New to Body Revolution

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to Fitness Pal and also Body Revolution. My BR DVD is arriving in the post tomorrow. I've noticed a mention of weights - do you have to have them or can you use tin cans or another substitute?

Wasn't sure whether to do Body Revolution or 6 pack in 6 weeks - but I'm thinking a 3 month plan is better than a 6 week one and I've heard about the great results.

Summer is almost here so I'm excited about seeing major results and getting a 6 pack hopefully! :)


  • DebiVintage
    DebiVintage Posts: 17 Member
    The first phase I found I need heavier weights to make it more challenging so I suppose it depends on your level of fitness. If you only need a couple of pound weights substitution should work. She also uses a resistance cord starting on the second dvd in phase 1 but you could probably use a weight for that as well. I have 2-8lb weights and I find that it is helpful so that you can increase or decrease depending on what exercise she is doing :) Good luck!
  • Thanks! think I will start with some water bottles filled up to begin with and see how I go! :)
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    She uses 3 sets of weight plus resistance bands and in my opinion, having the different weights is very helpful. I have 15's, 12's and 8's as mine, but it might be better to start lighter. But the different sizes are hard to substitute the way the workouts go. For example she'll use light weights on something like the biceps and a shoulder, but heavy for things like lower body and back. If you're going to go with things that are around the house, I would get big tins of food as your light weights, some bottles of water for your medium, and maybe a pair of gallon jugs as your heavy. That way you'll be getting the full range that the workout asks for. Depending on where you got the DVD, sometimes it comes with the resistance band, but in a pinch, you can always use your weights or weight substitutes if you don't have one.
  • leelafry
    leelafry Posts: 46 Member
    I've never used a resistance band before, and didn't buy the DVD set with the JM band. I ended up getting a set (thinking I would work my way up to the higher bands--HA, what a dreamer!). The only one I use is a blue 4-6lb one. It is a bit shorter than hers so I have to modify some of the ways I use it. It kills me, I hate it. But the next easier one is way to easy, and if this one is killing me, I don't think I could handle the next one up. I sound like Goldilocks!
  • leelafry
    leelafry Posts: 46 Member
    oh, on weights...they aren't that expensive if you go for the basic lead (I think) dumb bells. They run about a dollar a pound. I started with 3's then eventually got some 5's and then some 8's. These seem to follow what she uses in the series. I'm playing with the idea of picking up some 10's but not quite ready for that step yet. Many of these moves have you balancing and moving in weird ways. I'm not sure I could do them if I were holding (for example) a gallon of milk in each hand.
  • Thanks for the great feedback! Still waiting for my DVD - it's late!

    Will be going to the shop today to find resistance band however weights are quite expensive where I live so will use water bottles filled with sand.

    Can't wait to see some results and feel fit again!