Tell us your story



  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Kelsey, thanks for your friend request. Great to have you on board :) We are all in the same boat and even though I only set up the group a short time ago I have already had so much support and feel so much stronger! My suggestions regarding diet would be to focus on healthy eating and cutting out all processed foods to start with. Unfortunately this is a lifelong struggle, so we all need to adopt a healthy lifestyle that we can maintain for ever. Don't worry about cutting calories quite so low as you might not be able to keep it up. But do focus on low carb healthy foods. well..that's my opinion anyway :) one step at a time :)
  • lizpuga1
    lizpuga1 Posts: 11 Member
    hi ladies! im so happy to join this group! i've always felt like an outsider because everyone else's diets just didn't work for me!
    i'm 30 yrs old and have 2 kids... my son conceived after a year on birth control then i struggled to have my daughter thats when i was diagnosed with PCOS. i went on slim for life & lost almost all of extra bodyweight.. and managed to keep it off for about a year..
    well i was trying to conceive again and relaxed my whole diet & workout regimen and then the holidays... and i gained it all back!!

    i didn't conceive and probably won't try again for a few months... while trying to conceive i was on metformin & clomid. but i stopped taking it.... reading everyone else's posts, im wondering if i should keep taking it????????????
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    lizpuga1 - I got the impression from my RE that the metformin was something I could stay on longer term - not just while trying to conceive. My primary doctor seemed to have the same opinion. That said I have had zero bad side effects from it, so I feel like it would be workable for me in the long term. Good luck TTC. I have one 8 year old but we have been trying for this baby for 1.5 yrs now. It's really hard to focus on TTC and trying to lose weight, that's for sure!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey LizPuga :) Great to have you on board with us!
  • scooterjen
    scooterjen Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Cysters,

    I will apologize up front for my long post. I will be turning 43 next month and I have been living with PCOS since late puberty. I was finally diagnosed at the age of 26 by my Gyno at the time after I had an ultrasound study and eventual laproscopic surgery for Endometriosis. I had the classic "string of pearls" presentation. Prior to this, I had weighed in the 120's an at 5'2" and having an athletic build, I was happy. I had always had irregular periods and that gyno just continuously put me on the birthcontrol pill, stating I had a "hormone imbalance". Once she finally gave me the dx, she said I would have issues conceiving in the future but that's all. Over the next year, with working out 5 days a week at high intensity, I started gaining weight and no matter what I did, I put on 30 lbs in a year. In 2001 I happened to see an article in a magazine about PCOS and was like "What?!?!?" "I am at risk for all that?" And to think my gyno said it was only a "hormone imbalance". Sheesh. There was a name of a MD who was a Reproductive Endocrinologist who specialized in treating PCOS who practiced in Boston. I called her and made an appointment. She took one look at me and said "I can look at you and see you have pcos" She ordered some labs and they showed I am insulin resistant. She started me on metformin that day. . My PCOS since then has been a constant struggle. I have tried Weight Watchers with little to no success once and then tried it again with incorporating Zone practice and had a little bit of success. I am now 42 years old and have gained and lost the same 15-20 lbs several times. Everytime I fall off the wagon, the weight would pile back on.

    A few years ago, I was introduced to the paleo and primal lifestyles and the book Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shannahan at an obesity clinic I attended. I lost 17 lbs during that time pretty easily when I was faithful. But I am not sure I was completely on board. However, I finally read the entire book by Dr Shannahan and that convinced me I had to commit to change. Since then, I have limited my net carbs (after subtracting fiber) to no more than 100g a day as she suggests, started making veggie/fruit smoothies in my Nutribullet, and been exercising 5 days a week.

    I am not sure if I am the oldest one here, but I can only be happy for the younger women that have more treatment options than I did when I was younger and that the knowledge of the disease is more widespread (ie. use of metformin). When I was started on it, the research was just really being published.
  • scooterjen
    scooterjen Posts: 28 Member
    I am 44 with a similar story, so you are not the oldest. I've flirted with this disorder long enough. I'm ready to get serious and back to a better version of myself!