BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2014



  • MSWDiet
    MSWDiet Posts: 399 Member
    just wish I could be normal for now will just have to work on the difference between whats full and whats obscene


  • Tig_
    Tig_ Posts: 32
    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you are all doing as okay as possible.

    I'm new to posting here although I did join last month, I let things slip but am really focused at the moment.

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you are all doing as okay as possible.

    I'm new to posting here although I did join last month, I let things slip but am really focused at the moment.

  • kerrid72
    kerrid72 Posts: 113 Member
    So happy I found this group! I thought I had beat the binge eating beast but after the past year I'm right back where I started. 30+ lbs heavier in one year and after yesterday it is just going to increase if I don't get some help. I decided today that I HAVE to log my food DAILY and I also opened my diary so I can be more accountable. I do, however, need some friends to help me in this. I tend to be on the shy side and stress eat terrible. I would love to help support you guys too!
  • MePlus20
    MePlus20 Posts: 55 Member
    >> "When I was done I sat and thought. I tried to really feel if I was hunger or satiated. I HAD NO IDEA. I just can't make the connection. I wonder when/if I will ever be able to know true hunger/fullness. "

    Maybe it is something you'll be able to tune into over time as you continue to pay attention on a regular basis.

    Sometimes I can't tell either so I just ask myself if I'm hungry and that's it. If I can't say for sure that I'm hungry then I figure I'm not! At that point I either (try to) not eat, or (try to) stop eating if I'm already in the middle of a meal.
  • martysueb
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this group, but I've been a binge eater since childhood. I used to try to keep it a secret, but it's a disorder that gets really obvious to the whole world because of the weight gain. But enough about the past.

    I recently came to the conclusion that I may never have a "normal" relationship with food (whatever normal is--I have no idea), but I can learn to eat the way "normal" people eat. So that's my question for myself these days---"would a normal person eat this quantity of that food?", and if the answer is no, then I don't need to do it either. I can't trust my feelings of hunger, because I've ignored them so long that I don't even know when I'm really hungry and when I just think I am.

    So my goals are to stay under my calorie count, to log everything I eat, and to not have any binge foods in the house.
  • GBPackerFan14
    GBPackerFan14 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, I joined a bit ago but haven't posted before. I have lost about 90 lbs from 240-150 (5'10" M) but my binge monster has been back and rough the last few months, so I decided to make a new account and try to take off the lbs I packed on from binge eating. I'll look to this group for support and would love to provide support for other's along the way.
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    This looks like a good group for me. I have struggled with binging most of my life and in the past 2 yrs binging has been why I have gained back 20# that worked hard to lose through vigilant eating and exercise. While I believe I got to thin 2 years ago, I am hoping that by getting my binging under control I can get back down 5-10 lbs which is a healthy weight for me.

    My biggest source of binging lately is eating like my husband who is a strength and conditioning coach. (Aka he eats 5,000 plus calories per day, mostly at night around me, just to try and maintain his weight). He will get late night mcdonalds or other fast food and I end up digging in too, often even after I am uncomfortably full. I try to talk to him about it and he understands, but his go to is to remind me that I am beautiful and he doesn't want me to go back to being too thin.

    Hoping with help and support I can get a better hold on this and improve my relationship with food.
  • ripley821
    ripley821 Posts: 11 Member
    Today is my third day binge-free! One day at a time :)
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    I joined this group a few weeks ago, but think I'll introduce myself. Hi! My name is Paige, I've suffered from eating disorders for 3 years now. I started bingeing in August last year after following a very restrictive lifestyle (700 calories a day - no good.) But even as I started eating more and recovering, I still kept bingeing. I would "dare" myself to eat those cookies and chocolates that I'd deprived myself of for the previous 3 years. I binged tonight, I woke up 3 hours later in agony - this must have been my biggest binge. So, hopefully with a bit of support I can crack this.

    Plus, hearing that some of you are also regular bingers makes me feel like less alone.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    the 'monster' has been back for several days now....just trying to get through today with lots of water. Dreading this evening, which is when it comes out....
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thought i might win tonight.....apparently not :mad:
  • surgch1ck
    Thank you Molly!! I am just starting out on another journey of weight loss. I feel like I have spent my entire adult-life doing this. I tend to sabotage myself when I have made some real progress and binge again. It's incredibly frustrating and I am hoping to find some good support with this group.
  • Sztheday
    Sztheday Posts: 31 Member
    Just found this group.

    I didn't know I had a problem until a couple years ago...Binging isn't something we see in the media unless it involves purging too. There's just not a lot of information out there. So I actually didn't know this was a problem for a very long time. I mean, I knew what I was doing, secretly overeating massive amounts of calories, but it only occurred to me recently that I actually have a problem. I've tried to research it, couldn't find any information and too embarrassed to ask the doctor. I look fit, my bmi is normal, and I have this problem and no one knows, and 20 years ago I had my gall bladder removed because of it.
  • Jebeslemon
    I am a 22 year old female who weighs 7 stone, I am 5 foot 3, I have always had issues with food. I sound very thin, I am but I eat 1300 calories a day and I have a day off once a week, I trampoline when I get anxious or bored and I love walking. My problem is food makes me anxious I have apergers and the way I eat is an obsessional routine. I am not anorexic I eat chocolate but I am very picky and am lucky to have a preference for healthy food. I just find junk food flavourless but the problem is that food makes me anxious my father always says my dinners look lovely, fresh full of salsa, quoin, mushrooms and rice or egg noodles or an omelette. Besides from that I am now beginning to find food pointless, holidays or special occasions full me with dread because I feel pressured to eat so I binge to shut everyone up, the binges used to be my entire food intake at once to shut everyone up so that they would not nag at me to eat. Now I have more control but still if its like a special occasion like Easter today I binge on 4000 calories. I hate holidays because I feel anxious at the thought of food, I am just so sick of it all and want to be able to enjoy myself. I am never hungry on what I usually eat but I make myself eat when the voice in the back of my head just wants me to not to bother everything tastes flavourless even custard and chocolate which used to be my favourite food. The only thing I Taste is fresh fruit, and salsa and quoin and coffee. I used to look forward to eating my treat of chocolate but when I eat it now it tastes yuck and flat. Please tell me how to not to binge because I do not feel hungry but I hate feeling pressure from everyone.
  • Jebeslemon
    I sound like such an *kitten* I just want to not be anxious
  • TIUClare
    TIUClare Posts: 62 Member

    'Don't Quit' by Jill Wolf

    Don't quit when the tide is lowest,
    For it's just about to turn;
    Don't quit over doubts and questions,
    For there's something you may learn.
    Don't quit when the night is darkest,
    For it's just a while 'til dawn;
    Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
    For the race is almost won.
    Don't quit when the hill is steepest,
    For your goal is almost nigh;
    Don't quit, for you're not a failure
    Until you fail to try.

    Hi all,
    I love the poem that Molly posted in the original post on this thread. It was something I very much needed to read and think about today. I'm still on track but I am really struggling today. I think it is because I didn't sleep much last night and when my sleep is off, I tend to find that my urge to binge increases exponentially.... but I am on a 4-day clean streak at the moment and I do not want to mess it up.
    I hope you don't mind me posting in here. I just wanted to get it off my chest.
    Clare :yawn: I may need a nap :yawn:
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Just wanted to say hi!

    I have been busy the last year with a new job so I don't have much time to post. I just have time for my MFP page. I am trying a little more now.

    My job is stressful and I let the Binge get out of control. I am working on it now and hope to do much better. I know I already feel better with some good healthy foods in me.

    If anyone needs extra friends please friend me. I am good at supporting friends and LOVE having fellow Binge Eaters on my page. It helps a lot when people understand!!

    Have a great day!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Karen,

    So good to hear from you friend. Keep up the good work and continue to strive for a better tomorrow!!

    Congrats on new job too! :flowerforyou:

  • igotthis4u
    Hey guys,
    Not sure where to post.
    I have binge eating disorder and would love support to try and tackle this beast.
    I am a diet queen. Tried everything then when binging reemerged quit.
    Realised restriction can feed binging so quit doing that but no real improvement I believe it has turned into a strongly engrained habit.
    Did 5:2 for 4 weeks but that is definitely not working for me and I'm not blaming the program just not compatible.
    Im ranting.
    Hello everyone :)
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