Success Stories

_Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
Okay, folks - this is the requested sticky post on Success Stories - so let's hear 'em!

Here's mine:
Once upon a time, I was hugely, morbidly obese. Incredibly unhealthy. Completely sedentary. While I had never been stick-thin, as a teen to young adult, I was just overweight. A bit curvy. I was never athletic, but I wasn't huge. But through my 20s, I rapidly and steadily gained weight.

When I was 30, and almost 300 pounds, I joined Weight Watchers, and lost 76 pounds in a year. And then I went right back to old habits, and before long I had gained back all the weight, with a little extra.

A few years later, I had another go at it - cut calories, low fat, whole grain high carb diet, and 1-2 hours of cardio 6-7 days a week. I lost 100 pounds in less than a year... and then just couldn't keep it up. And I was going through an awful divorce, and I ate crappy food like it was an Olympic event. Gained back all the weight and a LOT more.

And then... my father's diabetes started gifting him with those nightmare related conditions... first his kidneys failed. Then he started losing toes... and then the whole leg. Then half the other foot. Then a finger. And there I was, well over 300 pounds, with 2 kids who need me to protect them... and I knew that I was following my father's story, and that I had to fix it, the right way, and for good.

On March 21, 2011, I signed up for MFP, and got started. The first few months, I followed the same low-fat/high-carb/chronic cardio plan that I had done before, and I shed a lot of weight quickly, but I could feel myself burning out, fighting cravings... I knew I wouldn't be able to keep that up for a lifetime. And one night I was browsing the MFP forums, and someone brought up Mark's Daily Apple, and said a bit about the Primal lifestyle. And it immediately resonated with me - the focus on insulin and sugars especially - and I spent all night on, and I went Primal the next day - June 15, 2011.

By my 1 year MFP anniversary in March of 2012, I had lost 146 pounds. 6 months after that, I ran a half marathon. I've done Crossfit, and NROL4W, and Stronglifts5x5. It's now been over 2 years - and I go back and forth between Primal and Paleo, and I throw in a Whole30 every 6 months or so... And I eat delicious, fantastic foods - nothing about it feels like deprivation.

My weight fluctuates with the seasons a bit - right now, a new low weight is within reach at the moment, which is kind of exciting (I *will* hit 150 pounds lost!)... But the kicker of the whole thing is that I feel like the weight loss is a wonderful side effect to the real miracle: I'm healthy, I'm so, so, SO happy, and I feel so much joy and peace knowing that I can happily live this way forever.



  • Congratulations on losing the weight. With the Paleo lifestyle, you can keep it off the rest of your life.
    Your story is one I want to duplicate. I need to lose the same amount of weight, and I'm hoping to do it in just one year.
  • Awesome!! Good for you! I was the same way, years of yo-yo dieting! Thank you for the inspiration!
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    I have struggled with my weight all my life. As a kid I was "pleasingly plump" as my great grandpa called me. I was a slightly chubby teen and then a slightly chubby adult. By "slightly" I mean 15-20ish lbs overweight on my 5'8" frame. When I had my daughter at age 39 I became 30-40ish overweight. My excuse was, "It's baby fat; what do you expect when you have a baby at 39?" Well, that was 10 years ago and I found myself still 40 lbs too fat.

    These are SOME of the programs/books I have spent money on over the years:

    Weight watchers (3 times)
    Hilton Head
    Low fat
    low carb
    weigh down
    maker's diet
    women food and God
    perfect weight america
    Covert Bailey (3 books)
    Oprah's book
    the 17 day diet
    Suzanne Sommers
    etc., etc., etc.......

    I joined MFP a year ago last June and in 12 months I lost a whopping 4 pounds! And I was staying within my calorie range and even took up running!!!! Talk about frustrating! That is when I picked up "Made to Crave". I began praying for a plan that would work and through a series of events (which included an x-ray and my chiropractor talking to me about my colon that should not be showing up in the x-ray) I said a tearful goodbye to my Greek yogurt and whole-grain English mufffins...(foods I thought were healthy for me!)

    Since then I have lost about 18 pounds just 10 weeks!!! I am still eating roughly the same amount of calories as I did before and I have not changed my activity level. The only thing that is different is that I am not eating dairy, gluten and processed foods. For me it is certainly NOT a simple equation of "calories in/calories out" . WHAT I eat really matters. I have finally found the key for me and it is eating like a caveman (or "Cave-Mom" as my kids say!) I believe my body was designed to eat this way and the proof in on the scale, and shows in my energy, attitude, outlook on is good!
  • peachiz1976
    peachiz1976 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been a long standing member of myfitness pal but my weight has been a struggle. Up, down, up, down. 24 days ago I started Paleo combined with Insanity. My goal was to cut some fat before going into a true blue bodybuilding bulk this winter. With barely three weeks in, I'm down nearly 7 lbs - mind you, I don't have much to lose so this is great. More importantly I have already lost 5 inches and can see my abs again! I have energy galore and surprisingly I have no cravings.

    My biggest fear was that this diet would limit what I could eat. My husband and I have been eating like a King and Queen on Paleo. I've had spaghetti and meatballs (kelp noodles), pizza (almond flour), macaroons and a whole lot of other items I never thought I'd eat. And the best thing? I'm eating 1500 calories a day! For years, I have eaten 1200 calories a day and was hungry, hungry, hungry. Now, I'm eating more, eating better, and losing weight. I love Paleo. No turning back. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle and I love it. :)
  • Traineight
    Traineight Posts: 17 Member
    That is an amazing story! So happy that you took charge of your life....for you AND your family! Congratulations.
  • Traineight
    Traineight Posts: 17 Member
    Wow...such amazing stories of success. I love it. It simply confirms my new direction.

    I'm trying to lose about 20-25 lbs or so. I like being active but find it very difficult to find the time. That lame excuse being said I've always ate fairly healthy (very healthy compared to some). I don't drink pop or juice, I limit my alcohol, I don't eat fast foods very often (rarely in fact) and love fruits and veggies.

    As I got into my late 30's and early 40's I noticed that although I was careful with what I ate I noticed with stress and simply getting older that my weight was slowly creeping up. Just depressing.

    I tried countless workout DVD's, running (which I actually still do when I can, wish I could do more, plan to do more), Green Coffee "pills," some raspberry "pills," and even MFP alone. I've been doing MFP on and off for quite a while.

    I'm not a fan of any diet or way of eating (or life) that is SOOOO restrictive to anything. Healthy, healthy, healthy is what my goal is and to be more fit and lose a few pounds is where I'd like to be. I'd heard about the Paleo diet but thought it was too restrictive until I read more and more about it.

    I was wrong. It's SO much like the way I already eat that it's been insanely EASY for me! I don't eat a lot of meat to begin with but I didn't want to feel bad if I had a burger! I don't care about the bun anyway so, yay!!! Now I strive for grass-fed beef so that's the only change there. I eat tons of fish, veggies and fruit, using MFP to keep track of the nutrients so i stay on track and don't let anything get too out of control (sugar, carbs, etc).

    It's been almost a month, I've lost approximately 11 lbs (fluctuates a pound or so here and there) without really trying. My cravings have subsided although should someone put a pizza in front of me...I promise nothing.

    I've noticed that my stomach doesn't feel as "heavy" when I eat. I gave in one night and ordered pizza and regretted it for the next two days. I could possibly get away with eating maybe one piece and that would be about it without feeling nasty for the next two.

    Although I don't plan to be 100% strict Paleo, I plan to follow the guidelines of Paleo. I will enjoy a glass of wine once-in-a-while (I'll shoot for organic when possible), I still choose to avoid dairy, grains and refined sugar and I want a healthy balance to the nutrients my body utilizes.

    I'm very happy with the Paleo-ish lifestyle I've taken as a part of my life. I will continue this for a very long time if not forever.

    More exercise is soon to be added! I know I need more of that.

    Thanks everyone for listening to my store. Have a great weekend.
  • JayceeSix
    JayceeSix Posts: 1 Member
    I loved reading your story and hearing about your success and I am so happy you've found your best, healthy you! I am trying to go Paleo/Primal and seem to slip up just enough to keep my weight loss stalled. But it helps to read your story and helps me go forward with renewed excitement. You are right the foods can be wonderful. By biggest hurdle is when I'm low on time, I often grab the wrong thing. When I make something I love it. Thanks for sharing and good luck on your journey!
  • anodyness
    anodyness Posts: 14 Member
    All of these stories are so great to read :) Reaffirms my belief that "paleo" is the way to go.

    For me, I'm still in the process of shedding pounds and gaining back lost muscle, but it's been a wild journey that has changed my perspective on food, and it turned what I knew about health, fitness and nutrition on its head.

    I started with a basic low-carb (keto) diet back in April of 2012. I was exhausted, stressed from college, eating pizza three times a week and drinking myself silly. My hormones were out of whack, my moods were really inconsistent, and I hated how I looked and felt.

    At 5'6'' and 22 years old, I weighed 205 pounds. Not morbidly obese by normal standards, but incredibly uncomfortable with how I looked and felt. It was starting to damage my relationship with my then-boyfriend, too. I knew I had to do something to get myself back into shape.

    As soon as I started low carb, it felt completely natural to me. My obsession with what I was going to eat next nearly disappeared. My menstrual cycles normalized, my acne went away, and pounds started to melt off. Within the first month I lost 15 pounds of water weight and actual fat.

    It wasn't until October of 2012 that I decided to take it to the next level and pursue a "primal" lifestyle. I've faltered and failed and picked myself back up, time and time again. I struggle with my love for craft beer (totally not keto or paleo) and I struggle with a somewhat persistent sweet tooth. But I keep going, because I'm convinced this is the only way I could ever eat, for as long as I have the choice and the outstanding privilege to do so.

    Since starting my journey, I have very slowly lost 40 pounds (the first ten having come off before paleo, the last 30 with paleo). I'm aiming to lost 15-20 more, to get myself to a slim yet strong 140-145 pounds.

    Here's a full list of my successes since going paleo:

    -lost 40 pounds
    -lost 4 pant sizes
    -menstrual cycle normalized
    -moods normalized
    -acne nearly non-existent
    -clearer head, more energy
    -healthier relationship with food
    -heightened physical fitness (running a mile is no longer any issue)
    -more confidence, I like the way I look now more than I ever did before

    I can't express how thankful I am to have found a community and an ideolgy that I can get behind, especially when it comes to my health. The people on here and around the internet have made the whole thing easier (and more fun, too!)
  • Congrats to everyone so nice to find what works. It has been one year Paleo the stats [70 pounds gone] [size 26 to 16] [10" off my waist]. Also I have a rare blood disorder (HAE) that seems to be helped by this new way of eating. Alll and all it has been a good year. Keep calm and Paleo on.
  • I'm new to actually committing to the Paleo lifestyle, but certainly not unfamiliar with it - in fact, I researched it for over a year before finally jumping in feet first this past weekend.

    I was not a heavy child. I began putting on weight around high school, but I was incredibly active so I feel that's the only reason I kept it in check. College and post-college years were tough and the weight came on quickly. So did the medical diagnoses: PCOS, hidradenitis supparative, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Considering I already had a family history of all of these, including cancer and heart disease you would think that I would have had a number of wake up calls. But nothing ever motivated me enough to make a change.

    Last year I attended a seminar on Paleo and I was the fattest person in the room, which was awkward.I attended because I had researched the program and believed it was my best option for weight loss and health. The seminar was mostly filled with people who were successful on the system already and I felt so out of place. I realize now that I should have viewed that as inspirational but instead it pushed me away because I felt I didn't belong. Then something changed...

    My Dad likes to compare my brother and I - and not in a negative connotation. He says "Your brother can walk in *kitten* and come out smelling like a rose. Everything is handed to him on a silver platter. But you, dear girl, have to work so hard for everything and it never comes easy." Truer words have never been spoken. I have busted my butt, working crazy hours at a job that I love but causes a lot of stress and finally going back to school part-time. Everything, while totally chaotic, was heading in a direction that made me feel like I was making progress. Now was the time to take control of my weight. I just started the Paleo program this past Sunday (11/17) and have lost 10 pounds so far! I don't expect that the weight to keep dropping at this rate, but I would be lying if I didn't feel like this is the right lifestyle for me.
  • thunderthyghz
    thunderthyghz Posts: 45 Member
  • pluckypaleo
    pluckypaleo Posts: 50 Member
    So I am in no way finished with my Journey. I have a LONG way to go. But when I started Paleo on January 1st 2014 I decided I would take monthly measurements to help keep me motivated. So here I am one month later and my results are awesome! I know not every month will be this great, but for those of you wavering, here are my results (keeping in mind I have a lot of weight to lose)

    18 pounds lighter
    -3/4 inches off my neck
    -3 inches around my chest
    -3 inches around my waist
    -2 and 1/4 inches around my stomach
    -1/4 inch on my thigh.

    I have lost 18 pounds and 9 1/4 inches in one month. plus I feel AMAZING. No doubt about it paleo is the way to go. I thought I would share my progress, bc I view it as a small victory! Also if any Newbies or sort of newbies ( like me) are looking for friends for support, hit me up wit a friend request!
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I started paleo in July 2013... exercise has been mostly walking but on and off (mostly off). I went from 188 to 166 between the two pictures below. I lost 22 lb. Still have a ways to go, but I'm very happy with this!

  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    My story is a long one too. My health problems began as a baby when my mum stopped breastfeeding me. I apparently struggled to finish the bottle of formula and soon after became chronically constipated. I was on laxatives and suppositories as a small child. At age 7 I had my appendix removed the abdo pain was so bad but they were normal, docs had no explanation for the pain I was in. At 15 I developed severe oesophagitis and acid reflux my chest pain would be so bad I would cry in pain and end up vomiting. I had migraines from being a toddler requiring medication. At 21 I was admitted to hospital and was diagnosed with IBS, I was advised to eat a high fiber diet which I instinctively knew made me worse but followed the docs advice. Age 34 and I was overweight still suffering from all the above conditions and so fatigued I could barely cope with my 3 children. I was depressed and felt unatractive . I was told it was postnatal depression my twins were one at this time, I also have an autistic son and a high stress job. I knew food was the root of my problems so I paid for food intolerance testing, I was intolerant to dairy, gluten, beef and eggs. I cut these out felt instantly better but unfortunately didn't maintain it. In 2011 I suffered a bells palsy and started to suffer from fatigue. Then I developed raynauds disease and joint pain. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I also suffered from daily headaches and was sent for a MRI scan this found a benign meningioma tumour in my frontal lobe. Thankfully at the moment it doesn't need surgery and is just being watched for growth or if it changes. This was a big enough scare to make me realize I needed to change something. My children have special needs and need the best version of me. I had already lost weight using MFP but felt exhausted all the time, also the treatment for the fibro made me feel terrible. A friend of mine on MFP sent me link about paleo and fibro, it took me a year to commit to it, I wish I hadn't waited so long.
    The benefits for:-)
    My longstanding neck pain has completely gone.
    Headaches gone.
    Joint and muscle pain drastically reduced and what is left is probably DOMS.
    No longer needs medication for fibromyalgia.
    IBS much improved, no longer constipated.
    No acid reflux, can't remember the last time I had chest pain.
    Lost a little weight but body composition changed drastically.
    More energy.
    More patience.
    Depression gone, better able to cope with stress.
    Skin clear, hair glossy.

    I will never go back to a standard diet I have too much to lose and I need to be healthy.
  • donyelmeese5
    donyelmeese5 Posts: 10 Member
    Great stories!
  • lolap40
    lolap40 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Paleo last Monday the 3rd...that week was so tough for me, I felt awful! Fast forward to today and I'm doing really well on it. I've only lost about 2 pounds and have a lot more to go. I have found that my depression has gone down, my skin is softer...I feel great, I'm going to incorporate more exercise using Sworkit (my new favorite app)...My husband is also doing it with me and thank god he's a great cook because he has been cooking the majority of our meals! I even get lunch at work and its pretty easy to stick to a protein, salad, and a vegetable