
Hi! My name is Beth and I am starting my first whole 30. I have prepped and will be starting tomorrow. I have read It Starts with Food. Meals are planned. Shopping is done. I can do this! :)


  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    Meals planned and shopping is (almost) done over here too! I made a big slow cooker meal with ground beef, parsnips, and carrots (in chicken broth & apple cidar vinegar spiced with squeezed orange juice, thyme, bay leaf)....LOL it was a pot roast recipe but I my beef roast was still too frozen to make it, and I had all of the ingredients! Not sure what to eat it on or with yet, though. Last night I ate it like a casserole (like a crustless upper michigan pasty casserole) and then I knew I should eat more veggies on the side, but had blueberries right after instead.... I'm going to be more prepared today and have some extra veggies!

    This was the first weekend in awhile that I haven't made something from Well Fed. Definitely wish I wouldn't have "tried something new"... next week I'll go back to Well Fed/Well Fed 2 meals (AIP compliant) because those are always lick your spoon clean type of meals!!!

    I made my husband an egg sandwich and cheese and looked at it a little too lovingly as I passed it to him. Usually he eats what I eat for supper but the slow cooker meal wasn't ready yet, and he was starving. I didn't eat any of his, though- with AIP I'm not eating eggs. I want to see if AIP will help me with any autoimmune issues (I have SLE aka lupus).

    Today I'm making shredded chicken in the slow cooker that i can have all week for salads and soup (breakfast & lunches for me). I will probably also make a batch of my sweet potato and basil soup (from I have that weekly... I might change it up with another type soup/puree next week, but I haven't decided on a recipe yet.

    I'm so excited to get through my first whole 30! Have had 2 attempts, but the first time I only went 2 weeks, and the second time I allowed natural sugars (like honey).. This time I'm going all the way!
  • justmarie
    justmarie Posts: 59 Member
    Today is the first day of my second W30. I just finished completing W30 last week and I loved it. I am continuing W30 for my mom. I want to support her by doing it with her. I just love the fact that I can eat super healthy food and feel great at same time, that's all.
  • mbf82
    mbf82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I am waking up the morning of Day 6 and I have to say I am feeling fed up. I can't imagine more eggs for breakfast even though I love them. I am not even a fan of cereal but I am craving a bowl of raisin bran right now... This is going to be a hard day to get through....:(
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi my name is joy I finished my January whole 30 on the 31st January and just stayed on it I am going to do a whole 60. Currently day 3 this whole 30. I am 42 married with 3 kids Marcus 18 and the twins Piers and Lydia (9). Marcus and piers are both are autistic and piers also has ADHD. I work full time as a midwife in the UK . My fitness goals are varied, currently doing Focus T25 and training for a half marathon I usually lift weights but t25 and running is enough at the moment. My life is crazy busy but I love it. I have fibromyalgia which is a condition that gives me lots of muscle and joint pain that is my main reason for eating paleo it helps with the pain.
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    Did you notice any change with your fibromyalgia symptoms? I have rosacea and it has gotten really bad the past couple of years- I think that I notice it most when I am eating yeast, pastas, chocolate, sugar, and stuff like that which the whole 30 eliminates. So I am hoping to see a reduction in flare ups after the whole 30. I also want to see if there is a difference when my cholesterol is checked next month. I have had high triglycerides and borderline high bad cholesterol for the past couple of years. I've been exercising but never changed my diet and there hasn't been a change in numbers. So now with a combination of diet and exercise, I am hoping to see results.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Did you notice any change with your fibromyalgia symptoms? I have rosacea and it has gotten really bad the past couple of years- I think that I notice it most when I am eating yeast, pastas, chocolate, sugar, and stuff like that which the whole 30 eliminates. So I am hoping to see a reduction in flare ups after the whole 30. I also want to see if there is a difference when my cholesterol is checked next month. I have had high triglycerides and borderline high bad cholesterol for the past couple of years. I've been exercising but never changed my diet and there hasn't been a change in numbers. So now with a combination of diet and exercise, I am hoping to see results.
    Paleo in general helps with my pain level but since doing whole 30 my neck and wrist pain has completely disappeared I also have more energy. I still have pain in my legs but that's because of my workout programme. My headaches are also gone. I feel great with this way of eating I am sure I will relax it to the odd glass of wine eventually but it will only be occasionally. Hope it helps you as much as it has me. I find I want to shout from the rooftops how much it helps but most people don't want to know they just want a quick easy fix.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi my name is Verda & I am from Montana (usa). Almost 55 yrs old, married, two sons & 2 grandsons!
    This is my second 30 (my first was only 26 days) & I get to work out this time. I had some major surgery on 12/17 & just got clearance to do @ss kickin workouts again so although I did not eat protocol today I did burn 860 cals in my 70 minutes of fitness! My butt & legs will remind me tomorrow!:wink: I wish you all a successful 30 days!!!!
  • GttnITtgthr
    Finishing up my first whole30 next week and I will be starting my 2nd round on February 16th or 17th depending on how valentines day weekend pans out.
  • jc_miller
    Hi all! I am actually between January and February for Whole30. Today is Day 15 for me, so almost through the half point! I can say that so far I have seen positive improvements in my sleep, skin, energy and digestion. We'll see how everything checks out on Day 31, but I'm already inspired to move into a mostly-Paleo lifestyle after this. (I say mostly because I'll want crappy ingredient Mac & Cheese once in a while.)

    Best of luck to the newcomers! I'm on Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram under "lostgenreader" if anyone wants to follow my journey there as well, but mostly I'd like to follow anyone who is posting awesome recipe pictures or pinning them. I wouldn't mind some more foodspiration. :)
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Hello!!! Started my 2nd Whole30 today. My first one was back in June of last year. I am excited to be doing it again and am looking forward to to the changes of this upcoming month.

    Feel free to send me a friend request if you like. And feel free to ask any questions or reach out if you need any support!
  • carlaunderconstruction
    Hello, I probably won't start whole 30 until next week, because I am currently travelling in Thailand. I am trying to start to shift towards more whole foods though. I am 31 years old, single, and I teach kindergarten in China. Honestly a lot of foods that may be available to a lot of you won't be accessible to me. I'm hoping the whole 30 will help me beat my sugar addication, and allow me to deal with my other food issues. I have a big problem with emotional eating, and I often turn to sweet food.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sherri and I live in Wisconsin. I am just starting my first Whole30. A friend of mine did one last month and had amazing results.

    I'm not doing it so much for the weight-loss results as much as I want to feel better. I have bloating about 2 hours after almost every meal, I'm tired all the time and I'm making very little progress in my weight-loss journey.

    I would like to see if Whole30 can help me figure out what is causing the bloating, get better rested and have the energy to workout.

    Today was Day 1 for me. I'm also reading through the book, "It Starts With Food" so I'm learning as I go.

    Looking forward to hearing how things go for you all and seeing results!
  • GSD_Girl
    GSD_Girl Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Folks,

    I'm on day 3 of my first Whole 30. Over the past couple years I have focused on eating what I believe to be "healthy" most of the time. However I am finding that although it helps to keep my weight down, on a daily basis my body is not reacting well to a lot of the things I eat. I'm hoping this program can help me change my perspective on food and make me feel better =)

    I look forward to getting to know all of you and hearing about your Whole 30 experiences!

  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 21 and it is my birthday. Celebrated with my favorite dinner- chocolate chili, a large spinach salad, and roasted carrots and parsnips. No cake and no worries. Didn't miss it. :)
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Day 21 and it is my birthday. Celebrated with my favorite dinner- chocolate chili, a large spinach salad, and roasted carrots and parsnips. No cake and no worries. Didn't miss it. :)

    Happy birthday!!! Great choices for the day :)
  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    A bit late to the game, but my wife and I are on day 7 (started 17 Feb) of our first Whole30 challenge. I must say I'm progressing right along though the Whole30 timeline, from the hangover like symptoms at the start, through the irritability and lately the fatigue. That said, mentally I feel great about what I'm doing and am glad I'm being very strict about following the program. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your experiences with Whole30, and maybe a few tips and tricks about meals too!