Starting JMBR 2/17. Anyone else in?

lalajka Posts: 368 Member
Hey there!

This week is my last Ripped in 30 week, so I need to start with something new on Monday, Feb 17th. I've decided to try Body Revolution. Would anyone else like to join me? I won't be doing the 7 day kick start plan though.

Also, to those of you who have done both RI30 and BR - would you say BR is harder or about the same intensity as RI30?


  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Br is definitely harder but you can do it! I just completed the program and am excited to start it again after another go around of ripped!
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Wow, good for you, already thinking of another round. I just hope I can make it through these 90 days. Which weights did you use? I was also thinking of adding some T25 workouts 2-3 times a week just to shake it up a bit.

    I'm glad it's harder than RI30, I need to keep progressing. Now I can't wait to start :happy:
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    I will start with you as I have tried to start a few times and can't seem to get past the first week. Not that it is too hard (although it does make me feel worked), but I just let life get in the way! :) Well, that and I'm just not a 'cardio' person so the first cardio day always throws me off because I can't talk myself into doing it! LOL I am going to start with 3, 5, and 8 lb weights although I don't have much upper body strength so I will probably mainly use 3 and 5 right now. I will fit in extra cardio occasionally if I feel I have the time, but will not be doing the kick start week and not following her diet plan because I will be staying at about 1400 calories a day. It is already hard enough for me to fit in a 30 minute workout without expecting myself to eat (or not eat) certain foods and fit in an extra 30 minute workout! :) I'm really going to try to stick with it this time!
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    I'd like to join you too, I've been meaning to start for a while now but keep putting it off so this will be the kick in the butt I need to get me going!
    My bmr is 1600 so I wont be doing the diet plan as its just too little for me and I'm currently on week 5 of a c25k programme so I'm planning to mainly do that for the cardio days.
    I'm hoping that as I get fitter I'll manage to do both as I really want to do it properly but at the moment I don't want to give up on the c25k as I've come so far now...
    Better go dust off the dumbells!
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Great, so tomorrow is our first day :drinker:. I also won't be following her diet plan. I try to eat clean anyway - no sugars, no bad fat, no white flour or too much salt, lots of veggies and trying to increase my water intake. My bmr is 1450 and I eat back most of my burnt calories.

    greatmom2, we will get past week 1 together, don't worry :flowerforyou:. I'm not a big cardio fan either, but I keep thinking about the results I want and just push thru it. I'm starting with 3 and 5 lbs too, I doubt I will be needing anything heavier.

    ChayB, I think substituting BR cardios with c25k would be completely fine. For me, it's the strength training that is the most important in this program. Cardio is cardio, no matter what you do. I think I might do T25 cardios instead of Jillian's, they look more intense. But I will try her's too, just in case.

    I look forward to reading your thoughts, results, experiences, rants...about the program :happy:. We can do this! It's only 30 minutes a day, right?
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    You are making me think I'd like to try too- I have completed it in the past and it really does wonders!
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    That's great, stephanj! The more the merrier :happy:
  • I'd like to join you guys and start tomorrow! I was thinking of doing some T25 workouts during the week along with BR too. I only have 5lb dumbbells and I'm hoping those will be enough.
  • 5bsanders
    5bsanders Posts: 3 Member
    I am in.....I think! I am currently trying to complete week 4 of T25 but I am doing that with a group at work and I need to do something that I can do at home too. Since I have already completed Body Revolution once before and have it at home I was hoping to add this to my routine as well. So when I do not get to workout after work with my coworker I can still do some type of physical activity. This program really melted the inches off of me and I felt better than I had in a long time. I did it from March to June last year. Unfortunately I have gained back most of my weight and inches :( Oh well you are only a failure if you refuse to try again so here's to trying again! Good luck everyone! :):smile:
  • nicolecl1
    nicolecl1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting Body Revolution tomorrow for the first time. I'm so excited to find this group! I also just finished ripped in 30 yesterday. I'm very excited to begin, and now I have more people to help motivate me! Has anyone ever followed the meal plan? I'm not doing the kickstart, but was going to try the meal plan, but it is so complicated! Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    All right, our numbers are growing! Welcome peggy2580, 5bsanders and nicolecl1! With so much support and motivation, this is going to be a breeze :tongue:

    I know weight loss with strength training can't really be measured on a scale, but in inches, so I'll be measuring my waist, hips and legs at the end of each phase to see if anything is happening.

    This is it ladies, day 1! Have a great burn, everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Hello! I'm in if ya'll will have me! I started yesterday and for someone my size-it was rough! I think I almost died...I may have actually been clinically dead for few seconds there! haha With that being said, I still can't wait to do it again today! :)
  • Hi all, count me in, I am about to start JMBR now!! Not going to do Kickstart but will eat sensibly.

    Good luck everyone.
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there, I'm all in...need accountability buddies. Do my DVD and stay on MFP daily. Daily logging worked before and I want to keep going. Got some big running goals speed and time wise, need Jillian's workouts to keep injuries away and a lose a few lbs to drop some time :)

  • bridgeydidge8
    bridgeydidge8 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm IN!!!!

    I have started this programme twice before but always had something get in the way after 2 or 3 weeks.

    I think this is the perfect time to start for the next 3 months -no vacations, birthdays or holidays coming up :)

    and will look amazing for summer haha!

    I won't do the kickstart either, just stick to being under 1600 a day.

    Good luck everyone with workout 1 i'm excited to get into it again
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    That's me logging in my first workout...
    I can honestly say if I wasn't in this group I would've just not bothered as I was pretty tired already tonight but I'm so glad I did it :)
    it passed pretty quickly but man those bicycle crunches are a killer...I struggled so badly on them...just keep thinking ahead to summer and looking fab tho!
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Good job, ChayB! I just finished mine as well and I agree, the 30 minutes really flew by :). According to my hrm I only burned 210 kcal, but I feel like I got a pretty good workout. And I know from the other JM videos I've done that I have to do a lot more stretching at the end if I don't want to be sore the next day. So, fingers crossed :)
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I'd like to join you guys and start tomorrow! I was thinking of doing some T25 workouts during the week along with BR too. I only have 5lb dumbbells and I'm hoping those will be enough.

    Peggy- I am subbing in T25 for the cardio, I get sooo bored of Jillian's cardio after a month straight, so I am subbing in Speed 1.0

    For what it's worth - I am too rebellious to follow a food plan, but I like to stay at 1200-1400, that's where I need to be to see results. Don't forget with this workout you will get massive afterburn that won't show up while you are working out...
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Good job, ChayB! I just finished mine as well and I agree, the 30 minutes really flew by :). According to my hrm I only burned 210 kcal, but I feel like I got a pretty good workout. And I know from the other JM videos I've done that I have to do a lot more stretching at the end if I don't want to be sore the next day. So, fingers crossed :)

    My hrm had me at 267 calories and I felt it!
    First lesson learned for next time - not to work out in front of a roaring fire...was a bit cooked to say the least

    And you're very right about not taking any short cuts on the stretching as I'm a little sore in places today...

    So today instead I was on the last workout of week 5 (c25k program) which was a 20 min run, I've realised I'm not quite following her calendar but I have a couple of run rest days coming up so it should sync up soon. I'm also going to take my body measurements before we get too far into the program

    How did everyone elses workouts go?
  • I'd like to join you guys and start tomorrow! I was thinking of doing some T25 workouts during the week along with BR too. I only have 5lb dumbbells and I'm hoping those will be enough.

    Peggy- I am subbing in T25 for the cardio, I get sooo bored of Jillian's cardio after a month straight, so I am subbing in Speed 1.0

    For what it's worth - I am too rebellious to follow a food plan, but I like to stay at 1200-1400, that's where I need to be to see results. Don't forget with this workout you will get massive afterburn that won't show up while you are working out...

    I know! I like her workouts but they do get boring after a while. I haven't done T25 before so I don't know which ones I'm going to use. I thought I'd just try out a few different ones and see what works.

    I'm the same way with the meal plan! I could never follow one! Just keep the calories down and that should be enough.