90-Day Fit. & Nutr. Challenge Day #26: Freestyle Friday!!!

amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
For TODAY’S POST, anything goes!!! :drinker: Don't forget to think about ways not to sabotage all of your hard work this week, while still giving yourself a little room to be adventurous!!! Remember the 80/20 rule for fitness and nutrition, and we will still keep heading in the right direction.:love:



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I "binged" on Wed, cravings got to me, although they were considered "healthy" foods it was a little excessive. Besides it is that TOM. So to "compensate" I did fasted yesterday (18hrs) and today close to 20 hrs. Yesterday I stayed within my calories (which I am not sure if they are enough), today, no telling because I didn't log in. I didn't exercise either, a big change these days because I haven't had a rest day in a while. I did do some walking at an outdoor mall with my daughter. Beautiful day here in SA!!!

    Can't wait to hear from everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • 24Sept
    24Sept Posts: 178 Member
    Today was the first time I went to the gym in the last 10 or so days .I was itching to go but when I got there I got my behind beat down by the treadmill. I cried uncle uncle i give in. Next I went grocery shopping at Walmart and finally home to make a big pot of meaty chilli for my husband and grown son plus some to freeze :-) .

    I hope you have a good weekend and I appreciate you all :-)
  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    Attending a conference today with my husband. Didn't pack healthy snacks, so I am off the grid with my logging!!! I see a juice /veggie day in my future for Sunday, when we return! :drinker:
  • ChelseaSM
    ChelseaSM Posts: 53 Member
    Rough week this week, fighting a cold, plus a big assignment due tomorrow that I've been trying to plug away at. I went to the gym Tuesday morning, TRX class Tues night, treadmill Mon/Wed evening, and Thursday/Friday I went to bed early and didn't work out at all.

    Went to the gym this morning, did 25 min cardio and 60 mins legs (squats, lunges, leg press, lifts, etc). At the library now working on my assignment. Going out for sushi tonight.

    Not a good week this week - I didn't have much of an appetite, couldn't stomache the prepared meals I had made. Skipped a lot of breakfasts/only ate half of them, skipped lunch and then ate the lunch we feed the kids at work (I work in a daycare), and had unbalanced dinners (soup with no veggies on the side, chicken sausage and nothing else).

    My goals for this week: more raw veggies, eat three meals a day, SLEEP, and to make it to the gym 3x, and 3x home workouts.