Anyone premenopausal here?



  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 48 and for the past couple years have been experiencing hot flashes, belly weight gain and irregular periods. I work out about 4-5 days a week. This has only maintained my weight, so recently have really tried to cut back on sugar/breads. I'm addicted to sugar and thought this would be impossible...but have found that I don't crave it, if I don't eat it!
  • irish6165
    irish6165 Posts: 36 Member
    I had my hysterectomy last August....and some gain has occurred so in working to get it off......the over the country great .
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Yeah, I'm 47 and skip a few months and then its back before skipping a couple more. Wish it just stopped instead of all this fiddling around. Haven't noticed mood swings, had some hot flushes last year but none since, aren't sleeping as well as before though (much more restless) and retain more fluid around my periods. If this is as bad as it gets, I'm fine :laugh: But I'm finding it much harder to lose my belly fat. Seems to be losing everywhere but there :grumble:

    Edited to add, I take chasteberry every day. About 3-4 years ago I started getting really bad headaches for a day or two before my period. These have really helped and the headaches are only occasional now. Dr knows and is ok with my taking them (I'm not on any hormones thanks to previous cancer)
  • 123dola
    123dola Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm new, 51 and have had premenopausal symptoms for a few years now. I was wondering if anyone else is trying to deal with all the issues with herbs and estroven and what is working/not working from their experience? I am taking estroven, htp5, inositol, st johns, ginseng, omega 3's, and b12 with much mood and sleep success. Still struggling with the weight and joint pain though. Tried green coffee bean and Cambodia garcingen with slight success a few months ago for the weight issue but have not stayed consistent and the pounds are adding again. Have come to the conclusion that even though I eat healthy, I eat too much and exercise too little so am starting again while counting the calories and excercising. I have struggled with my weight all my life but am finding it so much harder to lose or even keep my weight stable now.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    I'm in the same situation. Mood swings, night sweats, irregular cycles, etc. The last year I've really noticed that bloating and water retention has become a huge issue for me that I didn't have before. That's a real challenge as I have to wear a larger size in pants on those days in order to be comfortable. It's frustrating to say the least. Any ideas on how to alleviate this? It's a new one for me and I haven't figured out a solution.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm in the same situation. Mood swings, night sweats, irregular cycles, etc. The last year I've really noticed that bloating and water retention has become a huge issue for me that I didn't have before. That's a real challenge as I have to wear a larger size in pants on those days in order to be comfortable. It's frustrating to say the least. Any ideas on how to alleviate this? It's a new one for me and I haven't figured out a solution.
    For me nothing helped with the bloating (and the painful boobs) until I added the bio-identical hormones, unfortunately. Now my ring fits all month. :-)
    Someone else may have had luck with herbs etc. but for bloating I had no luck with herbs.
  • sue4981
    sue4981 Posts: 34 Member
    HI all, 46 yrs old and I'm either perimenopausal or seriously losing my mind! Been dealing with mood swings, anxiety, hot flashes, heavy periods, weight gain, water weight, the list goes on and on lol. I'm still fairly regular, just heavier and shorter in duration. I think someone else posted about lack of coping with stress and crying at sentimental commercials. That's me too! Ugh, at least there's a group here with others that can relate!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Hi there and welcome to the club. We all join at some point.

    I've found that very hard/vigorous exercise helps with the lethargy and mood swings. Unfortunately, I've had to run myself into the dirt lately in order to get a full nights sleep. Not sure if it is menopause related or just seasonal depression. I just spent the last three days either running, cycling or lifting heavy weights and now my whole body feels like I went through a meat grinder. I was actually able to sleep a full 6 hours last night, so that's a plus. Usually I have to sleep in shifts, 4 hours at night and one or two during the day (if I'm lucky).

    I get hot flashes, but they don't bug me. This time of year I just go stand out on my porch for a few minutes when the hot flashes strike. It sucks most when I'm trying to sleep, though.
  • pinkfanatic68
    pinkfanatic68 Posts: 25 Member
    March will mark 10 years since I had my very first hotflash. I'll be 46 in a couple weeks. I can go for months with zero hotflashes, then they kick in for a short period of time before going away again..
    Plus, I experience what I prefer to call "neurological flatulence". LOL What the heck did I come into this room for? I cont. to menstruate every month. Plus, having hypothyroidism, I've heard we tend to enter menopause earlier. I joke that I'm "hormonally challenged" experiencing both PMS and some perimenopausal symptoms. I was also a late bloomer when I reached puberty at age 15. (because of hypothyroidism since birth)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    March will mark 10 years since I had my very first hotflash. I'll be 46 in a couple weeks. I can go for months with zero hotflashes, then they kick in for a short period of time before going away again..
    Plus, I experience what I prefer to call "neurological flatulence". LOL What the heck did I come into this room for? I cont. to menstruate every month. Plus, having hypothyroidism, I've heard we tend to enter menopause earlier. I joke that I'm "hormonally challenged" experiencing both PMS and some perimenopausal symptoms. I was also a late bloomer when I reached puberty at age 15. (because of hypothyroidism since birth)
    Neurological Flatulence!!!!! OMG!:drinker:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    March will mark 10 years since I had my very first hotflash. I'll be 46 in a couple weeks. I can go for months with zero hotflashes, then they kick in for a short period of time before going away again..
    Plus, I experience what I prefer to call "neurological flatulence". LOL What the heck did I come into this room for? I cont. to menstruate every month. Plus, having hypothyroidism, I've heard we tend to enter menopause earlier. I joke that I'm "hormonally challenged" experiencing both PMS and some perimenopausal symptoms. I was also a late bloomer when I reached puberty at age 15. (because of hypothyroidism since birth)
    Neurological Flatulence!!!!! OMG!:drinker:

    The PC way to say brain fart LOL I get them all the time!
  • DrWhoTardisGallifrey
    Yes! I will be 45 next month and I have been going through it since 38:( My sister who is 2 yrs older than me is post menopausal and has been for a few years so I'm guessing I am nearing the end of perimenopause...Thank You Jesus!! I have heard from the women in my family there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you will feel 100% better after you reach menopause and that you feel like a whole person again. But of course I am sure everyone's experience is different.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I'm 45. I don't know. I'm bipolar so hard to tell. I have mood swings all the time. I am starting to have hot flashes though. I am told I have fibroids and it is recommended I have a hysterectomy but my periods aren't extremely heavy. I'm just going to follow this thread.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    What's with the painful boobs? LOL My nipples particularly.... sorry TMI! Doesn't help with the libido issues either! ahhhh just shoot me!
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    No hot flashes here but have been premenopausal for some time now. Night sweats sometimes but I am finding I am cold all the time. Kids think I am crazy because I wear layers around the house always. Weird. Was on BC for estrogen/progesterone last year and not sure whether or not it helped; but insurance was cancelled so stopped regardless. I find more frustration in the weight gain and/or weight maintenance. I am resting at 12 pounds above last year and no matter what I do the pudge won't budge. Has me so miserable some days. I eat very healthy and workout all the time - its a form of keeping my sanity for me as I am a single Mom with three children who works three jobs to barely keep things going. It's crazy and though I have a few close girlfriends who say they get it, I think unless you are going through it you can't get it. I just need to figure out the weight end because I can't afford new clothes. I look forward to seeing what works for others here..
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm 46 and started perimenopause last year. The irregularity is what's killing me. I use a period tracker on my iPhone and according to it, I'm 35 days late. Good one, iPeriod!

    I'll be regular for months and then out of the blue go a couple of months without any period then become regular again for a bit. I never have any idea what's going on.

    I'm also having some pretty horrible insomnia which doesn't help matters. Sleep is everything. I've taken everything except Ambien and my doctor doesn't prescribe that on general principle.

    Every time I'm as late as I am now, I think "Could this be it? Could I finally be done? Please?"

    Fingers crossed!
  • carplady
    carplady Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I'm 48 and convinced I am starting. In the last 12 months my periods have gone really unpredictable - from being steady and regular every 4 weeks to anything from 2 to 9 weeks and lasting just a few days or two weeks the longest one :frown: I haven't really suffered from the hot flushes or night sweats but my sleep is more restless and I get a really bad headache on the day I start. They've also gone really heavy, especially around the second day to the extent I pray that's on a weekend coz I find it difficult to cope with in work. Spoken to the GP recently but she said it was likely to be pre-menopause and "see how I go" and put me on iron tablets as I was anaemic. My Mum was very vague when I asked her about it and my sister is younger so I've found this group really useful. Interested in the comments about exercise to help......usually that's the last thing I want to do. Not tried any supplements yet.....any recommendations?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm 46 and started perimenopause last year. The irregularity is what's killing me. I use a period tracker on my iPhone and according to it, I'm 35 days late. Good one, iPeriod!

    I'll be regular for months and then out of the blue go a couple of months without any period then become regular again for a bit. I never have any idea what's going on.

    I'm also having some pretty horrible insomnia which doesn't help matters. Sleep is everything. I've taken everything except Ambien and my doctor doesn't prescribe that on general principle.

    Every time I'm as late as I am now, I think "Could this be it? Could I finally be done? Please?"

    Fingers crossed!
    This is me, every time I'm late I pray I'm done. And I don't have really bad symptoms, as far as I can tell. I'm just ready to be done. The last few have been particularly different, so I'm hopeful.
  • barbpol62
    barbpol62 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been skipping my periods a month here and there. Now I haven't had a period since December. Last Friday, I wanted to cry at work just because I couldn't get a mail merge to work. My skin is breaking out like crazy and it doesn't help that my generic antibiotic I've been on for my acne for 10+ years is now $192/month and I haven't renewed it. The thing that's got me so crazy is that I seem to be able to gain 10 pounds WHILE dieting. Last Oct. I gained 10 pounds in a month, then it disappeared by December. Now January through February, I've put on 13 pounds :explode: I wonder if the weight gain is caused by skipping the period that month. No idea. I'm ready to give up trying to lose weight although I know where I'll end up. Thanks for letting me vent. This peri-menopause is no picnic. :sad:
  • Misslove36
    Misslove36 Posts: 89 Member
    I have been looking for help with this, I have been so over sensitive it's a joke, I'm snapping at people and crying
    I am also over eating and have no interest in anything, I get home from work and plan on being in bed as soon as possible

    Am I alone?