


  • Jill814
    Jill814 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Everyone, my name is Jill and i am 35 and a mother of 2 (girl 9 and boy 3). i work full time and my husband works full time 2nd shift so we can get the kids off to school, so my life is on a pretty tight schedule. my mom is a HUGE help with my kids.
    always struggle with my weight since i was in my 20's, i was very athletic in high school and i let that athlete go. but i never let being fat ever stop me, i have done many 5k's, i have done a triathlon love being outdoors and on the go. i have a good 130 lbs to lose to even put me in where i am supposed to be on the charts. i have been dieting for so long i have tried EVERY diet out there and i know what to do, i lack self control, will power, discipline whatever you want to label it!
    i lost 30 lbs since i had my son and managed to gain 20 of it back. so now i am kicking my self in the arss for letting go but i can only move forward. i really just like my food, love my take out and this jounery will be a struggle for me but i know i have support and the tools i need to do it!
  • happymom92092
    happymom92092 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone! I am a 41-year old mother of 2 beautiful children, about to turn 8 and 2. I work full-time in marketing.

    Our family is pretty busy. Both kids play sports alomst year-round. I do get some exercise when I walk the tracks amd patks by where they practice. But making it to all our activites means I make many quick dinners and I wish our meals had more variety. They could do with some more veggies, just plain more variety (about-to-be 8-year old gets almost all his veggies from V8!)

    My husband and I both want to lose some weight. We have a 30-acre farm about an hour away and he gets quite a bit of exercise working there. His work brings in lunch each day, so lunch is his big meal of the day. So it's just me and the kids for dinner.

    The next hiccup is that both kids could stand to put ON some weight. So we have 2% milk in the house, and meat is something they should eat more of. I have my own skim milk, and sometimes my dinner is a variation of theirs -- but again, we are on a tight schedule for dinner so I don't have time to make 2 meals.

    I'm looking for people to help me stay motivated. I have been logging in MFP in over 700 days...and I have stalled with about 5 more pounds to drop. I don't weigh in real often so for all I know, I could have lost it and gained it back a dozen times.

    I don't belong to a gym, but I do play soccer twice a week. But I've been off for about 3 weeks with the holidays and the snow. And guess what I did instead? Yep, eat. So I am trying to get back on track. I hope to have a good year in 2014.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    Hello All! I'm a 39 year old mother of three, 9 year old daughter and twin 7 year old boys, and I work full time in a desk job at a transformer production plant. I was at what I thought a pretty decent weight when I met my now husband. Since I was a single mom before that, I was too busy to eat (much less eat healthy). Since I met my husband, I started cooking all the foods I knew how to impress him. Can you say cream sauces and tons of cheese? Well, it did the trick, but we both gained weight in the process. I initially started with MFP last year, but wasn't as dedicated as I am now.

    At the beginning of the year, I've started actually measuring my food (WOW) and counting every calorie. I wake at 5am during the week to work on the elliptical for 30 minutes and am looking to add to that in the future. I have also started adding a ton of more vegetables to the table. My goal is to hit 40 years old (in August) in better shape than I have been for the past 5 years. I need to lose 25 lbs to hit my goal weight.

    I am hoping that this forum with help inspire me to become a healthier mother and wife to my family.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi all :) I'm new to the group, and although I'm not a mom yet, I'm pregnant with our first and already struggling with finding time to work out and get exercise in. I work a full time desk job and on top of that, I commute 45+ minutes each way so I'm usually gone from 7am - 6pm M-F. I also own a small business (I make & sell crafty stuff on Etsy) that keeps me busy for a few hours on the weekend and a couple hours after work at least 3 days a week, depending on how many sales I have. I get an hour lunch break at work and I usually try to squeeze in a 20-30 minute walk, but I'm really struggling with getting other exercise in and I know it's going to get even more busy once the little one is here.

    I'm hoping you guys that already have little ones running around can help keep me motivated and give me ideas on how to do this when I can't seem to find time to get a good workout in.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm a 37 year old mom of 6 (2-20). I'm married to a coach who is my best friend. I'm in grad school. I am a teacher at a high-risk, low-income school and I drive 45 minutes each way to get there. I am up at 7 to get everyone ready and try to be in bed by 10. I was recently diagnosed with Hypothyroidism so I am hoping the meds they have me on will help with the fatigue.

    I am training for a half marathon. We started training for a full, but got the flu, then bronchitis, then the stomach bug, and so now we're toning down. Started incorporating weights in last week. I actually looooove to life. cardio - not so fond of. I have ZERO fast twitch muscles and I'm married to a superstar athlete who played college football and can probably still outrun most of his students. :/

    I am 5'2 and currently about 153. I want to be about 130. I haven't seen that number in.... at least 5 years. Even before I got pregnant with my son I was struggling with my weight. I am an emotional eater and I love food and hate conflict.

    Sooooo..... that's me in a nutshell ;)
  • ChristyG1231
    Hi everyone! My name is Christy and I'm from Arkansas ..I'm 39 years old and I work as a Dispute Resolution Specialist....I can't say how excited I am to find a group of women who understand the struggles of a working mom. Up till last year I was the single mom of a 15 year old boy. I was the do it all because dad is not very active in his life. I am now married to a wonderful man who helps as much as he can but is a college student himself (talked him into going back to school at 35!!) so life is usually really hectic and stressful. I lost about 45 lbs in 2012 only to gain it all back in 2013 when my dad got sick. When I'm stressed and emotional I tend to nurture that with food. I got back into some bad food habits and quit exercising BUT I'm determined that I can make time to exercise and get this done...I just have to remember it's a lifestyle change and not a diet...I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • jrgordon143
    jrgordon143 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    First, I am so happy to find a group of WORKING Moms! My name is Janell, I'm 32 and I have two little ones: Ages 5 (6 in July) and 2 (3 in April). I work full time as an Executive Assistant and Travel Coordinator for the President of a Licensing Consulting Firm. I miss the days of being home with the kids, but I also love my job. I work 40 hours a week, go to school full time (4 classes), and volunteer 3-4 days a week at our church. Needless to say, exercise and diet have not been a priority for a long time. From 2004-2008, I was Active Duty military in the Marine Corps and so it's especially embarrassing for me to be so out of shape and unhealthy, based on where I once was. Coming to terms that life is different and my habits should be too has been a bit of a rocky road.

    But, NO MORE! About 3 weeks ago, I had it. I started at 5'5"/157 and was consuming more coffee and junk that I care to admit. I am looking for support and suggestions from those that struggle with the same sort of battles of convenience v. healthy (food), activity v. curling up on the couch after the kids go to bed, etc. I know I can do this, but my friends are mostly single or SAHMs and don't understand how I can't easily fit workouts in everyday...

    With all that, I congratulate all of you who are here and giving it your best go. Each day is a new chance to get this right and we can do it! Have you heard the saying, "Spinning wheels in the right direction is better than driving the wrong way?" That's how I feel about this process. So long as we keep trying to move forward (even at plateaus), we're that much better off than when we give up and stop all together (the wrong direction!)

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you ladies and please feel free to add me as a friend. :)