I'm struggling 1 week after surgery



  • izzane
    izzane Posts: 6 Member
    Focus on why you did it. I also struggled and after 5 years cant eat veggie soup, cant even smell it the i want to vomit. but push through, it is worth it. I have lost 121lb and still need to loose 17lb to my weight that i wanted to be but now it is hard work, the first lot was easy compare to this now but i just imagine myself in a bikini slim and fit then i push forwards.
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    Thank all of you guys for the support! I am doing muuuuch better

    That's great! Isn't it amazing how much better you can feel from one day to the next!
  • Lorijp
    Lorijp Posts: 47 Member
    I had the sleeve done last week. We had no pre-op dieting for the most part.

    First two days of clear liquids. Now Im struggling with the full liquid diet. I hate brothy soup, tapioca, yogurt, cream of whatever... And it is killing me!

    I am soooo regretting the surgery. I just want to be normal. Im definitely questioning if I could have done this without the surgery.

    Im barely getting the protein and water I need. Im failing miserably at this.

    Have any of you experienced this?

    Have you tried sugar free jello? Sugar free Popsicle? I lived off of those for months after surgery. Hot tea may help also and G2 gatorade. Don't regret the surgery. It may be tough at first getting through certain stages but for this to be successful you will have to learn to eat differently. That's why many diets fail. People lose weight but when they go back to eating they eat the exact same way and wonder what's wrong? That's insanity---doing the same thing day after day and expecting different results. My suggestion would be to research different things to intake and most importantly learn to eat differently or in the long run you will lose weight but could possibly gain it back. Good luck girl. You can do this!
  • I'm sorry that you are struggling, but it's normal. I threw up everyday for the first 6 months! I wish someone had told me before hand that this could be the case, but I made it through and focused on my protein shakes and little else. Do what ever you need to do to get the protein in. I stopped eating for 3 months and my hair fell out and I felt miserable.

    I know it's hard, but take little sips and just keep doing it. Eventually it does get better, but it's hard. I regretted it for the first 6 months, but after that I felt great and now I'm 19 months post op and feel fantastic. It's hard in the beginning, but worth it in the end.

    Email me or friend me if you ever want to chat.