Friendship & Intro Thread



  • natyasa
    natyasa Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with Hashimotos a few months ago. I've had persistent hyperparathyroidism since 13yo (currently 31yo), with 2 surgeries under my belt, and a 3rd next month. Apparently there is some sort of connection between hyperparathyroidism and Hashimotos. Not exactly sure what is it though. I've been on Synthroid 25mg since diagnosis, but we're waiting until after my surgery to really see how I feel. With Hyperparathyroidism, your calcium levels rise and mine as been off the charts. High blood calcium leads to fatigue,cold intolerance, depression,etc. Essentially, symptoms that are similar to Hashimotos.

    It took 8 years to properly diagnose hyperparathyroidism, and within the process, I passed so many kidney stones that I only have one fully functioning kidney. I suspect I've had Hashimotos for a while as I could never ever build muscle definition, always have brain fog and confusion, and long periods of deep depression. Nice to put a name I to something that's been ruining my life, lol.
  • 17adf33
    17adf33 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I was diagnosed hypothyroid in March 2013 and now take 100 mcg of Levothyroxine.I'm still being tested to find an optimal dose.I feel better than I did and am exercising which would have been difficult due to feeling exhausted and joint pain.I've been trying to lose weight since Dec 27th.Initially I lost 3 pounds but was on 800 to 1000 cals per day.Possibly some water loss. After a week I felt a bit ill and googled the NHS 12 week weight loss programme which suggested 30 mins cardio and 10 mins strength exercise but 1400 cals. The googled the minimum number of cals for weight gain without entering "famine" mode, 1200 and found MFP. My resting daily requirement came out out about 1350 cals. and that's without hypo. Since raising my cals to 1200 to 1400 (if over the 40 mins exercise) I've gained weight., 2 pounds Eating 1200 cals seems like far more than I ate before dieting but I have cut some portion sizes, I weigh food. Now at a bit a loss as to what to do. My knees have rebelled since doing low impact cardio and I hate swimming.I need to either cut calories to below 1200 or increase exercise. I'm thinking of a 5:2 diet with the 1200-1400 on 5 days a week. Any ideas would be welcome! I have about 20 pounds to lose and want to help my knees as the excess weight must be making them worse. My weight was pretty stable before dieting.AlthoughI gained about 2 stone before it leveled out. I've been s normal weight for most of my life.
  • brenda5476
    brenda5476 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I was also diagnosed in April and also live in BC!! I also see that there is a motorcycle in your loss scale - we do a lot of travelling on our bike too.
  • dariazeoli
    dariazeoli Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I joined MFP about a week ago after years with LoseIt. I'm just now lurking around various forums and thought I'd join this one.

    I have both Hashimoto's and PCOS. I'm on 100mcg of levothryoxine, and that dose hasn't changed in a while, so it seems to work. Last year was a bit of a struggle as my father got sick and died, requiring me to move in with my mother. Stress can definitely affect hormones so we're keeping an eye on my dosage and I'll be curious to see what the bloodwork says at my next checkup in April!

    I've been an ethical vegan (though my journey started for health reasons) for a little over four years now - something my doctor is very positive about, though she wishes I'd cut out the potato chips! I am capable of losing weight when I exercise and track what I eat; it's keeping those habits up that I'm sometimes not so good at! I joined a gym last month and also am trying C25K. Week 4 is tough!

    Anyway, nice to "meet" everyone!
  • Hi my name is Kim I'm from the UK. I have hypothyroidism. I'm a mum to 3 and in full time work.
    Really frustrated at the moment. Started dieting again after xmas with my husband.
    He's lost 12lb and I've managed only 2 lb.
    Doesn't help that I can't do aerobic exercise.
    I prefer strength training anyway.
    Any suggestions?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    2 lbs. in one month is great! Women lose slower than men, so stop comparing yourself to your husband. And hypos lose slower than most women. It sucks, but it is what it is. I had to eat at a deficit for a year to lose 20 lb., so you're already way ahead of me. Just keep doing what you're doing. You're doing great!
  • brenda5476
    brenda5476 Posts: 24 Member
    hi, from BC also, do a bit of travelling on our motorcycle in the west Kootenays.
  • I just joined MFP. In 2001, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. Both of my parents and all four sisters also have the disease - thanks mom & dad! I find it very hard to lose weight even though I jog/walk 4 miles a day. The only time weight seems to come off is if I don't eat or only eat once a day.
    My thyroid numbers are "just where they should be" (according to my endo), and I've been on 175 mcg of Synthroid for over 3 years. I'm 47, weigh 170 lbs., and wear a size 12. Before I started to feel the effects of hypo, I wore a size 8 and would LOVE to get that back!
  • gaminaltime
    gaminaltime Posts: 29 Member

    This is me , a month back. My husband n me, both worked out tediously and were always on diet but he lost more weight than me in a month. A few days back I found out I have hypothyroidism and it kinda answered a few of the questions I always had in mind.

    Though I am not an expert, I have read high protein diet and circuit training helps in losing weight when diagnosed with HT.
  • K1atie
    K1atie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Katie, After years of complaing to doctors about being tired & run down all the time and getting annoyed that no matter what I did I wasnt loosing weight I finally last month convinced my doctor there was something not right. After a few blood tests it was found I have an underactive thyroid....It explains a lot of how I have been feeling the last ocuple of years. I have another month to go before I go back for more bloods before they reasses the situation & see if medication is needed (May possibly be due to an iodien diffecency so the doctor currently has me eating lots of foods that are high in iodien to try and fix it naturally). I still feel tired all the time and lack alot of energy but am feeling hopefull that I can start fixing the problem and getting my life back on track and loose the kilos I need to loose!
  • I new to the site but have been dx with Hashimotos for over two years. I hadn't weighed myself in many years and had slowly gained weight the way most people do - eating a little bit too much every day. Then, over the course of just three months or so, despite pretty consistent exercise and a decent, moderate diet, I grew three pants sizes. My labs were somewhat marginal, just shy of a TSH of 4, but I was very symptomatic and weighed about 40 pounds more than I would have guessed. Also prediabetic :/

    I'm wondering if anyone had a similar experience that I did - as soon as I started taking synthroid I dropped a lot of weight, fast. About 45 pounds actually in 5 months. Its stayed off, more or less, but getting any more to come off has NOT been easy. Oh well.

    My numbers are okay now (I am a HCP and I draw my labs on myself, lol, whenever I feel like things are off) and I feel alright. Nice to see other people on here having similar struggles.
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennifer and I've had the privilege of experiencing hyper and hypothyroidism. Two years ago, I finally went to the doctor for a routine physical and blood work ( my co-workers found out I had never had a physical and made me an appointment without my knowledge...busybodies ;)). Turns out my thyroid levels were all kinds of messed up, owing to a lovely two inch growth on my thyroid (which I affectionately named 'Goity'). After several months, a barrage of tests, and countless times explaining to friends and family that, yes, I am sure that it's HYPER active, and yes, it's apparently possible to have an overactive thyroid and still be very overweight, we decided that the best course of action was to remove Goity and the right half of my thyroid with it.

    So in June of 2012, I had surgery, and everything went fine, except I'm now hypoactive due to only having half a thyroid. I didn't really gain weight, as I never really had the metabolism related symptoms of hyperthyroidism (instead I got high blood pressure and anxiety...hooray!) Energy levels are really my biggest struggle now.
  • Char6332
    Char6332 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi new here. From BC also East Kootenays. Just needing to refocus on my self. Bad for putting everything before me. I just got a new tablet and want to restart tracking again. Look forward to any help. :smile:
  • Hi all My name is Thera

    I Live in Russell Ontario which is not far from Ottawa about 20 min. I am 36 have 3 kids ages 19,11 and 3 yes I had my first son very young I worked two jobs and put myself thru high school then met my current husband and went to college. It was after my first son with my husband that they realized I had a thyroid condition after I just kept gaining weight. I am on what I think is a low dose of eltroxin 0.15mg. I have only had my meds changed once in 11 years.

    I have a whack of other health issues I was in a wheelchair for two years after rupturing 3 disks had surgery and everything went great but after that I started having bowel problems and then kidney stones well lets just say I am an emotional eating and it came easy to me to wallow in my health problems.
    Last year my godmother died of complications from being obese and diabetic and we had similar issues except i'm not diabetic and that started the thought of getting healthy in my head but then several bought to the hospital for a kidney stone that was larger than a die that blocked my kidney function made me go back to the wallowing

    Then recently I had a H1N1 I don't know if anyone has heard of this but it is a flu that can and in a lot of cases kills you! I survived! and I was a smoker (I have never been so sick in my life)

    I took this as a sign that things had to change have to change and will change!
    Well no more thyroid or no thyroid and pain or no pain I reached 270 and that was it for me I looked in the mirror and said what the hell are you doing to yourself!? I quit smoking and started "dieting" eating better living life and right now it seems obsessive and it seems like my life revolves around exercise and what I eat but as I get more and more healthy I will start living life already i'm running a 5k for charity in June!

    Don't read stuff on the internet about not being able to lose with hypothyroidism cause its depressing it may take us longer but we can do it!
  • I gained 7lbs doing atkins and re-ajusted my diet and went on a 1500 cal a day diet and I work out 6 days a week for 1 hour
    since then I lost the 7lbs I gained and lost 10 inches it has been almost a month since I started to do it this way it had been two weeks prior doing atkins
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am 45 and have been hypothyroid for almost 20 years. Over the years I have lost weight, gained back, lost it again. I am giving it yet another kick at the can. Hopefully this will stick..
  • Gaillmw
    Gaillmw Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I am new to MFP and was happy to see this forum here. I was diagnosed with a thyroid problem 30 years ago. Over active was my problem. The specialist said the best treatment for me was a dose of radioactive iodine. A scary sounding treatment indeed. He told me it was important not to kiss anyone for 24 hours! The liquid was warm and tasteless. I suffered no side effect. A month or so after this treatment I went from living at top speed to falling asleep often during the day.. After several tests it was proven that he had overdosed me and instead of killing off a small portion of my thyroid he can destroyed 90% of it. And as you all may no it never grows back. It took me several years of different dose levels to finally get me back to some form of normal. For many, many years I have been steady on 150mcg Snythriod and I must take a pill everyday for the rest of my life. Because of my low thyroid my pulse rate now averages 50 to 60 beats per minute from a rate of 120 before the radioactive iodine treatment. When I have my blood pressure taken the nurse (if she hasn't be with me before) she gets a frightened look on her face. Sometimes they excuse themselves quickly and return with the doctor. That always makes me smile! :smile:
    I hope all of you are doing well with you thyroid problems too. I am looking forward to reading all of your stories. Thanks for letting me share.
  • ericanom
    ericanom Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone I've just joined the group :) I'm 22 from the UK, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 years ago but had symptoms for a couple of years before that. I take levothyroxine and I'm still struggling with a lot of symptoms. I've managed to lose some weight since starting medication but it's come off very slowly and I gain it back so easily.
  • Hello! I am new to Fitness Pal but am very excited to get started!
    I am 22 from Montana in the US.
    Married with a 4 year old son.
    I have had hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease since i was about 10?
    I am super excited to start this journey and getting some help along the way!

  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Hi all! 37 year old mom and full time teacher. Married to a coach, we have 6 kids ranging from 20-2. Recently diagnosed with hypothyroid. Have had trouble losing weight for... about 4 years. Had a baby in the middle of that. I should be about 130. that's normal for me. I'm about 150. I've lost almost 10 lbs since I started on MFP. I am a foodie. I looove to eat and food makes me happy. That's probably dysfunctional, but it's true.

    Anyways.... HI :)