30 LBS in 90 DAYS - First Round!



  • Hi everyone, sorry delayed post internet issues. Wishing you all happy healthy starts.
    I have been with you all in the actual and started my 1300 calories a day on mon 10th.
    My exercise is low due to time restrictions but I'm swimming 45 mins every other day
    And walking for 15 mins on a circuit in my place of work which includes stairs the days in between.
    Weekends will be walking also. I feel like weight shifting ill weigh once a week. Again good luck all xx
  • Mousie59
    Mousie59 Posts: 15 Member
    ....have a bit of a tummy bug today, so food intake was not great (lost most of it). Tomorrow is another day. Finding breakfast is the hardest meal to make myself eat. Any suggestions?
  • ktuck0205
    ktuck0205 Posts: 51 Member
    Not sure how I did it but I have worked out a total of 11 hours this week, isn't that crazy? Eating really good also best of all, I am not fighting that hunger feeling so that means I am eating enough :)
  • joan3044
    joan3044 Posts: 7 Member
    Good job, everyone. I'm starting to realize how big a calorie deficit I'm going to have to run to hit this goal! I'm going to have to seriously increase my exercise to do this.

    Did great Monday and today (Wed.) with my eating goals; fell apart on Tuesday. I think I ate the wrong thing for breakfast and it spiked my blood sugar, which sets me on a wobbly blood sugar path for the whole day. I ate way too much, but still (barely) less than I expended, according to fit bit and MFP.

    Mousie, I wonder if you really have to eat breakfast, or if that is just a myth. My 12 year old does better without breakfast, eats a small lunch, then really eats after school. That's just the way her body likes it. I find I do better with a late-ish breakfast. I get up at 7 but don't eat until 9:30 or so.
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member

    WOW I just did one of those youtube walk fit work outs, that is no joke - great sweat and burn, thanks for the link. Now any idea what to put that under for a workout entry?


    I'm glad you liked it! Depend on how many minuets you finished! For example: if you finished the 45 mins for 3 miles! Log it as 15 min 3.0 mp walk and 15 min 4.0 mp walk and the other 15 count it as warm up so another 15 mins 3.0 mp!
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry delayed post internet issues. Wishing you all happy healthy starts.
    I have been with you all in the actual and started my 1300 calories a day on mon 10th.
    My exercise is low due to time restrictions but I'm swimming 45 mins every other day
    And walking for 15 mins on a circuit in my place of work which includes stairs the days in between.
    Weekends will be walking also. I feel like weight shifting ill weigh once a week. Again good luck all xx

    It's ok as long as you are doing it with us and you let us know you are here and doing great!
    sounds like great plan
    Thanks and good luck!
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    :smile: Happy to be here and see all the support. We all need it. Had a lovely surprise when I stepped on the scale this week....a little lost. Lots to go, but I'm finding MFP so awesome for logging food intake.

    Wishing everyone the very best!!
    Yes it is awesome!
    Welcome and good luck to you too!
    ....have a bit of a tummy bug today, so food intake was not great (lost most of it). Tomorrow is another day. Finding breakfast is the hardest meal to make myself eat. Any suggestions?
    Tell me how many calories you plan to eat for breakfast? what kind of food you don't like?
    For me, I love dairy products but not full fat because it will have this strong taste that I hate!
    Also, I LOVE EGGs! I can eat it almost anyway except the well done type!
    Bread :D love any type and eat a piece at least!

    To make it easier for your buy some kind of cheese! like a pack of the triangle cheese (don't know what we called it lol)
    Buy a coffee or tea maker! and always let you have kind of veggies or fruits to east some!

    I hope that helps!
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    Not sure how I did it but I have worked out a total of 11 hours this week, isn't that crazy? Eating really good also best of all, I am not fighting that hunger feeling so that means I am eating enough :)
    You did amazing! Good job!
    As long as you are not hungry then it is enough for you!

    I bet if you weigh yourself you'll find that you lost at least 2 lbs

    Good luck dear!
  • Hi All,

    I have hit a bit of a wall this weekend. Chocolate gifts from greatful friends in reaction to one thing or another has left me with way too much temptation...chocolates eating no temptation left, time to knuckle down again!!!

    weighed in at 204lbs today...a drop yay!
  • HannahAliHealth
    HannahAliHealth Posts: 142 Member
    Hello challengers,

    SW 290 lbs
    CW 285 lbs
    TWL 5 lbs yay!!
    1GW 250 lbs

    Good luck everyone!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Here it is then .... very slow ... but in the right direction ... at this rate, it will take me a whole year to get to where I want to be! :noway:

    SW 184

    Day 1: 184

    Day 8: 183
  • purpleopaz
    purpleopaz Posts: 41 Member
    Hi I am going to try and join you all

    Sw- 209.4- 14 Jan 2014
    Gw-145 ish

    Trying to eat cleanish 1400 per day . Though I did have a chocolate today!! Yikes----Just got a cross trainer but can only.manage a few minutes!
    Am walking a lot and trying small weights at home along with Pilates.
    Good luck everyone!!!
    I am in the UK!
  • Hi everyone!

    Height: 5"5
    SW: 256.8 lbs

    I am eating between 1200-1500 calories a day. Trying to get in at least 30 min of exercise 5 days a week. Drinking 8
    glasses of water daily is a struggle for me but trying!

    End of Challenge weight: 226.8 lbs


    1st weigh in: 249.0

    7 lbs loss, I am excited! :-)
  • stefi14
    stefi14 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for inviting me Hannah!

    SW: 143lbs
    CW: 139lbs (after two weeks)

    >>I've been doing blogilates beginner's workout calendar everyday and this dance workout below 3 days each week


    AND for the other 3 days I do the squat challenge and 30-day beach body challenge (I do two days worth of the exercises)

    Good luck ladies!
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you for letting me in!

    My stats:
    36 years old
    SW 325 lbs
    GW 175 lbs

    I am planning on eating about 1850 calories plus my exercise calories. I have tried losing weight before and end up quitting because I cut back too many calories and get stinking hungry. This time, I'm in it for the longhaul and that means, for me at least, eating enough calories to make this a permanent change.

    I am going to be exercising 2 hours 3 times a week and 1 hour 3 times a week with one day off per week.
  • I know I'm a bit late starting this group but I only joined MFP a few days ago and this looks perfect for me!
    My plan was to loose 30lbs before my holiday which is in 93 days!

    SW: 190lbs

    My plan was to eat 1200 calories a day and do something active everyday.
    One thing I'm not sure about is should I be eating back the calories that I have burned? and should I be making sure I eat at least 1200 calories?

    I have very weak will power so I need help and advice to get me to my goal!
  • KChesneyGal
    KChesneyGal Posts: 63 Member
    So happy I found this challenge I hope it will keep me accountable, I know I am a few days late.

    My Stats:
    23 yrs old
    SW: 280
    CW: 260
    GW: 160

    I am planning on eating 1300-1400 cal per day plus some of my excerise calories
    I am going to work on cleaning up my diet
    I will work out for 1 1/2 hours 2 days a week and 1 hour 4 days a week
    I working on adding in more cardio but still doing weight training
  • lvnow
    lvnow Posts: 4
    My goal is to lose total of 30 lbs. I want to do it slowly, maybe 1 to 2 lbs a week. I started my 1200 calorie diet yesterday.
    today is my 2nd day and I lost 2 lbs. I am sure that that is only water.I plan to workout at lest 3 to 5 times a week for an hour.

    I must say good luck to all!
  • NickyDiam
    NickyDiam Posts: 72 Member
    Hey everyone, new here. A week late into this challenge, so I'm starting today. My stats are:
    SW 2/17/2014 - 230.6 lbs
    1GW - 199.9 lbs
  • Hey Everyone , 2 weeks in doing ok. Had a couple bad days but back on track. Lost 3.6 pds in 2 wks.