This is the easiest thing ive done to lose weight Low Carb

caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
Why in the world do people have to say its the wrong way? I dont get it any theories?


  • nstevens37
    nstevens37 Posts: 6 Member
    Right?! It seems to be what works for me! I think people have a problem with the Atkins way, and totally eliminating all carbs.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Everybody argues with you. doctors argue, friends argue, the AMA argues, the Department of Agriculture, etc etc. when I tried it, and my wife tried it, it worked, and everybody still argues with us that it won't work, it's unsustainable, it will raise our cholesterol, we'll get cancer, it's immoral to eat meat etc etc.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I don't bother arguing or defending my eating style anymore.
    I just smile, nod, and watch them continue to complain about weight gain, bloating, etc.
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    It seems like when I tell people I eat low carb, people think low carb = no carbs. So not the case. My mom was upset with me when I told her I was eating low carb. "Why can't you do Weight Watchers?!" "Mom, the WW newer method is low carb eating. I'm just accounting for every carb I eat rather than following a made-up point system. I'm more aware of the quality of food I'm eating." My doctor was the one who told me to eat low carb. She's super smart.

    It would be even more sustainable if my local grocery store actually provided fresh produce. Most of it is already past due. And, if local restaurants provided better low carb meal options. Sure I could order a hunk of meat and veggies, but frankly I'd rather eat that at home so my meat isn't dry and over cooked. Give me something creative at a restaurant.