
Let's make a daily date post so people can write what they did---since not everyone is starting W1 D1 today. I tried to do mine but my neighborhood is just TOO hilly-1 came home 1 mile into it and I will go to the gym tonight and post again tonight. I am disappointed in myself for quitting but it just wasn't going to happen.


  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    I feel ya , I hate hills!!!!!!!! anyway I did w1d1 today on the treadmill!!!!!! :):love:
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    W1D1 in the books
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    W1D1 today. Through the woods (just a very small wood haha), was quite nice! :)
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    I did it: W1D1. I am pretty sure that I would not have done it had I not joined this group last night. THANK YOU! As for hills, I've almost never jogged uphill. Instead I've either walked at a good pace or turned around. I've done two longish running events this way - if its uphill, walk :-)

    But ... I actually jogged up hill today. It helped tremendously that it was Day 1 and the running lasted only 1 minute each. I hope the rest of the week feels as good.
  • Karen_8992
    Karen_8992 Posts: 27 Member
    I did W1 D1, too! Thank you for the incentive and motivation!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    ive done my second home made week between week 2 and 3. running for 2.5 mins then walking 1.5 mins. two and a half minutes is a very long time when running i have decided today. Very pleased with myself, maybe i should have had a bit more faith in myself to move on to week three. Anyway it just means i will be ready for it next week. Due to other commitments we run Mon, Tue and Friday and sometimes Sunday too. I know your ment to have a day off between but i don't have time.
  • spogna
    spogna Posts: 17 Member
    Week 3 day 1 in the bag for me. My running companion was not convinced she would be able to do 3 mins running which is double that of week 2 but I assured her that she was ready. She was so pleasantly surprised that she could not only do it but felt she could have carried on. That's what's so great about c25k, as long as you've completed the previous sessions successfully you will be ready for the next step no matter how daunting the times sound.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Cross training day.. played soccer and worked abs/core
  • tracywintn
    Got my butt to the gym and did W1/D1 only because I posted on here that I gave up this afternoon. Great job everyone---and just to let you know I cannot imagine jogging 3 min when I could BARELY do one min today!
  • mz_tashae_007
    mz_tashae_007 Posts: 61 Member
    just finished week 1 day 1
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    Today was w2d2 I don't feel like I'm making much progress yet. I think the motor in my treadmill is going :(
    I can't wait until the snow melts and it warms up so I can get outside!
  • ordinaryintrovert
    today was W1D1 for me. this is actually my second time around. i tried this before and stopped around w7d2, so i'm actually hoping to complete it this time.
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Just going to pop my efforts from yesterday into this thread, seeing as yesterday was the 17th for me. Yep, in Australia :) W1D1 down, knees not too bad today, and hoping D2 tomorrow goes well.
  • pologirl1
    pologirl1 Posts: 62 Member
    This morning I did 30 minutes walking on the treadmill before I saw this group. Tonight I did some strength training. I also did 10,000 plus steps (a daily goal if mine). Tomorrow week 1 day. From past experience breathing will be my biggest problem with trying to run.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Completed W2D1 today. It's summer in Australia so I waited until 7:30pm when it was a little cooler. Listening to great music really helps!
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Week 4 day 2 -- I realised that the day 2 of week four they bump up to five minutes compared to 4 minute runs.... you were all my incentive for the last minute because I didn't want to write that i did well, but walked the last minute --- so i staggered along (on the treadmill),

    no running tomorrow -- but gym in the morning -- and -- Bruce Springsteen in the evening. I will try and dance continuously as my run.

    Thanks all for writing -- it is good structure and encouragement.
  • jcthompson86
    jcthompson86 Posts: 1 Member
    I ran 2 miles but had to walk for a few minutes after one mile. I have a 5k this Saturday so here goes nothing! :)
  • LisaEngle2014
    LisaEngle2014 Posts: 9 Member
    I am so glad you went in to the gym to do this!! I have also decided that I will not look at what the plan is for that day, I am going to just turn it on and do what she says to do. That way I will not think about how hard it is going to be.

    Good job!!!
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, bit late to this (as I've only just joined) but thought i'd relay my experience of W1D1.

    For starters, I hadn't sorted the podcast on my mP3 out before I went so I just walked/ran to some music and guessed the timings. I think I did a lot more walking than running, but was happy with what I did. I actually quite enjoyed it. I had roughly planned a route around my neighbourhood but found that the distance was too short, only took me 15 minutes....I extended it to 20 by going down a different street but it kind of interrupted the flow of the run.

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have planned a new route for my run tomorrow that will, by the look of it take 30 minutes plus to do, the week one podcast is all ready on my MP3 and the muscles in my legs and my abdomen have been aching away all day, so I must have done something right ;)
  • curlydiamond
    I completed w4d1 yesterday and I can't believe I managed to run for 5 min, twice! Whilst I wasn't a total couch potato before I started, in that I would occasionally do the odd half hour on an elliptical, I have never been able to run for more than a minute before my lungs were on fire. C25k has been a total revelation to me, w1d1 was rough but I've stuck with it and have so far not had to repeat a day. All my runs (well ok slow jogs) have been on the treadmill until yesterday when the sun was out and couldn't face going indoors - I was much slower outside but it wasn't as boring as I find the treadmill. Am determined to stick with the program, this is the year I learn to run and drop out of the obese category!