Week 5 Chat (17-23 February)



  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Happy Hump day everyone :smile:

    Travelling along nicely so far this week.

    Tansy well done on going to a class, you will love them.

    Miffy well done on the run, I hope to be able to run one day too.

    Caitlin well done on the loss, that's fantastic loss.

    Dspen well done on the 1 kilo, it may seem little, but it will add up.

    Ok must get the girl ready for school and off to Bodypump for me. Have a great day everyone.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Good morning everyone, I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see some new updates this morning and chitty chat!!

    Hello one and all! It doesn't matter if you haven't posted every day or every week, I'm sure we are all just happy to have you all here in our group - posters and lurkers alike.

    One thing that has struck a chord with me this morning is that we are all so very hard on ourselves. Don't get me wrong - I think there is a time for a good long hard look in the mirror and time to face the music and give oneself a kick up the butt to get moving in the right direction. But on the flip side of that, we are so critical and self effacing a lot of the time.

    Isn't anything ever good enough? So often we tell ourselves that we didn't do enough, don't earn enough, aren't good enough. Bloody hell. It's got to stop.

    Yes. We are good enough. That's it. End of story. Go and look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself: I AM ENOUGH.

    That's going to be hard for some of us. It might bring up some issues. But you are. I am. We all are. Enough.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    dspen - bikram yoga is a series of 26 yoga postures and 2 breathing exercises performed in a 40 degree room with 40% humidity. Calculators/hr monitors say I burn approx 800 cals in the 90 min class. It is super hard, and my heart rate does go up, but I am skeptical about the high calorie burn. I just log it and don't eat it all back. not even half back, lol.

    None the less, its a great work out and it cures all my running aches and pains, such as joint pains (have bad knees and hips), and helps me with my posture.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    So with that out of the way... Here is my story from yesterday:

    I woke up in the morning with a pain in my right hand which got progressively worse throughout the day. I'm really not sure what it is, it's also in my wrist and hurts when I pick things up. I couldn't put my hair in a ponytail and had trouble picking up my wine glass last night - fortunately my left hand is fine :drinker: Having difficulty picking anything up really.. Today it's worse so I'm really not sure what's going on there. I've taken some Nurofen and will ice it later. Maybe I did something at the gym on Monday (legs and shoulders) could have been my wrist angle with shoulder presses??? No idea, I didn't feel any issues with it until yesterday morning. We shall see.

    So - no weights for me today. :ohwell:

    Also yesterday I bought a packet of Licorice Allsorts and ate the entire bag on the way home from work. Still haven't logged it, OMG how many calories is that going to be? All sugar... Very naughty of me. I should do it now... hang on...
    GULP.. 784 calories, 165g carbs, 111g sugar.. (oops). Total of 2865 calories for the day.

    Moving right along. Then Bumper :love: came over for dinner and we had pizza and chicken ribs. Do chickens even have ribs?

    Anyway, look, that wasn't the best day I've ever had, but let me tell you it certainly isn't the worst either!! :noway: So I am not going to feel guilty, I am not going to feel bad about it, I am going to move on and get on with things today. Might have a slightly lower day with calories, but I'm really just going to focus on getting the SUGAR and WHEAT back out of my diet because it really does make me feel like crap.

    Confession over, thanks for listening. I am enough.

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    Matilda, you are doing so well with your Whole 30, and everything really. I admire your consistency.

    Caitlin, thank you for dropping us a note, it's so good to see that you are getting amazing results with your weight loss and your C25k as well. You sound like you are absolutely on track for your goals!!! Great effort!!

    Candi, I'm so sorry that you have been going through this anxious time, it's horrible. Get whatever help you need to be able to work your way through it and surround yourself with people who love and care about you. Keep up the exercise if that helps you to stay grounded.

    Danielle, it just goes to show that the changes you have made are staying with you. I admire you for having a rough time at work and still going to the gym in the afternoon when it would be very easy to go home and sit on the lounge with a glass of wine. Go You!! I wouldn't be too worried about a slow loss, it's just a period of re-adjustment and the weight will continue to come off as you put your plan into action.

    Lou - yes!!! You maintained, and we are all a success for exactly those reasons!! Thank you. We are enough!! Fantastic work on the running, I do better in the morning as well. I figure if it works for you, then do it.

    Tansy, keep on keeping on and the changes will happen. That boxing combo class sounds good, I used to love Body Combat (sounds similar) and Step can be a bit hard on your knees.. See what you can fit in, maybe even leave a suggestion with the gym for a time change and ask others to do the same? I was over my maintenance by 1000 yesterday so you aren't the only one...

    Megan, good to hear you are travelling along - have fun at Pump :smile:

    Mon, I've never done Bikram Yoga but people who do rave about it. I'm pretty bad a any type of yoga, I think it's one of those things that comes with practice, but I like to smash it out at the gym and whenever I do yoga I find myself watching the clock the entire time and wishing it was over... (I'm not very patient).

    Have a great day everyone! You are all fabulous!
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hey everyone, hope your week is going well. I'm on track so far for the week - did hill training this morning (for the first time), which involved 10 mins of warm-up run, then 6 x 200 m hill efforts, with jog back recovery, then 10 mins cool-down run. I have a GPS watch that I share with my husband, and it uploads the data from the run to the computer so you can see all your stats. Well, the heart rate graph was pretty cool! It's a line graph, and it looks like a zig-zag, because it shows 6 really sharp peaks from when I was running uphill, then steep drops when I was jogging back down to start again. Even better than my intervals graphs!

    Helen - a night hike sounds awesome! And good on you for gardening - that is a workout!

    Candi - don't know if it might be something you're interested in, but when my anxiety was really bad last year, I did an online CBT course throught the Mindspot clinic (completely free, Australian government funded, run by real psychologists). I found it very helpful. You do an online screening assessment first, then they get back to you with your results, and see if you want a place in their next online course. There are online modules to work through and practice exercises to do, and phone / email contact with a psychologist for the duration of the course. You never have to be face-to-face with anyone.

    mmk - I didn't know what a Whole30 was, until I just looked it up, and now I am very impressed! Way to go!

    Caitlin - congrats on your success so far! You are doing great with your weight loss and exercise - glad you're enjoying it!

    Danielle - congrats on your new attitude, and the new you! You sound so motivated! Good luck with your 5km in September! And never think you can't run - anyone can. I never thought I would be able to run, and even now, I am only a very average speed runner. But that is what I love about running - that it doesn't matter how far or how fast you can go, it just matters that you're out there doing it, and training to be better! I am focused on my personal goals, and motivated to see what improvements I can make in my distance and speed over time. If I can run a half-marathon in May, I will be very happy. Then who knows? Maybe a marathon?

    Lou - awesome time for your 12.5 km on the weekend! I am impressed! And well done you for maintaining over 3 weeks of not logging!

    Tansy - well done for trying out a fitness class! Keep it going!

    Skim - I hope your hand/wrist is nothing serious! Glad everything going well with love-life!

    Have a good week everyone!

  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Nice work on the hill runs Michele! Mighty impressive.

    I thought I'd post here about the updates in the Weigh In Thread http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1203099-week-5-weigh-in-17-23-february so we don't get chatting in 2 places. It seems that everyone is kicking goals, even though they might not necessarily be weight loss ones, I'm seeing some really positive outcomes.

    Jen, that's great going - I like to try to get a lunch time walk in as well. Even if it's just 15 minutes, it helps get a little bit extra activity in, hopefully next week you will be at your mini goal :smile:

    Allie, you are on fire!! It doesn't matter that you said your food and exercise was a bit off, look at those measurements going down!! Awesome!! :smile:

    Maurice, 59km steps in one week... WTH!!! Great going! Rest days are just as important as training days, so good on you for recognising that you needed to take one. :smile:

    Ray, ah, sounds like a good week to me!! 120km riding is not to be sneezed at and you were under your calorie goal for the week, sounds like a win. Unfortunately work does get in the way sometimes, but we have to do it.. :ohwell: Better luck this week with the weather so you can get your rides in.

    Flyer, well done on the lowest weight! Fabulous news for you!! :smile:

    Donna, you are going great guns! Good on you for getting off the light and easy and doing your own thing. I'm sure you'll save money and even with the extra calories, I think you are on the right track. You need food and with the added pump class, you'll need protein. All good stuff :smile:

    Lorelei, don't worry too much about the scale, those measurements are what counts and they are decreasing. Waist measurement especially! Good work! :smile:

    Ricki-Lee, congrats for getting back on track, it feels good when we do that :smile: and well done on the gym membership, I look forward to hearing what you do there.

    Weighty, NOT binge eating is a HUGE achievement!!! As a binge eater myself, I know how hard it is to stop the pattern, and one week without doing it is amazing. I'm sorry you don't feel great just yet, but you will. Have faith in yourself, as we do. I know you can get to where you want to be. :heart:

    Looking forward to seeing more updates and everyone's progress. Remember: "I am enough"
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    mmk - I didn't know what a Whole30 was, until I just looked it up, and now I am very impressed! Way to go!


    Thanks Michele, I feel much better on whole30, just another reason to eat paleo 100% of the time.

    I have a trial trail run this weekend, so will be experimenting with endurance food.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Challengers!!

    Today was a weird day for me today, hand still hurting so no weights, and had a super super busy day at work, so no time for MFP :cry:

    Hope you all had a great day! I'll be back tomorrow!!
  • SerenityNow76
    SerenityNow76 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been MIA for a for weeks but have been lurking a bit. I started a new job full time in early Feb and have been preoccupied with that and organising the family. I haven't been logging but haven't strayed too far off the wagon. I jump on the scales periodically and the numbers are going down, slowly but surely. I'm sure it helps that I'm on my feet a lot in my new job!

    Anyway I hope everyone is having a good week.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Well done on the weight loss and the new job, Serenity! You must be very busy.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!!

    My week has not been the best food wise. :grumble: In fact, it's been horrible - I am on the wheat/sugar train again. I don't know what's wrong with my head, but I am having one sensible day and then blowing out for the next 3 days. Starting to really feel it around my waist, and plus with this week off weights (with this sore hand) I feel a bit lost. I've still gone for a walk every day, but that's it.

    I managed to maintain at 62kg from September - December last year without too much problem at all. Then I went down a bit just around Christmas to 61kg but since January have really struggled since then and am now up to 65kg. Argh!!!!. I'm not sure if it's because I'm happy and in love and getting a bit complacent about it all, or just because I am addicted to wheat/sugar and can't seem to get off it (even though I am suffering the effects). Or because I'm out of control and being a glutton!!

    Anyway, I had a serious talking to myself this morning, when I put on my skirt and it was a bit tight. :embarassed: I looked in the mirror and told myself that I need to break up with wheat and recreational sugar for good. It's been fun, but they are just not good for my health and wellbeing.

    Hand is a bit better today, I've been icing it at night, should be ok for tomorrow - I have a hour session with PT doing weights.

    Week 6 next week! We are almost half way through, but it's not to late to START!! I feel like I'm going backwards, but wake up every day with a renewed energy to make it happen!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend :heart:
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Friday of another week - gosh time seems to be absolutely flying.

    Was thinking to myself that at the end of next week we're going to be half way through the 12 weeks. Wow - didn't we just start?

    Hope your wrist is better very soon Skim. Wish I could help out with the wheat sugar issue - I have similar issues - like if there is a packet of biscuits I can't have one therefore it is better to have none at all as just one triggers all sorts of cravings - but for me this issue is only for sweet wheaty stuff - bread isn't the same at all - so it isn't the wheat by itself.

    I saw mention of breakfast earlier in the thread - my favourite is bacon, eggs, tomato, onion and spinach (but hey I could eat this any time and be happy) or lately I've been making myself (if my daughter doesn't eat all the tuna first) a piece of toast, putting sliced tomato on it, then a tin of tuna (the little flavoured ones), then some cheese followed by some serious cheese melting under the grill so it's all gooey and bubbly - damn that's good.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    I've been keeping up with my exercise (sorry about being such a delinquent poster - I'll try my best to better :blushing: )....almost to the point where I think it might be a bit too much.
    I had a class yesterday where part of the workout schedule was 100 burpees - somehow injured my foot and now I can't do anything!! It didn't make it any better that even though I knew it was injured I returned for pump and combat classes (Yeah, silly, silly me!!)
    I've iced it and kept it elevated and today I have it compressed but there goes the rest of my workout for the weekend.
    My weight has been bouncing all over the place - it's as if it can't make make up it's mind (either that or I'm blaming my scales!!!)
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Great news about the new job Serenity and well done on maintaining your healthy lifestyle under that pressure.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member

    I saw mention of breakfast earlier in the thread - my favourite is bacon, eggs, tomato, onion and spinach (but hey I could eat this any time and be happy) or lately I've been making myself (if my daughter doesn't eat all the tuna first) a piece of toast, putting sliced tomato on it, then a tin of tuna (the little flavoured ones), then some cheese followed by some serious cheese melting under the grill so it's all gooey and bubbly - damn that's good.

    Have a great weekend.

    That sounds delicious!
  • candirose69
    I feel ya skim! had a week of eating food that isnt so great even though I have been under cals and feel siiiiiiiiiiiiiick!!

    Honey: that was alittle silly hehe
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Honey: that was alittle silly hehe

    lol!! It was a LOT silly!! heheh. Feeling much better today after 3 days of rest so should be able to start exercising from Monday again :bigsmile:
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    I've had a good weekend. I was generally active all weekend, but I overate. Everything I ate was healthy though, so I'm not worried. I was just very hungry this weekend, not binging.

    No sugar is doing me good, my tummy has finally deflated. I feel like me again! Dietician on Thursday. I can't wait!

    I hope everyone is looking after themselves and had an awesome weekend. Let's kick goals again this week!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Sorry I was absent over the weekend, was really busy with one thing and another. Had some rope lights put in my kitchen under the overhead cupboards so that they shine down and light up the bench - super fabulous!! They look amazing, and at night I just leave them on and they light up my whole living area!! My kitchen/dining/lounge is all open plan. Plus make it really good for actually seeing what I am doing when cutting/preparing food. They look amazing, I should have had it done ages ago.

    Anyway, I did a heap of cooking which I wrote about in the Week 6 chat thread.

    Mon - I'm going to have to ditch the sugar this week. I feel horrible.

    Week 6 chat thread is set up so I'm going to "unsticky" this one now.

This discussion has been closed.