1st meeting

Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
I have been an online member of TOPS. Today I decided to go to an actual meeting to see what it was like. I already knew in advance from calling the area captain that it was a small group. I also had a feeling (because of the location) that it was going to be mostly people older than me in the group. I was nervous that my diet would seem alien to them (I am a vegetarian working hard at becoming vegan). I was nervous thinking we wouldn't have anything in common. But after being there a few minutes I could see that I was wrong.

Yes, they were all older than me. All of them retired women. But they were a very friendly outgoing group of people that seemed very close. Probably because they were such a small group. And, the one thing we did have in common was our goal of losing weight. I didn't feel like our age differences mattered, they were very interested in my diet. They made me feel very welcomed. I already feel like this just may be the support & accountability I need.

Just wanted to share for those out there who maybe worried that they wouldn't fit in with a group.


  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am so glad you went! I am 53 and I am the "baby" in our daytime group and they are a bunch of fun ladies!
  • coffeeluvr59
    coffeeluvr59 Posts: 6 Member
    I was the 'baby' of the group at 54 until a few months ago when a member's daughter joined. She is 26(?) and was worried about the age difference, etc. too. We all have a great time, no matter the age!
  • nmleisa
    nmleisa Posts: 93 Member
    It's so great when you can find a group that you click with!! :) I'm the baby in our group...I'm 36. I joined when I was 23, so I was really the baby in the group at that time! A lot of our chapters where I live are older...ours is a nice mix of all ages. We actually meet at 5:30pm, so we get a lot of people who work during the day and come to the meeting after, as opposed to people who are retired and can meet in the morning.

    You're absolutely right...you are all there to support each other and try to accomplish the same goal...losing weight. :) Keep with it :)
  • I joined with a friend in January, and would say that we are among the youngest three in the group but it is inspirational to see the future. these older ladies are FUN and feisty! One gets up and dances in the middle of the group to celebrate her losses each week. I am 37 and our group meets in the evening after dinner. I find that I need that accountability to lose weight, having had success after my first two children were born going to Weight Watchers meetings but never finding the time after my third. without that weekly weigh in i am unlikely to stay on top of things, and i love the rewards and camaraderie/competition.