On weekly challenges

Hey guys,

As a response to a suggestion to meet weekly goals to keep motivation levels high all through the 10 weeks, I suggest that we start challenges the second week, as we are already 4 days into the first week :/ I will come up with something suiting all goals, unless you guys have any suggestions....? :)


  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    I like Jeannette's (Jmcfluke) suggestion of jump rope. So starting on Monday (weigh-in day) whoever would like to can join! If jump-rope isn't an option, one could substitute burpees or jumping jacks or some other cardio activity! :)

    Monday (Feb. 24): 1 min
    Tuesday: 2 min
    Wednesday: 3 min
    etc. etc. until we get to 7 min on Sunday, March 2

    I was trying to think of a food-related challenge, but most days I find it challenge enough just to stay near my calorie goal and have a decent balance of carbs/fat/protein! Any ideas? Or would it be more fun if we did an exercise challenge one week, and then a food challenge the next week, just to mix things up as we go?
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    Woo hoo! Like that the jump rope suggestion was liked :). I like the burpee or jumping jack option, especially if I find out I can't get past a couple minutes of jumping rope. I know I can do burpees or jacks 'at a pace' but not giving up. Jumping rope you can only do so slowly before you're just stepping over a string.

    I'm still stuck on a food challenge idea. Cause everyone's eating styles are different. I'll keep thinking
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,588 Member
    My new double program starts on Monday so I am going to sit this challenge out. Besides my skipping rope is with one of my fencing team mates...