
I find it helps me stay on track if I look up and read something new about health every day. Just a few minutes of reading something like this:
seems to keep me inspired. What about you all? What keeps you inspired?

Plus, way over on sodium today because I just don't feel like cooking and opened some cans. Yuck. Well, live and learn.


  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    Reading about exercise today. Found this article with some very interesting info about the minimum exercise needed to improve health -- it turns out that the harder you exercise, the less time you need to do it to produce change. Of course, doing it longer burns more calories, but if it's hard to get motivated about exercise, this article might make you feel better about doing it, with an easier goal than 150 minutes of exercise a week. Let me know what you think.

  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    The think that motivates me is accountability to others. That's why participating in this group is so good.
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    There is an app you can download through Playstore called 'How to Lose Weight'. It updates from time to time with tips and hints of how to do it properly. There is some very interesting reading. It is the one with the red apple with a tape measure round it.
  • SkinnyFattoo
    Since I've joined this group, I've been more motivated! I love seeing my new friends victories on the timeline every day. Seeing clothes fit better is very motivating to me, but I haven't gotten there yet this time around. I can't buy another wardrobe, I own too many sizes as it is!! :) Saving money and not buying a bigger size wardrobe is tantalizing.
  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    I like the reports available here, and can see from my reports that I don't always eat enough protein and I ALWAYS seem to eat too much sodium. Mainly yesterday because I ate two meals out, even though the calories were OK, there was too much sodium. So, this next week or so I think I'll try to be mindful of how much sodium I'm eating. More cooking at home, no eating out!
  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    Talking to myself . . .
    I asked Google today what to eat for breakfast on the Mediterranean diet. Apparently, from the articles I read, the answer is fish. I don't think so. Back to oatmeal, I guess. I like oatmeal, with some fruit and nuts which fits into the Mediterranean diet principles. It's easier just to eat some breakfast bar kind of thing, but I should quit that because of the amount of sodium in processed food.
  • TNHoneyBBQ
    TNHoneyBBQ Posts: 25 Member
    Nice topic. I do a lot of positive self talk, acting as my own 'coach'. I make a point to turn negative thoughts into positives. I read the forums here to see what everyone is up to and love the success stories. I have been in elastic waist clothes for long enough, I want to empty my closet of the fat clothes and see something that I actually will look good in hanging there instead.

    Do something nice for yourself today! Carol in TN
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I have been in elastic waist clothes for long enough, I want to empty my closet of the fat clothes and see something that I actually will look good in hanging there instead.

    My dream, too.

    I also work better under a deadline. Yesterday my son set his wedding date for May 17 so I'm very motivated today to get something done before then.
  • QueenLaureen62
    QueenLaureen62 Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning, Champs! Great topic here! I am definitely more motivated when I have a goal in front of me. It can't be a vague goal like "improve health". I know that works for some, but I need something a bit more concrete. For me to really wrap my head and heart around it, the goal needs to be specific, meaningful to me, and time bound. For example, "run 5K for XX charity, in under 30 minutes, by June 15, 2014" or "Lose 20 pounds by May 16, 2014, eating a minimum of 1200 calories so I can wear my blue dress to my birthday party and feel comfortable and pretty" I need to establish some of those goals now!
  • TNHoneyBBQ
    TNHoneyBBQ Posts: 25 Member
    Stepping up the encouragement a notch. I decided that at a loss of 20 pounds I will get some guilt free retail therapy. Will work for sparkly things, lol !!
  • elaine5181
    elaine5181 Posts: 11 Member
    I enjoy reading good blogs on weight loss and nutrition. They motivate me to keep focused and on track. A good one is gainsthroughloss.com. This young man used (may still use) my fitness pal as a weight loss tool. His last two entries have not been focused on weight loss so be sure to keep reading his past blogs. He has lost an amazing amount of weight and speaks to the emotional challenges this has created for him. One of my favourite blogs I check in on every few weeks. Would be interested in knowing if any one else has come across a good blog that they can share. Will be interested in what everyone thinks of the gaining through loss blog. Enjoy!