New to the Low Carb Lifestyle

Hello everyone!

I have been doing research and lots of reading about low carb and Keto diets. I've been writing out my own version of weekly plans now for about 2 weeks and feel that I'm ready to get into it.
I plan on easing into this lifestyle and would love any and all help, ideas, help and encouragement I can get!! :)

I'm 5'10" and 438lbs. I have a long way to go but my mind, body and heart are finally on the same page!
Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals.

Let me tell you what I've been doing for the past few weeks...
Cut back on sugars by doing a sugar detox... sort of doing a sugar detox. My gold was to reduce my sugar intake as much as possible. I learned just how much sugar is in our daily lives! I was amazed!! I had no cookies, cakes, very, very little fruit, no fruit juice, cereals... you get the idea.

But I'm not going to lie either... I had a couple of beers with friends at a going away party. I broke down and shoved a cookie in my mouth on day 5! ... Not a pretty site... and three times during the 2 weeks i had a bagel because I had eaten all of my snacks that I had brought with me and the healthiest choice was a bagel. I didn't want to end up with a headache and then eat whatever was available later, I knew I would make a healthy choice later in the day.
I haven't had a coke in 2 months and don't really miss them. Where I would eat 6 peanut butter cookies in one sitting I now have maybe 2 a week,and I actually enjoy the cookie and taste it. went to dinner with some friends a few days ago and they wanted to get frozen yogurt after. I got a small and it was too sweet and gave me a headache. I thought after I should have put just fruit in my cup but it was in a syrup. Learning to read and decipher menus is an adventure!
Keeping a food menu is easier than I thought it would be and helps me a lot right now during this transition to a healthier lifestyle.

For exercise I've started walking about one mile a day in the evenings and I'm to a mile in the mornings before breakfast. Also adding a swim workout 4 days a week... about 400m a workout, with a friend who swims and teaches swimming so my form is getting better every time I get in the pool.

I also have a trainer who does a Keto/Paleo diet and doesn't judge when I say I had pasta this week. (I have a friend whose trainer is a paleo nut and judges her choices very week.)
I enjoy the workouts and they are starting to get more difficult nd easier at the same time. I move better!

So thats a little about me.
I look forward to learning and hopefully being helpful for others on this site. I've heard great things about the communities on MyFitnessPal and think I may have finally found the right place for me.I'll probably ask a lot of questions so please be patient with me.



  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    Hi Shao! I've found everyone in the group to be super nice and extra helpful since I joined it last year. I like to use the search function to locate topics that may have already been discussed and contain great info. Sounds like you're setting yourself up for success! Feel free to add me. I log and comment daily. I wish you all the best on your weight loss journey!
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    But I'm not going to lie either... I had a couple of beers with friends at a going away party. I broke down and shoved a cookie in my mouth on day 5! ... Not a pretty site... and three times during the 2 weeks i had a bagel because I had eaten all of my snacks that I had brought with me and the healthiest choice was a bagel. I didn't want to end up with a headache and then eat whatever was available later, I knew I would make a healthy choice later in the day.

    Good going, Shao. I would not beat yourself up about the occasional cookie or beer. Just log it and go on. You will soon learn what gives you aches and pains the next day, or stalls your weight loss, and soon you won't even want one cookie! I am a slow learner in this regard, though :)
  • toomanireasons
    Hi Shao, you def came to the right place. Keep up the good work! Every choice you make every day toward a healthier lifestyle will get you to your goals! I take so much pride everyday when I choose healthier and not processed food, I choose lean protein and carbs only from green veggies. This is what moves that scale for me. I know exactly what you mean by feeling I am moving around better, especially when cleaning , I can bend and squat and lean and balance in places that I was not able to 45 pounds ago ! Keep up the great work ! Sounds as though you have great support all around you ! Soak it up !
  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Shao, I'm just starting again for a 2nd time (did LC in 2003-2004) and in about 10 months I lost almost 100 lbs.. This time I'm starting from a lower weight (205.6 vs 238 in 2003), but I'm on day 3 and my scale says I'm down 6 lbs already. I know its water weight, but it also puts me under the big #, and its very motivating. I have a lot of work to do and would love the support and tips and tricks from others. So far I have had great responses to my posts and people have been very helpful and kind.
    Feel free to Friend me.. and we can all help each other :-)

    I too like to have my sweets and my alcohol, so those are the first big hurdles for me.. so far I have already found a way to make my evening cocktail zero carb: 1 jigger of vodka in a rocks glass with ice, and fill the rest with Cascade Ice flavored seltzer water (I've done Wild Berry and then a Blueberry/Watermelon blend so far and both have been SOOOOOOOOOOOO yummy). They have so many flavors an not only are the zero carb, they are zero calorie too.

    Haven't approached the sweets issue yet as I'm trying to do Induction as closely as possible except I know I need and want my evening cocktails (not supposed to have any alcohol on Induction for the first 2 weeks), but I figure, we each have to do what works for us, right..
  • icu814me2
    icu814me2 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi, Feel free to add me. No judging here. Lost 18 LBS so far in 8 DAYS!! Personal question, did you get the okay from your healthcare provider and have labs drwan before starting this?
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Welcome! Good luck!

    It can be hard knowing there is a long way to go when losing weight, but you've got to start somewhere! I lost 90 pounds a few years ago doing low carb-ish eating and that weight was still in the "overweight" category. It can be hard knowing you have a lot of weight to lose, but you've got to start somewhere!.

    It took A LOT of reading to realize what foods I could and could not eat. As time goes on you learn more about low carb, more things to try, and learn more about how many carbs your body can tolerate to still lose.

    Anyone can add me BTW
  • xcatsaxon
    xcatsaxon Posts: 43 Member
    I saw a nutritionist today and found out im on a strict high protein lower carb diet and total calories per day 1300. Protein is so hard to get! The amount of meat I have to eat is so nasty- I prefer veggies but I suffer with PCOS and insulin resistance, so along with the meat I now have been asked to increase my Metformin from 1000 a day to 2000 a day- I have 75 lbs to lose! We can do this!
  • Laura8823
    Your story sounds like mine. I will never judge and I understand completely what you are going through----this whole journey isn't easy. I have done many diets in the past and I have tried to loose weight for many different people in my life. This time I honestly believe is different. My head is in a good place and I finally understand that this won't be a diet--- this is now a lifestyle. The week before Thanksgiving---I started my journey and as of today I have lost 32 pounds. I am also doing the "low carb" diet plan. I no longer eat bread, rice, potatoes, pasta etc.... It's not as bad as I thought it would be and am I starting to have more energy. I need to lose as much as you do but I honestly try and not look at the big picture. I take every 10 pounds as a goal---it's much easier that way. Don't ever beat yourself up for eating something that you shouldn't.... just keep going and stay positive... none of us are perfect. You sound like a very honest and sweet person, if you would like add me as a friend. Have a great day! Laura
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    You can do this, it just takes a bit of getting used to. It sounds like you are prepped and have the knowledge stuck in your brain (a lot of this lifestyle is about understanding what you are doing and why). Add me to you list of friends, I am not going anywhere soon.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Try to find low carb replacement foods. That's always helped me out when I have a craving or needed to transition into a more healthy way of eating. For the peanut butter cookies, for instance:

    1 cup peanut butter (pick to lowest carb one at the store)
    1 cup granulated Splenda
    1 egg

    Mix it all up, seperate into small cookies (about 16), flatening with a fork (they won't spread), and bake at 350F for 15 minutes or until cooked through.

    Much lower carb than what you're probably used to eating. Get creative. Make changes in recipes. If you don't know how to cook, learn. It's 80% diet, 20% exercise, and if you're trying to eat out for that 80%, it's gonna make a little harder.
  • cinbol
    cinbol Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome and like everyone else here I am also a "low carber". I started eating low carb in November of 2012 - the week of THANKSGIVING - my A1C was getting high and doc diagnosed "insulin resistance" - she put me on the Duke University Program (similar to South Beach/Atkins, etc). Notice I said PROGRAM not diet - this is not a diet it's a way of life.

    The first week was hell especially with the biggest food holiday of all but I did it - she gave me permission to pick ONE sweet treat on Turkey Day and I did - lost 7 lbs that first week

    Like another poster I cut out all "white" foods - bread, pasta, rice, sugar, flour and for the first 3 months also no yogurt or fruit. I went high protien/high fat/low carb - cut my carbs to 20 grams per day! I lost very well for the first 6 months (even went on a two week cruise and only gained 2 lbs!) and then started to add foods back into my new lifestyle starting to eat up to 60 carbs per day...yogurt and fruit, some crackers here and there, nuts (my favorite snack) and a cheat day on the weekends where I don't go crazy (cuz it does bad things to my tummy) but if I want pancakes I have them - of course now I only have one big one instead of a stack of them because that serves my cravings...

    Doc did put me on 1000mg of Metformin to help with the weight loss and stabilizing the glucose but took me off after 4 months...after that I stalled for a while, but I am going back to the very low carb for the next few months to get me started again...

    Like many others in the past I "dieted" and did it for all the wrong reasons... to look good for other people topping the list. This time I did if for my health - my sugars were climbing, my cholesterol was high, I was tired all the time and I couldn't "play" with my grandkids without getting winded...

    Now - the only prescribed med I take is for my low functioning Thyroid and even that is a lower dose - no cholesterol meds, no fluid pills and I feel GREAT!

    I am getting back on track after staying level for about 4 months and happy to join this group again....

    We can do it if we do it for the right reasons! And with a little encouragement from our friends!