Month the hell?

joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
How in the hell do you get through month 2???

Today was day 2, and I already feel like a complete failure with it!

After day one....I took a rest day to reset my schedule...and believe me...I needed it!

Today I did MAX Interval Plyo, and my triceps feel like they're going to explode, my shoulders and legs and knees feel shot, and I felt like I was doing well at the end of Month One!

6 days a week huh?? I don't know.


  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    You have to forget all the progress you made in month 1 and start month 2 as a completely new beginning to working out. It's all about getting through - however you can. Think back to the first couple of Insanity workouts you did when you said to yourself "Holy $@#%, this is crazy. No one could ever do this!". Sound familiar? But you found a way to get through the workouts even if it meant taking breaks and even sometimes not going 100%. You got through them and, over time, improved and could even push yourself.

    I'm not going to say it's easy, because it's not. But, you have to have the "just get through it" mindset when you start month 2. You can't get caught up in "wow, I used to be able to do well/push myself/not get as tired in the month 1 workouts....". You have to forget all about that and take month 2 as a completely new & separate challenge.

    Come week 3 of month 2, you should be doing better than "just getting through". You'll amaze yourself at how you're able to push yourself in the workouts that 2 weeks ago made you feel how you are today. That's BEAST MODE! Stick with it - don't give up now after all the work you've put in already!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Thanks man.

    MAX Cardio Conditiining today. Im actually looking forward to this one as Im hoping it will not hammer one particular I think its shorter lol. I'll be glad.when I get to have the MAX Recovery amd Core Cardio and Balance twice a week lol. Although I may try Sports Intervals.
  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    So glad I am not the only one!

    I was ready to give up until I saw your post...Thanks for making me feel better..

    I am on Month 2 Day 2 as well and I sucked at all the Plyo..I cant do the Power Pushups to save my life and the Squat Pushups either.

    Onward and upward we can only get better and stronger and faster!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I can only jump into a squat....those squat pushups destroy my tris but I can do them....however, those side pushups....fuggettaboutit!
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    You have to forget all the progress you made in month 1 and start month 2 as a completely new beginning to working out. It's all about getting through - however you can. Think back to the first couple of Insanity workouts you did when you said to yourself "Holy $@#%, this is crazy. No one could ever do this!". Sound familiar? But you found a way to get through the workouts even if it meant taking breaks and even sometimes not going 100%. You got through them and, over time, improved and could even push yourself.

    I'm not going to say it's easy, because it's not. But, you have to have the "just get through it" mindset when you start month 2. You can't get caught up in "wow, I used to be able to do well/push myself/not get as tired in the month 1 workouts....". You have to forget all about that and take month 2 as a completely new & separate challenge.

    Come week 3 of month 2, you should be doing better than "just getting through". You'll amaze yourself at how you're able to push yourself in the workouts that 2 weeks ago made you feel how you are today. That's BEAST MODE! Stick with it - don't give up now after all the work you've put in already!

    ^^This! Exactly what I was gonna say!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Did MAX Cardio Conditioning today for the first time....jesus h christ on a raft! I did the warm up....then the stretch...made it through those without a break....then the VERY FIRST workout I had to stop....thankfully I did see someone in the video drop, so I'm not as upset as I probably would be with myself.

    I will say that with my shoulder tweak (cleared by my doctor to do this, just sore), it's hard to do the upper body stuff. I can only get about half of what I'm supposed to do in. Ice afterwards, and NSAIDS twice a day until the AC Joint inflammation goes away.
  • jessicabellin12
    jessicabellin12 Posts: 6 Member
    Huh...well I'm glad to have seen this ahead of time so I know what I'm in for. I am on week 2 of month 1. I have tried Insanity before and never made it past the first few days, but this time I am determined to finish, and I'm glad to have the heads up that it will get harder. I will not give up!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Oh it will get harder.....between month 1 and month 2 it's like leaving Kindergarten and going to Yale
  • viki93saunders
    viki93saunders Posts: 2 Member
    I finished my day 2 of month 2 and oh my gosh, I was dying. I really felt like I didn't push myself as hard as I could because I was exhausted. But I remember the first two weeks of Insanity and I felt the same way. So it's a matter of the body getting used to you pushing it. And, just asking, why do they make you take the fit test and max interval circuit on the same day?!?! That was torture!

    But, I was also proud of myself because I come from a dancer background and I never thought I could do a squat push up or whatever they asked us to do. I have never attempted any of these exercises before.

    This is my first time on one of these websites and it makes me really happy that I'm not the only one feeling in pain or frustrated.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Ive got 10 workouts left....then Im done!!! Its tough, it never gets easier...but youll get stronger. I am subbing out MAX Recovery though. Its a snoozefest, and I get more out of core cardio and balance. So that gets subbed for MAX Interval sports.