Like minded friends

Hey all! I'm new to the group, not new to Keto or MFP. But I am looking for like minded pals. I only have a few people on MFP and they watch their calories. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'd like support from people who are eating like me too. Mmmm...coconut oil! lol

I'll celebrate my year anniversary on March 23rd. I'm planning on having lost 100 lbs by then. I'm looking forward to taking/posting progress pictures. Woohoo!


  • spicekat77
    Hi there,

    I started Keto on Jan 24th of this year and I'm loving it!!!

    I'm also looking for like minded friend, so I just sent you a friend request.

  • willywinki
    willywinki Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Jessica, WOW, congratlations on your weight loss.

    I've been on KETO for about 4/5 weeks now. The first couple of weeks i wasn't tracking my food great but since finding MFP i track it and know i'm doing the KETO thing good.

    Can i ask what ratio's your doing? I'm on 75/15/10 or thereabouts. I struggle sometimes to keep my proteins down more so than carbs. I'm not counting any fibre as carbs so i'm trying to make sure i eat plenty of fibre rich carb sources.

    How do i get a weight loss tracker for along the bottom?
  • jessicamoye33
    Hi Anita! Thanks fro the request. Great job on your loss. I love feeling good AND seeing results! :D

    Willy - Tracking on MFP has made a huge difference for me. It really helps me be mindful of what/how I'm eating. I even look up things (add them) before I eat them. My ratios are usually 5% 70% 25%. I have a LOT to lose, so I'm very strict with my fat/carb intake. I don't count fiber and I don't really pay attention to the protein much either. I'm always trying to get fat in though. I put about 3 tablespoons of coconut oil in my coffee (or tea) in the morning. And recently I started having a second cup of tea in the afternoon with about 2 more tablespoons. It's really helped. I feel so full and love it.

    To add your ticker:
  • willywinki
    willywinki Posts: 8 Member
    Jessica, ooh cocount oil in coffee, you're a life saver. I forgot to bring my double cream in for coffee, but happen to have some coconut oil on my desk for something completely unrelated so shall be having one of these shortly :)

    I fell off the wagon a bit last night, i got DP some ASDA chosen for you Triple chocolate cookies, and after watching him eat 2 i had one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was DELICIOUS :) It's been my first moment of weakness in a month, but (apologies if TMI) i always crave sugar at that time of the month.

    Plus we've had MIL staying for a few days and it's really hard doing KETO with her around as i feel pressured to eat what everyone else is.

    I'm off to have a coffee and add my ticker
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm just low-carbing, but the like-mindedness is still there...I don't count calories :)
  • sewsinthesouth
    I started eating paleo last January after doing a Whole 30. I haven't looked back! This year I decided to try something new after hearing a Podcast with DH Kiefer about Carb Nite Solution. So far, I haven't seen a lot of results. I hope having some friends and support will help me on my keto journey.

    I have sent most of you friend requests. Feel free to add me and check out my diary.
  • willywinki
    willywinki Posts: 8 Member
    What is Carb nite solution, never heard of it? Is it a form of keto diet?
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    Well done on your weigh loss. And FR has been sent.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Congratulations on all your progress so far! That's incredible. You'll make it to your goal by your deadline, you clearly have determination to spare. Please feel free to add me! I'm keto with an open diary and like having friends with the same mindset, too.
  • jessicamoye33
    Yay new friends!!! Sent & received requests. We can do this!!
  • karryann2008
    Feel free to add me , Would love some low carbing friends:wink:
  • spicekat77
    Definitely feel free to add me!!!! I think we can all use a helping hand every now and then!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • willywinki
    willywinki Posts: 8 Member
    DOH, i m really struggling on weekends. I'm steering clear of carbs, but i just don't have time to track in MFP, then i lose track of what i've had. Definately went over my calories, although that dones't bother me as mcuh as not know what i've eaten in terms of fat/protein. I suspect my protein and fat's we re about the same yesterday which might have kicked me out of ketosis :(

    ALso travelling with work this week, NIGHTMARE. Missed gym all last week due to chest infection, and will miss some this week too. Will go today, and Weds and try and do some while i'm away. ANyone else travel with work, how do you manage food on those days?
  • jessicamoye33
    Willy - I was just thinking of you yesterday! I thought, I hadn't seen any posts from her - hope she's ok. I don't travel for work and I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. I do eat out often and when I do travel I take almonds, hard boiled eggs, beef jerky, chicken salad, etc. I also take my coconut oil to add to coffee, etc. Once you get into ketosis, you'll feel a lot different and won't want to eat carb-age. It's difficult, but worth it. Good luck!!! You can do it!
  • hernamewasdana
    DOH, i m really struggling on weekends. I'm steering clear of carbs, but i just don't have time to track in MFP, then i lose track of what i've had. Definately went over my calories, although that dones't bother me as mcuh as not know what i've eaten in terms of fat/protein. I suspect my protein and fat's we re about the same yesterday which might have kicked me out of ketosis :(

    ALso travelling with work this week, NIGHTMARE. Missed gym all last week due to chest infection, and will miss some this week too. Will go today, and Weds and try and do some while i'm away. ANyone else travel with work, how do you manage food on those days?

    Could you plan your weekends ahead of time then eat according to that plan? If you wake up saturday morning, check your plan and think "ok, today I'm having bacon and eggs, BP coffee, chicken salad, and stir-fry" then you know what is "allowed" for the day and you know if you eat just that, you'll hit your macros. You could even use week days to prepare your meals in advance. It only takes a minute to log what you eat in the app in the moment, so I'm assuming your weekends have zero downtime.

    Or, if you can tolerate the semi-redundancy, make ONE day's meal plan and only ever eat that on the weekends. So you'd eat the same foods every Saturday and Sunday, then switch it up M-F. It would quickly become second nature for you to just automatically eat your "weekend food."
  • passthepickles03
    Hi! I am brand new to Keto- today is my first day! I am a mommy of three who has also been a student for the last four years. I just got my BA, so I have so much less stress, but now I have to battle the health mess I have gotten myself into from neglecting myself for the last four years. I am not new to low-carb- after my oldest child was born, I lost 86 pounds on a low-carb diet... but keto is completely new to me. I'm excited to get losing! Nice to meet all of you! :)
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Feel free to add me. :-)
  • willywinki
    willywinki Posts: 8 Member
    Jessica, i am in ketosis and arn't really craving carbs as such, i just lose track on a weekend. I work long hours in the week, so weekend is precious time for me, DP and our 2 year old son. The carbs are easy-ish to avoid, but i LOVE meat and i don't have time to look stuff up. I love the barcode scanner on the app, that makes life a lot easier,

    I'm in hotel and planned ahead as the restaurant at the hotel is a chain so could look up the nutritionals before i came, so i planned ahead. I told them that for lunch tomorrow NO SANDWICHES, justa cheese salad for me.

    You'll laugh, i packed my coconut oil! LOL

    I made a base for pancakes with flaxseed and ground almonds (or almond flour to those in the USA) and had it with fried fatty bacon, yum :)

    Had a go at keto pizza base DISASTER! WOuld love to hear some good recipes, i've found some on the caveman keto website that i want to try.
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    That's some kick *kitten* progress. Feel free to add me, I'm Keto since Dec and could always use more friends who eat all the fat :flowerforyou:
  • chitownsweetie2
    chitownsweetie2 Posts: 89 Member
    Outstanding! You have done well! I'm a Keto Girl! Can't wait to get into the 80's. 90's. 100lbs loss!!!! Keep it up!!