Are you weird like me?

Many of my friends and family do not understand this lifestyle and are telling me how weird it is. I nevermind that ... it really doesn't bother me but I am looking for some keto friends on here ... so please add me ;)


  • meaganlodon
    meaganlodon Posts: 4 Member
    I got the same thing from my mom and dad last weekend when I went there for dinner (my first one since starting keto). My step dad commented that it "couldn't be healthy" and my mom was just bummed that I couldn't eat the topping on the shepherd's pie, or have any dessert :P

    Most people thing I'm weird until I tell them that keto has taken care of many of the weird health things I'd been dealing with, and that I've dropped 2 pant sizes in 1 month. *shrugs* I figure I'll let the weight loss and my happiness speak for itself!
  • booklvr81
    booklvr81 Posts: 30 Member
    I get the same thing, mostly from people at work. But I'll take leftover steak and broccoli over a teeny tiny "healthy" carb loaded frozen meal any day!

    Also - sent you a friend request :)
  • jococat
    jococat Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 10+ months on keto and my losses were starting to slow down. I upped my fat to 70% and kept my calories under 1000 total. I am down 73 lbs with 30 left to go :smile:
  • QueenSquishy
    QueenSquishy Posts: 2 Member
    I get that a lot. I just keep on doing what I'm doing. Since it's obviously working! Feel free to add me if you want. I'm not sure how this site works, I just log my stuff in case I start to slow on loss to see where I need to adjust. :)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    You can add me if you like :blushing:
    I don't log foods cause there's just no need for me to do so anymore. I've lost 30# to date and I'm in no hurry to lose the last 20. Not even sure if I plan to :laugh: I'm kind of enjoying life at 130# right now.

    It's easier for me I suppose, I've become T2D when I wasn't looking and the change this lifestyle has made in my life is *very* apparent. I have the opposite problem...all my family members *want* to live the lifestyle but have memories like goldfish.

    When I'm there, they are ALL on the LCHF bandwagon. When I'm not, they seem to loose focus and wander around mindlessly munching on crap :laugh: Bless their little hamster brains :heart: :blushing: It's really sweet that they support me though.

    Anyhoo, friend me if you like :wink:
  • tastethis
    tastethis Posts: 68 Member
    My family is supportive, because they've all tried it. My best friends are the ones who look at me like I'm crazy. I tried to convince my best friend to get her daughter on the diet, as she's always complaining about her weight and is totally sedentary, but she said "I want my kid eating healthy, and that's not!" I was pretty offended....but I guess she'll change her mind once I cut the pounds!
  • Usually it's not hard for me to dismiss my family and even my friends' comments, but sometimes someone I think is so smart and has it all together says something and it kinda rattles my reserve. It doesn't derail me at all, but I get worrisome. Like when my fitness class instructor was all aghast when I said I was focusing on keto. She was insistent that I eat carbs at least two days a week. um.. that would totally knock me out of ketosis, so no. But she is a nurse, so that kinda threw me for a bit.

    Then another smart person was all critical about the diet saying "I can't imagine what your arteries look like right now." Which had me all like - eep. I don't want to judge people on what they look like, but considering her outward appearance, I'm going to take that with a grain of salt.

    And then there are the people who are just pissed that I'm even dieting. "REALLY? WHY?" Because according to my stats, I'm like 28% body fat, and um, that's not good? Just because I hide it well doesn't mean it's not there. I hate the wasting away comments. UGH. Anyway. sorry this turned into my personal rant. The truth is, I'm going to listen to my body for once and not other people. I feel great. I never feel bloated, I have more energy and I sleep amazingly well with dreams! (It's been months between dreams before the diet, now I can remember them every night! I take that as a sign of health, too).

    I think it will get easier to brush off other's feelings about what we do to our own bodies. Ultimately your body is your responsibility. Don't give others the permission to take that over.
  • drzira
    drzira Posts: 29 Member
    I really don't get much flak for it at all. I even converted my sister. (I'm super jeals because she's been hardcore and lost more weight than me.... Seeing her at Christmas was good motivation, though.)
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I don't talk about my diet with people. I avoid the topic whenever I can. If the words won't convince them, results will at least help. I also never try and convince someone that this is the diet for them. That's a personal decision. If they ask you what you're doing and seem genuinely interested, maybe then share. I often say, "Well, it's not for everyone, but I just avoid sugar. If you ever decide you want to try what I do, let me know and I'll help you out."

    Whenever I'm out to eat with people, I order steak with veggies, salads, or anything that doesn't require many substitutions. When I go out drinking, I stick with keto friendly options and skip the beer. When I go to potluck style places, I bring my own dish and gravitate towards the veggies.

    People hardly ask me, because I treat it like a normal thing. When it does happen to come up, I say, "I'm just avoiding some sugars and starches." I might mention that diabetes runs in my family, so I'm doing some prevention work. It's vague enough that while health and fitness is a controversial topic, there leaves little to criticize.

    Ultimately, remember that you're doing this for yourself. Even if it's a bit harder at first, the results will speak for themselves. As for family, I always tell them, "I'm just trying to see how long I can go without extra sugars. No harm in trying, but I'll let you know when I'm ready for that slice of cake." The day just won't come for quite some time. They don't need to know!
  • Apinget
    Apinget Posts: 41 Member
    I signed up for Gold's Gym recently and they ask questions about your fitness goals and eating to put in a file. When I mentioned that I'm doing keto the trainer was surprised and asking (in a rather confrontational manner) why I chose the low carb lifestyle. I've gotten similar responses from my family who are all on the low-fat, high carb lifestyle and it shows. My mom, who I make a point to meet up and dine with occasionally has no problems with it though and she's the one I care about the most anyway. My best friend, originally scoffed at my diet but has been cutting her carbs whenever possible, so clearly the results speak for themselves.

    What I usually tell people, especially when I'm don't want to argue is that keto helps manage and control my pre-diabetes, which I haven't had problems with for about 7 years (aka before keto) but it makes for a good point and ends people preaching to me. If someone asks about my weight loss I'll be more descriptive on my low carb, high fat life and how much better I feel.

    It's good to keep in mind that this is how we were designed to eat, our brains and bodies need fats and proteins and carbs from natural sources, not processed crap that is eaten by a large majority of the public. Most doctors and nurses only take a class or two on nutrition which teaches the food pyramid approved by the government and little more, and we can see what kind of foods those peddle (grains, corn products). An interesting documentary that helped me to understand why so many doctors and people are misinformed was "Fat Head" which can be found on YouTube. It's a bit cheap in quality but def. pumped full of interesting information and the guy who does it is likeable and dorky. Ultimately, I'm glad that I'm no longer bothered by the naysayers and am proud to be vibrant, fit, and keto :)
  • Apinget
    Apinget Posts: 41 Member
    I don't talk about my diet with people. I avoid the topic whenever I can. If the words won't convince them, results will at least help. I also never try and convince someone that this is the diet for them. That's a personal decision. If they ask you what you're doing and seem genuinely interested, maybe then share. I often say, "Well, it's not for everyone, but I just avoid sugar. If you ever decide you want to try what I do, let me know and I'll help you out."

    Whenever I'm out to eat with people, I order steak with veggies, salads, or anything that doesn't require many substitutions. When I go out drinking, I stick with keto friendly options and skip the beer. When I go to potluck style places, I bring my own dish and gravitate towards the veggies.

    People hardly ask me, because I treat it like a normal thing. When it does happen to come up, I say, "I'm just avoiding some sugars and starches." I might mention that diabetes runs in my family, so I'm doing some prevention work. It's vague enough that while health and fitness is a controversial topic, there leaves little to criticize.

    Ultimately, remember that you're doing this for yourself. Even if it's a bit harder at first, the results will speak for themselves. As for family, I always tell them, "I'm just trying to see how long I can go without extra sugars. No harm in trying, but I'll let you know when I'm ready for that slice of cake." The day just won't come for quite some time. They don't need to know!

    I usually respond about the same way, I'm not a confrontational person and feel that diet is a personal, almost sacred (to some) choice and I've never been one to shove something down someone's throat. I'm more than happy to share the joys of keto if someone asks but usually will keep it to myself, and brush off people who question my lifestyle with the statements you use about sugar or diabetes.
  • wibamagirl
    wibamagirl Posts: 35 Member
    I have been weird all my life.i am so happy to find others like me.Keto makes me feel better.i hope if and WHEN I need help that I can count on you guys to help me through the rough patches.I have kept my food diary open for that reason.I love being weird and having weird friends too.