
So guys what are your goals what is your dream weight or body? Leave a reply (:


  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    My biggest goal is to get out of double-digit jeans sizes! Then my final goal will be to achieve a healthy BMI. Just starting this journey seriously, those goals seem so far off and impossible!!! Short term goal: lose 5 pounds by the end of February and work myself up to attending kick boxing classes three times a week!
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653
    My biggest goal is to get out of double-digit jeans sizes! Then my final goal will be to achieve a healthy BMI. Just starting this journey seriously, those goals seem so far off and impossible!!! Short term goal: lose 5 pounds by the end of February and work myself up to attending kick boxing classes three times a week!

    You can certainly do it!!! Goals may seem impossible sometimes but I'm glad you broke it up and are doing short term goals. Sounds like you have the perfect plan for success!!!

    My goal is to become toned and healthier. I'd love to lose around 20 pounds but that's a secondary goal to me. I'd rather feel good/healthy and not worry too much about the scale.
  • whisperer02
    My goal is to do jillian michaels 30 day shred, lose some inches and be able to fit my size 10 clothes comfortably again. I enjoy doing at home dvds for now. Once my body gets stronger thenni want to go back to the spinning class at the Y that i was too out of shape to finish.
  • music815
    You all can reach your goals and should be proud your taking the steps towards them. As long as we don't quit we are halfway there.
    My goal is to shred 70 pounds of body fat and gain muscles mass! I want to be healthy, feel great, and look great as well!

    We can do it!!!
  • O3ototally
    All of you guys can reach your goal (: just keep at it(: keep your goal in sight and eventually you will be able to grasp it :D . My goal is to be able to feel comfortable taking my shirt off and keep it that way (:
  • cleopatra651
    cleopatra651 Posts: 11 Member
    Evening Ya'll!

    I hope ya'll don't mind but I saw the thread and joined the group. I tried to do my best on keeping motivated on my own this first month but it's harder said than done. I want to feel toned and comfortable with my body. I also would like to gain the energy that I used to get by working out when I was younger. I know that with getting older, the body needs more attention, so this year is the year for me! :). If I can lose 15 lbs by this summer minimum I hope I will be content with what I see and my results. I'm tired of not feeling comfortable in my clothes if you know what I mean. I look forward to reaching our goals together!!!! -Roxy
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    My goals are to get to my goal weight of 145, finish my Insanity program (day 13 tomorrow!), and cut down on the soda.

    Good luck to you all in reaching your goals. Let's do this! :flowerforyou:
  • annettemorales06
    My goal is to loose about 10 more pounds of fat and then focus on putting on muscle and getting toned. I want to be healthy and fit!

    Looking forward to chatting and motivating!

    Let's get fit! :)
  • jonquilnash
    So how has it gone today everyone? This was day 1 for me, I went to my first spin class this morning and it was great! I'm really looking forward to going again on Wednesday.
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    Good job!! Spinning looks difficult, I bet it was good workout! I went to my second kick boxing class today and stayed with the class the entire time unlike having to sit out 5 minutes to catch my breath last time! Yay for small victories!
  • jonquilnash
    I would count that as a huge victory, I love it when you see an improvement, even if it's only tiny!
  • annettemorales06
    Good job!! Spinning looks difficult, I bet it was good workout! I went to my second kick boxing class today and stayed with the class the entire time unlike having to sit out 5 minutes to catch my breath last time! Yay for small victories!

    That is awesome! Great job!

    As far as spinning class I've never tried it maybe I will give it a shot soon :)

    I'm currently doing Focus T25 Alpha workouts...just started week 3 and I'm loving the results so far!
  • gdjester1
    gdjester1 Posts: 32 Member
    I have several goals I'm hoping to reach. Over the last 10 years or so I have completely let myself go to the point that in November I topped out at 405lbs. Thats when I said enough is enough. I have been hitting the gym at least 30 minutes a day 5 to 6 times a week and started watching my calories. I got the MFP app on my iPad in late Dec or early Jan and that has helped quite a bit. Since I started this I'm now down to 372lbs so I'm doing well and making progress. I still have a long way to go. My goal weight is 215. Last time I was this weight I was the most fit I had ever been. I also hope to be able to go running with my son. He runs cross country and track and I have never been able to do that. My wife is a runner too and she hopes to get me to run some 5k's with her. So that is also a goal. It would also be great to buy clothes at a store that doesn't have he words "Big and Tall" in the title. These are just a few things I look forward to being able to do with some hard work, hopefully sooner than later.
  • whisperer02
    Everyone sounds so active.......i am doing the leslie sansome 4 mile boost walk and jillian michaels 30 day shred. I have to admit i like the boost walking better......lol. For now i prefer to do at home exercise since i am 13 pounds heavier than this time last year. Once i get back down by about another 5 pounds i will go back to spinning class. I think everyone here is getting the healthy thing down, way to go everyone.
  • O3ototally
    Hey guys sorry I haven't been on ): my account was messing up and had a lot of family over and been busy with school and looking for work /: I barley have time to work out . But don't worry I'm still here if u need me and the rest of the group is here too (:
  • becky2t
    becky2t Posts: 23 Member
    I am currently 242.6 and my goal weight is 165. I was 165 prior to having kids and had previously been unsuccessful loosing the weight so far.

    I have started to walk a mile on the treadmill, daily when possible. I plan to increase the speed and incline as I get stronger and build up more endurance.

    I work a sedentary job for around 12 hours a day, five days a week, have two kids in multiple sports and my husband is going to school full-time on top of a full-time job. I need help staying motivated, and would love to help others with the same. :) I need help motivating myself to find time to exercise, whether I want to or not!

    I want to be healthier. I am on expensive acid reflux medication and would like to also lower my blood pressure so I can get off that medication as well. My doctor has been giving me static about my birth control pills because of my blood pressure. I have had hypoglycemia since I had my kids. I think if I do not turn my life around soon I am likely headed for type 2 diabetes.

    I also want to be able to play sports with my kids without feeling like I am being stared at because of my weight. I have allowed my weight to keep me from doing too many things.
  • gdjester1
    gdjester1 Posts: 32 Member
    I have been doing very well with my progress, thank you guys for all the support. It really means a lot.

    I want to add two more short term goals to the big ones I listed earlier. These two were pipedreams just a few months back but now I think I can actually achieve them.

    1. I have a scheduled doctor's checkup on July 23. My doctor has been practically begging me to drop the weight for years now. When I go in for a checkup, the first thing they make me do is get on a scale. It is not a digital scale. Its the old ones with the sliding counterbalancing weights that measure how much you weigh. This old scale only goes up to 350lbs. I haven't been able to be weighed on it for years. They still make me get on it though and the nurse gives me a weird look every time and just writes something like "Exceeds Scale" in my file. It's pretty humiliating. My new goal is to be able to have an actual weight recorded in my file. I'm currently down to 359. Only nine more to go. At my current pace I should make it and them some.

    2. I put on a national conference on disability rights every year called the National ADA Symposium. It is in Denver this year in June. This is really the only time of the year I get really dressed up. I hate wearing the old suit and tie. I only only own one suit right now. I bought it a few years ago and I pull it out for this event every year. I really don't like the look of it anymore but why bother getting a new one. My next new goal is to be forced to buy myself a new suit come the Symposium in June because hopefully the current one will just be too big.

    Wish me luck!