What have you done today.....?

MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
I thought I would start a thread to get people to add what exercise they have done today, I think I will find this quite motivating.... even on the days when you don't feel like getting off your butt and do anything

Today I have done two classes at the gym:

30 minutes Grit Plyo and 30 Minutes Kettelbells, now I am pooped but still have the housework to do.....but I am getting sooo much stronger, quite impressed with myself :happy:


  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    None :ohwell: lol I have walked my dog a couple of times though and been to Morrisons and done some housework :smile:
    I've had a stroke, so I don't do a lot of excersise, I just bought a hula hoop so i'm trying to get the hang of that lol xx
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    today is supposed to be one of my rest days, but I have walked the dog and done a short kettlebell session
  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    A 45-minute Spinning class this morning, followed by a short session on the cross trainer and a bit of speed walking on the treadmill. Then on top of that done a few short walks just around town running errands. Fitbit is on 16000 steps already! :D
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Day 1 I've done the whole 60 mins of my rosemary Conley DVD:wink:
    Not too bad surprisingly and I should be able to up the bounciness over the next week or so!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Cycled out into the Surrey countryside on a relaxed and unstructured ride just enjoying a bright and dry day for a change.

    Ride ended a little prematurely when my rear tube exploded after 3:15 hours and 46 miles. :frown:
  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    Walked my goats for an hour and then painted 4 wardrobe doors and my living room! x
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    Spin class this morning and then walked the dogs this afternoon.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    47km ride this morning to get to my weekly 100km target.
  • katy_jane_2013
    I have done 10 min solutions dvd on the yoga ball was different to the ones I normally do which are all high energy :D
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Walked my goats for an hour

    This is something I have never seen! There is a guy nearby who takes his ferret out on a lead, which causes a doub le take as it is so low to the ground, but I didn't realise goats needed walking?

    I have done a Body Combat class, which I was happy with as I'm at the tail end of a cold, and although I seemed to sweat more than usual I managed just fine.
  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member
    Managed to get my first sub 55 min 10k run! Now to see if I can get close to 50min by the end of the year :)
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    first i stood at the side of a rugby pitch, while my son played.
    Then later I stood at the side of a swimming pool while my daughter had her lesson,
    then i ran 1K for the first time ever. I know its not much of an achievement for most people
    but, if youd seen me try to run for a minute at the beginning of January,
    you would be cheering me on as if id just completed a marathon.
  • Robide
    Robide Posts: 101 Member
    Fairly easy ride to watch the football and back, about 10 miles in total, so nothing too major, but still, a good hour out and about on the bike, which is always nice on a spring day like today!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Yesterday morning was my 14Km long run, so a fairly short one of 3Km today.

    I also walked the dog for two hours in total, so the legs were feeling it last night.
  • delmauriac
    delmauriac Posts: 52 Member
    Yesterday was a day off from the gym, but took the pooch out for a long walk round the Downs Banks, plus a whole load of walking around Hanley getting various wedding stuff sorted.

    Today was an hour on the treadmill, plus some leg and chest presses ... my legs are burning somewhat today!
  • nathan_oz
    Just walked the dogs. A nice 4 miles.
  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    This morning I did a Body Pump class, followed by a 4 mile walk on the treadmill (it was raining!) to get my 10,000 Fitbit steps. Sunday afternoons are very lazy for me...
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    Had a day off on Sunday.

    This morning was in the gym for 6am - on day 11 of stronglift 5x5's:

    Squats 47.5
    Bench Press 32.5
    Barbell Rows 32.5

    I then did some work on my chin ups (still assisted) did some negatives, hangs and some assisted chin ups (with crossfit band), 3 sets of push ups and some ab work
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Made some numberplates for motorcycles and built a website www.mybadback.co.uk
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    I commuted by bike for the first time this year - lovely sunny morning but I'm now watching the grey clouds roll in.
    It was good to get on the bike again and I can put the extra 500 calories I've burnt to good use.