Hi there. Is there anyone still in this group posting????

ADE95 Posts: 2 Member
Hi I have just found this group which I thought would be great to join seeing we are from the same country and can relate better to do with food etc. I do not see any recent posts. Anyhow I come from Invercargill and have been trying to lose weight off and on for a long time now. I am sure you all know that story.I am 55 years old and this time I really need to lose the weight. Most of my weight is carried on the top half and I am an apple shape. Hard to get rid of the fat around my middle. I hope to continue posting my food on here everyday and to start some regular exercise. It's now or never so wish me luck and hopefully I can make new friends here and we can help each other.


  • justakiwi
    There is now :smile:

    Hi, I'm Carren and I live in Timaru. I'm 53 and am at a place in my life where I need to start focusing on reinventing myself, and, in the words of my daughter ... "You need to get a life Mum!"

    That daughter is leaving home tomorrow, to start a tertiary course and go flatting, so from tomorrow onwards, my life will change dramatically - hopefully for the better.

    It would be great to find some more Kiwi's to join this group, and even better if we could get people to start posting again.
  • Annie_R
    Annie_R Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm not usually online much, so don't generally contribute to the message boards.
    But in saying that, I'm having a lazy day at home today and am surfing the net.
    I've had my fitbit since Aug last year. Last year I lost 11kgs through healthy eating and exercise.
    At the present time, I've added all that weight back on, and haven't been back to the gym yet this year.
    I need to get back into the right head space. For me, that's what it's all about, being psychologically in the right place.
    I will try my best to be online to support others and I wish everyone all the best in their own personal journeys.