Three Random Facts - Let's Play!



  • Okay, I'm in!

    1 - Disneyland is my absolute, without doubt, most favorite place in the whole world to be.
    2 - If it's nerdy, I like it. Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Harry Potter, the list goes on...
    3 - I've had the same two best friends for 25 years.
  • MissDLynnR
    MissDLynnR Posts: 91 Member
    My three!

    1. I love anime specially Ranma 1/2
    2. I have no friends ( I was agoraphobic for a while)
    3. I love apple butter in my scrambled eggs
  • pinkkstarzzz
    pinkkstarzzz Posts: 4 Member
    1. I have an obsession with makeup. Buying it, wearing it, doing it on other people.
    2. I love taking pictures of my cat. He's the cutest thing ever and almost 20 lbs.
    3. My younger brother is my best friend. We didn't get along at all when we were younger and now we're as close as can be. He is actually going to be a first time daddy this August and I can't wait to be an Auntie!!!
  • 1. I've lived in a few different countries
    2. I'm a computer programmer / consultant
    3. I love horse riding and hiking
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I absolutely love reading these!! So glad you peeps are keeping this thread active.

  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    1. Love traveling - will be hitting my 50th country this year.
    2. Love adrenaline sports, but have been struggling with my motorcycle lessons recently.
    3. Have gone through a number of phases - from complete computer addict to hardcore party animal to world traveler. Who knows what might be next... Moderation, maybe? ;)
  • vickijl83
    vickijl83 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm kind of boring :)

    1, I have three degrees (One Bachelors and two Masters)
    2, I played piano for seven years but I still can't read music (or play piano well)
    3, Would love to go great white shark cage diving (one for the bucket list)
  • 1. I love Unicorns!
    2. I talk very fast sometimes
    3. I want to take a cruise around the world
  • ReDeCook
    ReDeCook Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there, just joined and looking forward to meeting new people.

    1) I taught myself how to knit, and have been doing it for 10 years
    2) I drive a manual shift, and am proud of it
    3) I am a vegetarian who's favorite food is pizza
  • cbenno97
    cbenno97 Posts: 130 Member
    -I've been to countries on five of seven continents (Australia and and Antarctica to go!)
    -Love superhero cartoons and movies, as child and still as an adult
    -Once got to pet a baby lion (South Africa) and stand beside a full grown alligator up close (New Orleans)
  • mistydthomp
    mistydthomp Posts: 6 Member
    Random facts:

    1. I raise chickens (for fresh eggs).
    2. I have been flogged twice by roosters (boy does it hurt).
    3. I love camping in remote places (FYI-good way to get teens off their phones since they will not have service).
  • My 3 Random Facts:
    1. I'm an accountant, who just happens to be at work on a Sunday, love month end close :/
    2. I ride a motorcycle
    3. I love owls!
  • Hmmm

    1) I'm terrified of the dentist
    2) I was adopted from Colombia as a baby
    3) I'm a crazy dog lady
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    Random facts:

    1. I have one of the 111 tiny multicolored fishes Delirium turns herself into in the Sandman tattooed on my back. His name is Agamemnon.

    2. I do not understand probability. At all. Something will either happen or it won't. Doesn't that make it 50/50?

    3. Despite this, math was one of my best and favorite subjects and I still regret not finding a way to study it in college.
  • TheBadToe
    TheBadToe Posts: 246 Member
    My name is Joe and...

    1. I am a police officer near Baltimore, MD.

    2. I spend almost all of my vacation time hiking the AT (Appalachian Trail)

    3. I make custom leather goods for people.
  • MissMona1
    MissMona1 Posts: 3 Member
    I never walk over man holes
    I put a glasses over spiders and when my Fiancee gets home he removes them
    I own a mini donut trailer nd struggle with weight.....go figger!
  • misty83rn
    misty83rn Posts: 80 Member
    #1 - I am a RN, I was the clinic supervisor at a max security prison. However now I only work as needed.. so I can mostly stay home!
    #2 - My dream career would be to do something with dancing, like a backup dancer :-)
    #3- I love to travel and see old buildings! If the walls could talk....
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Glad you are still keeping this thread going! I love reading through these. :0)
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    1. I always flush twice.
    2. I have a phobia of hair (even though mine is thick and very curly)
    3. I watch more ESPN than most men ;-)
  • Kittyglenwood
    Kittyglenwood Posts: 5 Member
    1. I used to study ants in the tropical rain forest
    2. I tie fishing flies but I don't fly fish
    3. My dogs find dead people