


  • funrunhoward
    Hi, I'm Bill and from Kansas City and training for signed up Rock the Parkway 1/2 marathon. I need to drop about 10 more pounds before I can train very hard. My wife is going to train with me this time. I have run 4 halfs and 1 full marathon about 20 lbs ago (3 years). Back on track thanks to Can't wait to get back into running again....
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Hi! I'm Jessie. I've only been running for a year, and am starting to train for my first half in May. I look forward to learning from you all!
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi! I'm new here!

    I took up running ultramarathons about 3 years ago, and during the process, I've put on 15 lbs. I keep saying I'm going to lose the weight... it'll be easy! It'll be easy! But. But. It doesn't happen and I keep gaining!

    So, time to track my calories and figure out where I'm messing up.

    Thanks in advance for all your help!
  • noodle412
    noodle412 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all! I'm from Pittsburgh. Just starting to ramp up training for my 3rd marathon this spring and looking to stay on track with my diet. Looking for friends to add to stay motivated and on track... fellow runners would be great!
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    New to this group... I've been searching for a running group and this looks just right! I'm only running since october 2013 and my best distance so far has been 8km, I want to improve a lot! Running makes me feel great and the effects on my every day life are enourmously positive. Also I like fun. Yes, I'm that weirdo who runs, runs, like normal people do and then suddenly jumps on benches for no reason and leaves the roads to run through mud... basically just what little kids do. They are fit, it works for them, so why not for me? Fuuuuuuuun :D
  • tificreole
    tificreole Posts: 18 Member
    HI I am Frances from Sydney Australia, I am new to running as well. I did a 10k in July 2013 and have been plagued with knees issues which have been adressed. I am now training for a 1/2 marathon for April 2014 and on the way doing a short 7k in February as a training run. I do not have any PR as it is my first time... but it would be nice to finish sub 2.30. I am dreaming but hey! I can...Looking forward to discussing running issues with newbies. I need to build up my confidence as I am just going through the motion of training at the moment without really believing in it. I think sheer stubborness will get me through...
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    HI I am Frances from Sydney Australia, I am new to running as well. I did a 10k in July 2013 and have been plagued with knees issues which have been adressed. I am now training for a 1/2 marathon for April 2014 and on the way doing a short 7k in February as a training run. I do not have any PR as it is my first time... but it would be nice to finish sub 2.30. I am dreaming but hey! I can...Looking forward to discussing running issues with newbies. I need to build up my confidence as I am just going through the motion of training at the moment without really believing in it. I think sheer stubborness will get me through...

    Actually you have a guaranteed PR :)
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi all... quick intro for me (well, I'll try to be quick) :)

    My name is Ted. I'm from the Philadelphia area (grew up in Cherry Hill, NJ, went to college in Philly, settled in West Chester, PA for the last 15 years). I'm 45, I'm still about 40 pounds above my goal weight, but thanks to MFP and primarily running, I'm down 93 from my highest weight.

    I started running in January 2012 with C25K. I run in VFF shoes and always have since I started.

    In 2012, I complete C25K, Bridge 2 10K and then a Half Marathon training program - running my first HM 28 weeks to the day from when I started C25K. I went on from there to run one more HM in 2012 - and had by Best.Run.Ever! that day, PRing from my first race by almost 16 minutes. (2:28:15 is my HM PR).

    2013 was the year of "13" for me... I ran 4 more HMs (as well as several 10 mile races and 10Ks).

    I feel like 2014 is time for me to take the "big step" and I am planning my first marathon for later this year (Philadelphia Marathon on Nov. 23rd)

    Nice to have found this group! I look forward to reading and learning from all of you.

    Thanks in advance.

  • crisachristy
    crisachristy Posts: 10 Member
    HI Everyone!

    I have been on MFP for about a year or so, off and on. But, this is the first time I bothered to join any groups. I figured I would be smart and really dig in the second time around! =)

    I'm Christie. I am originally from NC, but most recently moved from Japan to Las Vegas, NV. We have been here in the city for about 6 months and it definitely taking a toll on me. Last year I lost 58 pounds mostly through finding my love of running and making better choices.

    While in Japan I started running 5k's and eventually 2 half marathons and a relay half marathon. I also completed a sprint triathlon for women only...all while weighing just over 200 pounds.

    Since getting back to the states I have put about 18 ridiculous pounds back on. So, I recently started to ease back into running. I plan to train for and run another half marathon as my training progresses.

    I could really use some friends and support on here for accountability. Please feel free to add me. I am looking forward to this group and everything I can learn.

  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Carol. I've been on mfp for a while and love the support and encouragement of my running friends and thought this would be a great place to learn from more experienced runners.

    I've been running off and on for years and did a 10k and a half quite a while ago (2008 & 2009). This year I decided to get back to running regularly and it has been going great! I ran a 10k in November and have 3 more planned (Jan 25, Feb 15, March 15) and a half marathon in April (see my profile pic!).

    Looking forward to some great discussions!
  • arwenmakin
    arwenmakin Posts: 24 Member
    Hi There
    I'm looking to make some friends so that I'm more accountable! I just eat too much and I'm back on MFP having let it lapse for ten months, the running dropped off as well for various reasons and I put on 20 pounds! Weighed myself on new years day and cried (I'd been putting of the inevitable!). I'm 35 and a mum to a nine year old boy who does karate so I train when he does as well. We are based in Nottingham UK and my husband also runs and is a similar speed to me generally.

    So I'm back on it, and it's been tough. I've been running to and from work (5k / 3mls each way) and have been improving (started at 9.30 min miles on 2nd Jan, tonight's school run (literally) was under 8 min miles but it was hard!), I just need to keep it up. As usual I did too much too soon so got an Achilles niggle, but for once I listened to it, rested and its gone....

    This time last year I ran a HM in 1.38 (my best ever) and I did the South Downs trail marathon in June but slowly as we (hubby and I) didn't really train for it. The hills were fine but the distance hurt a bit! I prefer fell running, not really a fan of roads or the flat. I know that I'll never get to that HM speed unless I lose the weight I need to. I've put my target at 119, but I'd prefer 112 - I consider that's my fighting weight, it's what I used to be. I've entered two marathons this year - the Robin Hood in September (flat) and the Snowdonia Marathon in October (VERY hilly!)

    Anyway that's me, I hope that some of you might want to add me so I can feel accountable to someone other than myself!!!

    Happy running to you all

  • bjjsurfer
    Hi, I am Randy from Virginia. I am currently training for a Ultra Marathon. I completed my first 50K last year and am looking to break the 50 and 75 mile mark this year.
  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,939 Member
    Hi all. I'm from the New York City area. I'm 57 years old. I started running 2 years ago to lose weight. I was running 3-5 miles consistently when my running guru convinced me to sign up for a half. She introduced me to Galloway run/walk intervals. Since then I've done 4 half marathons and 3 fulls. I just did the Disney Dopey (5k, 10k, Half and Full in 4 days) and I had a blast. I don't go very fast but I can run forever! I'm doing the Puerto Rico marathon next month and hope I get into the NYC marathon this year (fingers crossed).
  • NiikouruDesu
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 21 and from the Sydney area, Australia.

    I fell ill in 2010 and my condition was worsened by the medical system so since then I've taken my health into my own hands. Exercising regularly has been a major component of my healing.
    I think running would be very good for me because I am energetic and competitive.
    I haven't run a race before.

    Looking forward to meeting other fitness-focused individuals!

    Nicole :)
  • cassandrac1983
    Hey Runners!

    I'm Cass, from Canada...Kingston, ON to be more precise!

    I've been running ALMOST 2 years. I started at as a very heavy out-of-shape woman....and find myself amazed at what I've been able to do!

    I'm currently training for a 30k race at the end of March, and am hoping the long-distance training for that will help me shave some mega minutes off my half-marathon time come May!

    I log daily and love to see other runners on my feed, so feel free to add me!
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi all. I'm from the New York City area. I'm 57 years old. I started running 2 years ago to lose weight. I was running 3-5 miles consistently when my running guru convinced me to sign up for a half. She introduced me to Galloway run/walk intervals. Since then I've done 4 half marathons and 3 fulls. I just did the Disney Dopey (5k, 10k, Half and Full in 4 days) and I had a blast. I don't go very fast but I can run forever! I'm doing the Puerto Rico marathon next month and hope I get into the NYC marathon this year (fingers crossed).

    The disney dopey sounds great!
  • VCYoga
    VCYoga Posts: 13 Member
    I'm Victoria, From the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and have been running on and off for maybe 6 years now. I only started getting serious about my running in November of 2013 when i decided to sign up for some races in 2014 to motivate me.

    I have a 10km race in April, a Half in June and a fun run in July. I'm totally a turtle slow as hell but steady. But i love running. It has been the only form of exercise consistently in my life which i truly enjoy.
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    Hello Everyone

    This is Juan from Mexico. I started running last year as part of my get fit plan. Running started as somethin I had to do. Now it is something I love doing. It was definitely a big part of what made me lose my excess 50 kilos.

    I haven't done many races, only (a 5k a 10k and a half marathon last year). My goal for this 2014 is to improve my half marathon time and to complete my first marathon. I must admit I got lazy in the winter, but now I'm back on track. My first race for the year is a 10K on Feb 23.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I'm glad to find a running group on here!

    I've been running/racing the last 10 years but more seriously the last two. I was a runner in high school (cross country/track) but mainly used it as cross training for swimming so was never very invested. In college I was lucky to run 3 miles a couple of times per week. But, the last 10 years I have truly gotten into distance running. I have run 3 marathons and many, many half marathons. I am currently trying to get my half under 1:40 (even by a second!) and my marathon to 3:45. I am also interested in training for a half Ironman to finally use all that competitive swimming (although I'm a disaster on a bike!).

    I'd love to meet more runners!
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi! I'm Lori from Georgia. I started running about 2 years ago. I'm not very fast and not very graceful, but I'm working on it. I've done 2 halfs, a 10K and several 5Ks. I have 2 halfs planned for this year, but my biggest goal is actually to work on getting a faster 5K finish and then I'll start running more 10Ks. I have 2 small children and a full-time job, so I fit in running where I can. I truly enjoy it as an escape from reality sometimes :)