Meat and Greet: Introduce Yourself Here



  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member

    ... Don't shoot... oh well, he was a bad conversationalist anyway...

    Hi there, I'm the Polite Zombie. I'm not really in the challenge except for avoiding brain injury... From time to time, you'll see me jump through your boards. I'm simply here to motivate. I'll post funny pictures or rhymes or maybe I'll sing and dance. I don't do windows though... All in good fun and what not. Cheerio...

    Oh ice cream, I love ice cream...


    My appearances will be totally random but do be sure not to kill. Just give a little wave and I'll be on my way....
  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    I don't know about anyone else, but now I'm hungry for pudding...
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I guess Ill introduce myself! I'm djinn, 31, mother of 3 and military wife. I've been on the fitness bandwagon most of my life. I was a gymnast as a kid. After being injured I quit at 15 and had problems with my weight. At 19 I hopped back on the fitness wagon and stayed there mostly, aside from pregnancy. I ate and slept until my hearts content.

    My husband is currently in Afghanistan. This is his 3rd deployment. We always have a "hot body, hard body" contest when he deploys. It keeps us busy during the long time apart. (And all he has to do there on his little bit of off time is go to the gym and eat junk food). The first deployment he won because I was pregnant for most of it. The second deployment I won. I'm hoping this is the last deployment and the tie breaker. The only problem is I LOATHE cardio. So I figured this will help me kick it up a notch before he gets home, which happens to be right around the time this competition ends.

    I know you didn't want my entire life story. That's my way of saying hello and thanks for having me!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Welcome DjinnMarie! That's an awesome way to keep fit and to make seeing your husband even more enjoyable.