialifter Posts: 791 Member
    Hello!!! people!!!!

    lets get this show on the road!!!! add me and we can motivate each other through this tough journey
  • himanshurg
    himanshurg Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone ! I am Himanshu
    I'm new to the site. I need to lose around 25 kg and looking for friends for support and motivation along the weight loss journey.
  • fitndfab
    fitndfab Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone !
    I am new to the group. I have about 10 kgs to lose. I am looking for some motivation to keep going. Please share healthy, low calorie indian receipes.

    And feel free to add me :)
  • serialifter
    serialifter Posts: 791 Member

    We will do our best with this!!! let us make this forum an active one
  • satishpendse
    satishpendse Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone. I am a vegetarian from Mumbai and have been using mfp for more than 1.5 years. Started stricter diet and exercise regime 2 years ago. During first 15 months, I lost 13.5 Kgs to 75 Kgs (height 5'11") but thereafter during two weeks of vacation and thereafter couple of official travels led to a gain of 2 Kgs out of that (77 Kgs). That's becoming very difficult to let go for past 6-7 months. I just reduced 1 Kg and still 1 Kg to go. Really don't know how to bring it back to 75 Kgs and then reduce further to 72 Kgs. Any thoughts / suggestions?
  • fitndfab
    fitndfab Posts: 24 Member
    Maybe you've hit the plateau... Read about it here http://www.teambeachbody.com/get-fit/fitness-tip/-/ftip/140026045/all/0/5
    All the best :)

    Hi everyone. I am a vegetarian from Mumbai and have been using mfp for more than 1.5 years. Started stricter diet and exercise regime 2 years ago. During first 15 months, I lost 13.5 Kgs to 75 Kgs (height 5'11") but thereafter during two weeks of vacation and thereafter couple of official travels led to a gain of 2 Kgs out of that (77 Kgs). That's becoming very difficult to let go for past 6-7 months. I just reduced 1 Kg and still 1 Kg to go. Really don't know how to bring it back to 75 Kgs and then reduce further to 72 Kgs. Any thoughts / suggestions?
  • Sadagopan84
    Sadagopan84 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone. I am a vegetarian from Mumbai and have been using mfp for more than 1.5 years. Started stricter diet and exercise regime 2 years ago. During first 15 months, I lost 13.5 Kgs to 75 Kgs (height 5'11") but thereafter during two weeks of vacation and thereafter couple of official travels led to a gain of 2 Kgs out of that (77 Kgs). That's becoming very difficult to let go for past 6-7 months. I just reduced 1 Kg and still 1 Kg to go. Really don't know how to bring it back to 75 Kgs and then reduce further to 72 Kgs. Any thoughts / suggestions?

    I would try to tweak the workout and diet a little to kick start weight loss again. Also i wont be bothered about weight as long as its muscle and bone weight. To reduce fat do weight training for 3-4 days a week and do cardio 20 mins everyday for 5 days. For diet i would recommend 6 small meals with 40% protein 40% good carbs(no white foods and sugar) and 20% good fat like almonds,omega 3 oil. Try to add quinoa,green vegetables,berries and oranges. If you eat egg then have some 7 egg whites if not supplement with Whey protein. Last but not the least sleep 8 hours every night and drink plenty of water. Its easy to tell all this but hard to follow.
    I am still trying to follow all the above points but due to family and friends its really hard. Good luck with weight loss (fat loss)

  • joli2108
    joli2108 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Everyone!!

    I'm an Indian from London, I've been overweight for as long as I can remember, lost up to 7-8kg a few years ago but then let myself go and quickly re gained the weight. My highest point has been 90kg where I decided to take charge and do something about it!!

    Looking to connect to fellow Indians for motivation, support and encouragement :)
  • satishpendse
    satishpendse Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks Ankita and Sadgopalan for very useful tips. Will try them for sure.