Welcome! and Introductions!



  • thatshannonone
    thatshannonone Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Shannon 21 originally Scottish living in Ireland. Looking to get back in proper shape to gain confidence and hopefully make it into the police force. Great to see this group, been looking for something like this for the last 3 days with people who are starting around the same time and this is perfect. I'm currently on day 4 which was cardio recovery (slower than the last 3 days but still works up a bit of a sweat). My advice is take a photograph before and after to show yourself the results because scales don't always show them. Looking forward to sharing this with you all and even though it may be tough enjoy it, and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after each exercise :)
  • For people who have done the workout before, is there anyway to modify the exercises or do a slower version? I'm planning on giving it my all but if it's too much I don't want to quit or be discouraged. I was hoping that I could just keep pushing through the workout as best I can and that might require me to modify the workout. I realize this will affect the results but I'm hoping that it will allow me to continue and improve to the point where I don't need modifications. Any thoughts?


    I know there is always a modified and slightly easier version that Shaun T shows you in the videos. There's always one person in the group doing those modifications to follow along with. Also, if you feel like you're pushing yourself too hard you can/should take a break at anytime during the videos and just jump right back in when you're ready. The pause button will come in handy. Just don't give up if it gets difficult, keep pushing yourself every day and very soon you won't need those modifications.

  • Call me Cooper. 22 y/o, 5'9" 150lbs. I started the videos a while back. Stopped after the third week for stupid reasons. I really want to get my lean, toned and cut body back. Self-confidence has dropped since I lost it. Excited to be in a group and hopefully you all will help keep me going to the end.
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm Stephanie.

    I'm 37. Married. Mother of 2 boys, ages 17 and 8.

    I'm an accountant who sits all day in the world of numbers and spreadsheets and you can clearly tell as I have gained quite a bit over the past few years.

    I started seriously dieting in Jan at 225 and so far I'm down to 207... so I'm adding in some exercise... in with both feet and starting with Insanity.

    I will be doing it only 4 days / week to begin with... Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I may add more later on, but for now... this might be more "doable".

    My diary is open to friends as long as you're nice... I delete people who are constantly negative... There is enough negativity in the world without getting it where you're supposed to be getting support.

    I look forward to being part of the group!!

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!

  • FirdausZulkipli
    FirdausZulkipli Posts: 2 Member
    It's tomorrow! Let's kill the first workout!!
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    I'm so ready! This weekend I want to a con and almost everything went wrong! However, I crossed that last emotional hurdle and 'm so ready to start it's not even funny. Man I feel light... we'll kill this!
  • pittiemom3
    pittiemom3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm Amanda, I'm 29 and I am totally excited. I've tried to do insanity twice before, but I kept stopping, even though I loved it. I'm excited to be part of the group and to get motivation and help motivate all of you!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Hello.... My name is Eurayna, 41 yr old female Critical Care nurse in Las Vegas. I am so intimidated by Insanity but I ordered it and I ready to get with it. I am not in shape, so that makes me think that I might not be able to handle this Insane workout... But hopefully with the help of the group.. I can do this... Haven't gotten my box yet... Hoping to be able to do the fit test on Tuesday!!
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Laura. I've done Insanity and P90X in the past and had GREAT results. I was in the best shape of my life. Unfortunately I had foot surgery that left me unable to walk for a few months and it all went downhill from there.
    I just finished Alpha round of T25 and now instead of doing Beta, I'm going to do Insanity. I'm hoping to get 2 rounds of Insanity in before my wedding in June!
  • SkinnyMarni3
    SkinnyMarni3 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, I'm Marine, a college student from Belgium :)
    After living with my boyfriend for 2 years i piled on about 25 pounds or so. I've never been a very athletic person, but I recently found out I love working out! Thanks to mfp i am not overweight anymore and now I'm working towards a "perfect body" and good fitness state.
    I've seen a lot of people getting amazing results with insanity and I want to be one of them!
  • bri1720
    bri1720 Posts: 254 Member
    Hello, my name is Sabrina. I'm 35, live in Chicago and have 3 boys (10, 11, and 15). I started Insanity about a year ago with my boyfriend and we made it a few weeks before he quit. Sad excuse I know, but I lost my motivation after he quit. I lost 30 lbs successfully a couple years ago by doing a lot of walking (I participate in the 2-Day Avon Walks), but gained a little more than 20 back. The walks are good and I also took up running a bit last year, but I would like to be a little more toned this go around.

    I really liked Insanity because it was one of the many DVD sets I have where I really felt like it was doing something DURING the workout. You will sweat like crazy, but it will feel amazing. My suggestions would be to go at your own pace and DO NOT try to keep up with the people in the video at first. You will wear yourself out immediately. That doesn't mean not to push. Just pay attention to your body when you're working out. Your endurance will increase, I promise.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • my name is David and im a 32 year old married guy of three and one on the way and a former marine with 4 combat tours but am now much heavier than before... enough people are scared of insanity and not willing to try it but it don't bug me I like doing it so here I am doing my damn thing getting it on, feel free to add me or talk to me I don't mind and lets start this party
  • I'm so glad I bumped into this group whilst procrastinating on the internet today. I was just searching 'Insanity' through the mfp, because I've started it today and was looking for some additional motivation and BINGO! I found you lot!

    I'll be 33 in a couple of weeks, I live in the UK, and would like to lose ideally 10kg - but anything would be great. I've done Jillian Michaels Body Revolution lately and I loved it, but it hasn't got enough cardio for me - my muscles are working and toning, but I'm not losing weight and don't feel like I'm working out 'properly'. Although that might be because I haven't stuck to the diet very well. I'm determined now though, beach holiday is looming! I just did the fit test with Insanity and by the looks of it, Shaun T will definately work me out!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Didn't get my DVD today... Bummer... Hopefully tomorrow... Kudos to everyone pushing play today... And post ur experiences please!!!!
  • Megsprung13
    Megsprung13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Meghan and seriously need to get in shape and lose weight. A few years ago I lost 140 pounds, but have put on about 40 back in the last few months. Did the fit test today, and feel ridiculously out of shape. My husband and I got through it though and are looking forward to tomorrow.
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Yayy....I got my Insanity today...unfortunately I was on my way to work...so I will be doing my fit test tomorrow...I know it will suck but my goal is to improve it....and also shed some pounds.
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Hey I'm Debbie,
    I did the Fit test last night as I didn't get chance to go to the gm in the morning and felt I had to do something and Insanity had been sat on the sidelines since I got it so I figured what the hell I'll try it.
    Ugh the fit test was tough but I wanna push and get to week 3 and do the fit test again and see improvements. I am also running a marathon beginning of April and I want to get stronger for that :)

    Feel free to add me as well for motivation and so I have people to push me to do it as well lo
    Good luck everyone!
  • Hi. I'm Ian from England.
    I started insanity a few days ago and it's been good so far. My only problem is time as I also do weight training. My aim is to do insanity as cardio workout, as my cardio fitness is terrible. And also to lose body fat. I may be skipping some days like today and tomorrow but will try and follow the program as much as I can.
  • Hi! I am Tara, from Nova Scotia. I started insanity on Feb 17 as well. I am 33 years old, have a very busy 2 year old and work mostly full time hours (on call). I am tired of making excuses, and i really want that free tshirt!!
  • twinwicked
    twinwicked Posts: 4 Member
    hey everyone, My name is Robert i started insanity on march 25, i am 33 years old and decided to get my act together. Any one who wants friend me on this site please do so, i am looking for insanity friends to keep motivated by your posts and stuff. I am happily engaged to the woman of my dreams so no silly stuff please. just looking for friends who are looking to get back into great shape and want to help each other achieve their goals