Final Weigh In - What now?

NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
Well, we started with 145 people pumped and ready to go and have trickled off to not very many actively posting.

Im posting this a day early because tomorrow is a holiday for some (Family Day in Canada).

Lets hear it, how did you do? Weigh in and if you like, share with us what your upcoming plans are to maintain, continue or get back on track :)


  • khemmyusa12
    khemmyusa12 Posts: 16 Member
    Well. I wasn't quite impressed eith the rate if my weight loss but I'm quite happy I wasn't slacking off and I didn't gain any weight back, I started with 210lbs, now down to 207lbs and I hope to leave the 200 stage soonest, so I'm gonna try incorporate new strategies into my workout routines
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    I am ecstatic to report in! SW 180, GW 165, as of this morning 162!! I will continue on my ketogenic diet and weight training 3x a week and the random exercise (shoveling snow, pulling my babies on the sled for a nice long walk), drinking 10+ glasses of water a day, my body is being transformed! I loved reporting in every week, it really help keep me motivated, best of luck to everyone!
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    I am ecstatic to report in! SW 180, GW 165, as of this morning 162!! I will continue on my ketogenic diet and weight training 3x a week and the random exercise (shoveling snow, pulling my babies on the sled for a nice long walk), drinking 10+ glasses of water a day, my body is being transformed! I loved reporting in every week, it really help keep me motivated, best of luck to everyone!
  • Timberlies
    Timberlies Posts: 28 Member
    This 4 weeks sucked. I gained. I'm discouraged and trying to figure out how to get back on track :(
  • BeckyS32
    BeckyS32 Posts: 66 Member
    I can't believe it has been 4 weeks already!! I really enjoyed having this challenge. I failed to weigh in this morning. I have the day off and apparently forgot that it was Monday!! I don't believe that I had a huge loss or anything but I know that I have lost a little bit. I have also been working out pretty steadily these last 2 weeks which is good for me. Overall I am happy with how I am doing.
    If there is another challenge, count me in! :)
  • cohenida
    cohenida Posts: 20 Member
    Today I weighted 155.1 so I am not happy at all. I really thought I would do better because I exercised harder. I have decided to try the 5/2 diet again. I managed to lose for awhile on it. Maybe my body will finally give it up and let me get past this plateau. I can't do any more exercise than I'm doing. If I eat any less I'm afraid I'll hurt myself. Two days a week won't hurt me I believe.
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Well, I WAS really happy with my progress. But then myself and my youngest caught bronchitis, and since we both have asthma we were really thrown for a loop. I still tracked my intake though! I've only done 2 hot yogas in the last 2 weeks. So I'm confident once I'm back to normal that I'll keep it up. I had lost almost 6lbs, but I think I've gained back a couple.
  • Fitn50Grandma
    Fitn50Grandma Posts: 13 Member
    Late to post my weigh in. Scale seemed stuck for 2 weeks. I got discouraged. It finally started moving after I started the Eat to Live way of eating!
  • dcsnow99
    dcsnow99 Posts: 13 Member
    I set 4 goals at the beginning of the challenge - I only accomplished 1 of the 4 but it was a learning experience. I logged all of my exercise but didn't log all my food. I didn't complete the 3 workouts a week I aimed for, and I gained 1.6 lbs (though I did lose inches). I also accomplished my goal to log 20 miles jogging. I may not have accomplished everything I wanted to but it was still a good experience. I've decided to start the Brazil Butt Lift workout today and hopefully in 4 weeks when I complete that plan I will be ready to start Body Rock TV's 30 day challenge. This group has helped motiviate me more than I would have motivated myself alone. Thank You!
  • TXCruiseGal
    TXCruiseGal Posts: 33 Member
    I didn't post every week, but I can say I did accomplish one of my goals -- to get moving again! I joined a gym one week after joining this challenge. And I'm happy to say that I have gone at least twice a week, most times four times a week, ever since. So yeah, my scale has been a little wonky, but I'm learning that is to be expected when you first add strength training to your routine. But my clothes are fitting better, so I know that it's all going to even out in the end!
