how much weight have you gained



  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member

    23w: 207 (3.6) Yikes!!!!
    24w: 203.2 (-3.8)

    OMG this makes me feel so much better! I am 23 weeks and have gained 2.5 lbs in like 3 days! I'm sure it's just water weight too and what not, but it's made me want to cry. ANd I don't want to have it continue the whole time! I will just try to get better about eating (I've had some fried food the last couple of days) and hopefully it's just bloat that'll go away.

    I was going to start logging again and did a little here and there, but I think that helped a bit. I also cut back on the regular soda. I used to only drink diet and switched to regular when I found out I was pg. I was drinking ALOT of it. I have about one cup/can a day now and that seemed to help I think too. I'm trying to get my water in, but I am having such a hard time getting it in most days. I'm fine with gaining, I just thought almost 4lbs was a lot for one week.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member

    Your pregnant- that's what happens, your on to hit the recommended weight gain and have a maximum of say 6 weeks to go, you've done well, I don't get why people are so obsessed with not gaining a recommended amount?!

    my thoughts exactly! the point is to not go beyond the recommended amount depending on where your were pre-pregnancy. I was considered overweight pre-pregnancy so I'm trying to stay under 30lbs.

    I'm 24 weeks and up about 17 lbs and that's with eating at or just above maintenance.

    The point is to have a healthy baby...most of weight will come off after the baby arrives.

    Reading this thread depresses me sometimes because there's some women on here who barely gain a lb or or little weight and it makes me feel like a massive whale. But I have to remind myself that every pregnancy and woman is different.

    Just eat right and exercise and everything will turn out okay.

    Same. I find it very depressing. I understand that some women throw up a lot and therefore lose weight, and I understand that some women are very overweight to begin with and don't gain as much, but I don't get how women who don't fit what I just said don't gain much. How can you not? The recommended 25-35lbs is made up of baby, placenta, fluid, extra blood, extra fat to help with breastfeeding etc. So, even if you barely eat, how can you avoid gaining at least 20lbs? My midwife said you have a third more fluid in your body.

    In England we don't get weighed, except for at our booking appointment around 11 weeks, and at the 12 week scan for the combined test, so we don't seem to have the same pregnancy weight obsession over here.

    I exercise 4-5 times most weeks, and I am eating below maintenance, and eating healthily. I have 2 children to look after, and I work part time as a teacher, so on my feet all day. I still expect to gain at the top end of recommended, possibly a bit more, and if I do, so what? Most of that will go within 6 weeks! Then with 3 children to look after, I imagine the rest will go pretty fast, and I intend to be back at the gym by 6-8 weeks after, as I was with my other two children.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member

    Your pregnant- that's what happens, your on to hit the recommended weight gain and have a maximum of say 6 weeks to go, you've done well, I don't get why people are so obsessed with not gaining a recommended amount?!

    my thoughts exactly! the point is to not go beyond the recommended amount depending on where your were pre-pregnancy. I was considered overweight pre-pregnancy so I'm trying to stay under 30lbs.

    I'm 24 weeks and up about 17 lbs and that's with eating at or just above maintenance.

    The point is to have a healthy baby...most of weight will come off after the baby arrives.

    Reading this thread depresses me sometimes because there's some women on here who barely gain a lb or or little weight and it makes me feel like a massive whale. But I have to remind myself that every pregnancy and woman is different.

    Just eat right and exercise and everything will turn out okay.

    I think everyone is doing great!!! I was considered obese before I got pg so it isn't very surprising that my weight gain or lack there of is so little at this point. I eat when I am hungry and I've been making better food choices for myself so I'm guessing that if I were eating this way not pg then I would prob have lost a few pounds more than where I am now. I think that the closer I get to delivery, the more I'll gain. With my first I didn't have much swelling and I think the fluid your body holds onto make a difference as well. It's so different for everyone. I'm keeping track on here for my records and hate that it's upsetting people. As long as we all have healthy babies in the end, that's all that matters!!! :)
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I'm at 36 weeks and have gained 29 pounds.
  • Hi All

    new to the group - ive been tracking my weight gain and i think its pretty normal - my problem is that i know a couple of ladies who are due around the same time as me that have gained much less so i do feel like a bit of a fatty!

    im 5ft4 and pre pregnancy id mamnaged to get to about 8st 9

    im 25 weeks today and I am 9st 7 so i have gained 12lbs so far
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I am definitely the cow in the group.


    SW: 135
    CW: 168 at 31 weeks

    Total gained: 33 lbs

    Doesn't seem to matter what I do, I gain weight, I am even counting calories. Plus I clean my house and chase after my toddler. Just don't get it.

    Not at all. I haven't even dared weigh myself! I'm doing everything right (exercise, healthy eating, running after 2 young kids)but this is my third and I have a big bump, so bet I've gained a lot.

    Some people have more fluid than others for example.

    As has been said, I reckon a lot of people won't post if they've gained a lot. Also, if you look at some starting weights, they might be higher than yours.

    Upon giving birth, you lose a good few pounds - baby, fluid, blood, placenta - and then within 6 weeks a good few more. Even if you put on 40lbs, you might be left with say 20 to lose. I'd be happy with that. I lost 67 after my 2nd baby (baby weight and then some) so 20 seems very doable!

    Thank you for that! I agree with your post, and that is what happened with my first baby. I gained 45lbs with her, but I was back within 15lbs of my prebaby weight after a just 2 months. I'm hoping the same will happen this time around.
  • 32 weeks pregnant today :) starting weight was 115 @5'4. I know weigh 135.4 so a gain of 20.4 pounds. I'll be getting induced in 6 weeks so I'm hoping to keep it under control. Last week when I posted I was happy with my weight gain so I decided to go out and eat a s**% ton of salt laden food and blew up 3 pounds over night! I managed to get it under control but it freaked me out. No more salty food until AFTER baby is born :(
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    32 weeks pregnant today :) starting weight was 115 @5'4. I know weigh 135.4 so a gain of 20.4 pounds. I'll be getting induced in 6 weeks so I'm hoping to keep it under control. Last week when I posted I was happy with my weight gain so I decided to go out and eat a s**% ton of salt laden food and blew up 3 pounds over night! I managed to get it under control but it freaked me out. No more salty food until AFTER baby is born :(

    I've heard that drinking extra water with the salty foods helps to flush the salt out. You gain a ton in one day, but its usually gone within the next two days or so.
  • I am definitely the cow in the group.


    SW: 135
    CW: 168 at 31 weeks

    Total gained: 33 lbs

    Doesn't seem to matter what I do, I gain weight, I am even counting calories. Plus I clean my house and chase after my toddler. Just don't get it.

    Not at all. I haven't even dared weigh myself! I'm doing everything right (exercise, healthy eating, running after 2 young kids)but this is my third and I have a big bump, so bet I've gained a lot.

    Some people have more fluid than others for example.

    As has been said, I reckon a lot of people won't post if they've gained a lot. Also, if you look at some starting weights, they might be higher than yours.

    Upon giving birth, you lose a good few pounds - baby, fluid, blood, placenta - and then within 6 weeks a good few more. Even if you put on 40lbs, you might be left with say 20 to lose. I'd be happy with that. I lost 67 after my 2nd baby (baby weight and then some) so 20 seems very doable!

    Thank you for that! I agree with your post, and that is what happened with my first baby. I gained 45lbs with her, but I was back within 15lbs of my prebaby weight after a just 2 months. I'm hoping the same will happen this time around.

    If you are a cow so am I:) Dont worry about momma , that doesnt too bad at all.
    Im 5'6
    CW 138

    Im 8.5 weeks. Ive been eating like a crazy person combating this morning sickness but Im not too woried about the weight gain. Ill try to get back on track once I hit the second trmiester and my morning sickness goes away (hoppefully lol)
    I gained 69 with my first and 71 with my second and had pregnancy induced hypertesion with both ( never got the pre e label for some reason). Good luck to everyone :)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 163.8 (or 167, depending on where we are starting)
    Weeks 1-8: Continued to lose
    Weeks 8 - 19: 159.8
    20 weeks: 162.2
    22 weeks: 164.6
    23 weeks: 165
    25 weeks: 166
    28 weeks: 175
    30 weeks: 177
    32 weeks (Christmas OUCH): 181
    33 weeks: 181 (Phew!)
    34 weeks: 182.5
    35 weeks: 183
    36 weeks: 184.5

    Goal: Just stay under 200!

    Had a bit of a jump this week, guess baby is doing a lot of growing. :)
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Starting weight : 165 (height 5'7")

    5w : 165 (0)
    6w : 165 (0)
    7w: 166 (+1)
    8w: 166 (+1)
    9w: 167 (+2)
    10w: 169 (+4)
    12w: 171 (+6)
    13w: 171 (+6)
    16w: 176 (+11)
    19w: 179 (+14)

    Had my ultrasound last week, baby was measuring a week smaller so my due date got pushed forward (I changed my weeks above to reflect how far along I actually would have been). Have to go for a second ultrasound next week as they couldn't get a good look at the heart or bowels, apparently I'm not supposed to worry though (HA!) that baby was just moving around too much.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 163.8 (or 167, depending on where we are starting)
    Weeks 1-8: Continued to lose
    Weeks 8 - 19: 159.8
    20 weeks: 162.2
    22 weeks: 164.6
    23 weeks: 165
    25 weeks: 166
    28 weeks: 175
    30 weeks: 177
    32 weeks (Christmas OUCH): 181
    33 weeks: 181 (Phew!)
    34 weeks: 182.5
    35 weeks: 183
    36 weeks: 184.5

    Goal: Just stay under 200!

    Had a bit of a jump this week, guess baby is doing a lot of growing. :)

    You'll have NO problem staying under 200! Great job, you're almost there!!!!!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Starting weight : 165 (height 5'7")

    5w : 165 (0)
    6w : 165 (0)
    7w: 166 (+1)
    8w: 166 (+1)
    9w: 167 (+2)
    10w: 169 (+4)
    12w: 171 (+6)
    13w: 171 (+6)
    16w: 176 (+11)
    19w: 179 (+14)

    Had my ultrasound last week, baby was measuring a week smaller so my due date got pushed forward (I changed my weeks above to reflect how far along I actually would have been). Have to go for a second ultrasound next week as they couldn't get a good look at the heart or bowels, apparently I'm not supposed to worry though (HA!) that baby was just moving around too much.

    I had to go back too because the baby's position wasn't that great and they couldn't get 1/2 the measurements needed. The baby was in a much better position when I went back - and very healthy. Position is a big deal. I wouldn't worry :)
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Week 19 and i've gained 2.8 lbs
  • Just thought I would check in at 22 weeks with a fun graph.

    I use a Fitbit Aria scale a few times a week to track my weight. But I also have it linked up to a site called Trend Weight which normalizes the daily fluctuations from water etc.

    Here is a graph from the last 6 months (I got pregnant late September). The grey line shows the weight my scales captured. The red line is the overall trend which shows a much nicer gradual gain of about 9.5 pounds so far.

    Moral of the story.. try not to freak out over daily fluctuations!

  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)
    19w: 202.8 (3)
    20/21w: 202.8 (0)
    22w: 203.4 (.6)
    23w: 207 (3.6) Yikes!!!!
    24w: 203.2 (-3.8)
    25w: 204 (.8)

    Total: (-.6)

    I'm thinking that I'll be back at prepregnancy weight by next week. I've been super hungry lately and with the Superbowl party on Sunday that we'll be attending, I'm sure I'll indulge a bit. I have my 24w appt tonight (at 25w). Glucose test in 3 weeks. I had GD with my first and am fully expecting to have it again (my MW checked my A1C at my 8w appt and it was on the higher side of normal). I would rather just do the 3 hour and skip the 1 hour. I wonder if she'd let me do it. Not that I really want to do the 3 hour, but I failed the 1 hour by 3 points last time and while she thought I would end up passing the 3 hour no problem, I failed miserably. I'd rather just do that and know for sure. I'll have to ask her that tonight. Has anyone done that before?
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I'm thinking that I'll be back at prepregnancy weight by next week. I've been super hungry lately and with the Superbowl party on Sunday that we'll be attending, I'm sure I'll indulge a bit. I have my 24w appt tonight (at 25w). Glucose test in 3 weeks. I had GD with my first and am fully expecting to have it again (my MW checked my A1C at my 8w appt and it was on the higher side of normal). I would rather just do the 3 hour and skip the 1 hour. I wonder if she'd let me do it. Not that I really want to do the 3 hour, but I failed the 1 hour by 3 points last time and while she thought I would end up passing the 3 hour no problem, I failed miserably. I'd rather just do that and know for sure. I'll have to ask her that tonight. Has anyone done that before?

    I haven't done that, but I have asked for similar treatment. For example, every ultrasound we've had with a regular tech has resulted in "concerns about development" and we are always, with every pregnancy, referred to the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist. (And everything is fine.) For this pregnancy, I requested all ultrasounds be performed by a MFM, so that any concerns are resolved or diagnosed immediately. It cuts down on the cost, time, and extra stress. That seems to be your intent as well - if you don't mind testing for 3 hours instead of 1, how could your provider mind?
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    Just thought I would check in at 22 weeks with a fun graph.

    I use a Fitbit Aria scale a few times a week to track my weight. But I also have it linked up to a site called Trend Weight which normalizes the daily fluctuations from water etc.

    Here is a graph from the last 6 months (I got pregnant late September). The grey line shows the weight my scales captured. The red line is the overall trend which shows a much nicer gradual gain of about 9.5 pounds so far.

    Moral of the story.. try not to freak out over daily fluctuations!


    This is comforting because my scale said I gained 9 pounds by the end of the day!!! I drank a bunch of water to help relieve water retention and was down 8 lbs by the next morning.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    I'm thinking that I'll be back at prepregnancy weight by next week. I've been super hungry lately and with the Superbowl party on Sunday that we'll be attending, I'm sure I'll indulge a bit. I have my 24w appt tonight (at 25w). Glucose test in 3 weeks. I had GD with my first and am fully expecting to have it again (my MW checked my A1C at my 8w appt and it was on the higher side of normal). I would rather just do the 3 hour and skip the 1 hour. I wonder if she'd let me do it. Not that I really want to do the 3 hour, but I failed the 1 hour by 3 points last time and while she thought I would end up passing the 3 hour no problem, I failed miserably. I'd rather just do that and know for sure. I'll have to ask her that tonight. Has anyone done that before?

    I haven't done that, but I have asked for similar treatment. For example, every ultrasound we've had with a regular tech has resulted in "concerns about development" and we are always, with every pregnancy, referred to the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist. (And everything is fine.) For this pregnancy, I requested all ultrasounds be performed by a MFM, so that any concerns are resolved or diagnosed immediately. It cuts down on the cost, time, and extra stress. That seems to be your intent as well - if you don't mind testing for 3 hours instead of 1, how could your provider mind?

    Makes sense. I'll ask about just doing the 3 hour. I'd rather just know right away. My office doesn't have a lab so I have to wait for it to be sent there and get the results. It's not a by the end of the appt I'd know.
  • PlayMySong
    PlayMySong Posts: 19 Member
    Today I am starting week 16, I had gained 4 pounds at my 12 week 16 week is Thursday so we will see what the scale says! I know I'm weird but we dont keep a scale in our house lol!