Like minded friends



  • jessicamoye33
    jessicamoye33 Posts: 35 Member
    1) Friend requests sent ~ I look forward to losing with you all! lol
    2) Willy - sounds like you're doing great!!! I just tried Tuna Bread last night - very good. I also make cauliflower puree often. It's a microwave recipe & easily tweaked. I'm on a soup kick - loving the soup. That's so funny that you took your coconut oil. CO really fills me up and keep my hunger in check.
  • So, I'm in day two of starting a keto diet for the first time ever. I think things are going well. I've lost 2 pounds already!

    I have a couple of questions for people who are much wiser on this diet than I am.

    1. Is it normal for me to be a lot more hungry? I used to only eat twice a day - now I find I'm eating something closer to 5 times a day.

    2. If I'm using Ketostix to measure whether I'm in ketosis (they say I am), do I care what color the results turn out to be? I tested moderate today, but is that more a function of hydration level than amount of fat present?

    3. How long does the headache that comes with carb crashing last?! :laugh:

    Thanks in advance for your help :)
  • willywinki
    willywinki Posts: 8 Member
    Jess ~ Coffee + CO is my breakfast now, it keeps me going till lunch or mid morning snack and leaves me more protein/carbs for meals later in the day

    renee ~ I was hungrier at the start, but that's evened off now. I tend to have coffee + CO for breakfast, snack mid morning (nuts usually), salad lunch, and then a proper dinner at tea and sometimes a snack later in teh evening. But i've alwys eaten like that, grazing, rather than big meals. Re. Ketostix dont worry too much about teh colour, some people get hung up on it, but it doens't matter really. Headache lasted a couple of days, lots and lots of fluid needed.
  • jessicamoye33
    jessicamoye33 Posts: 35 Member
    @renee - way to go on the loss! When you start keto, not only do you need increase your water, you should increase your other electrolytes too. Some people drink a mug of chicken broth from a boullion cube. The sodium is said to help with the headache. Some people drink a sugar free power ade. But yes, the carb flu does diminish after a few days.

    If you're hungry - eat!! That's the beauty of this plan - eat until satisfied. No need to count calories (yet), just make sure you're getting plenty of fat. Add butter, coconut oil, avocado, sour cream, etc. to everything you can. Some people make fat bombs and eat those. There are new studies that show fat helps reduce cravings.

    I can't comment on the ketostix...I don't use them. I go by what I've eaten and how I feel to know I'm in ketosis. Lots of energy for me! Woohoo!
  • determined2bfit
    determined2bfit Posts: 41 Member
    I'm so glad to have found this group, as I started the Keto diet in January. Please feel free to send a friend request..
  • Hi! I'm so glad I found this group- I've been low carbing for 6 months and am on day 2 of keto... What I'm finding hard is keeping my protein down and fats up... just had a bulletproof coffee to increase fats for today but any advice as to what to eat would be really appreciated!
  • Hi! I'm so glad I found this group- I've been low carbing for 6 months and am on day 2 of keto... What I'm finding hard is keeping my protein down and fats up... just had a bulletproof coffee to increase fats for today but any advice as to what to eat would be really appreciated!

    Have you googled around for various fat bomb recipes? The most common uses coconut oil, nut butter, and coco powder.
  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    Awesome weight loss. I'm sending a friend request. I'm new to keto. I've lost weight in the past doing all the wrong things. Looking to do the right thing this time and sustain. :)
  • dperri471
    dperri471 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow Jessica.... I was just looking through the Keto forums and ran across this thread. OMG, what a great inspiration you are!!! I just started Keto about 3-4 weeks ago and like it so far. I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go on this weight loss trip I'm on. I can't wait to see 50-80-100-150lbs lost on my MFP ticket and my scale. I too only want like minded people to friend who are following this kind of lifestyle to change and improve their lives. My friends all want to see me lose weight and get healthy but think I have lost my ever lovin mind when I try to explain Keto to them... The minute they hear about eating more fat they kind of tune out the rest and put me in the "girl has lost her mind" category. So really other than the people I have met on MFP I can't compare notes on fat bombs or fat % versus protein and carb % because my friends although are great look at me like I'm from another planet. Please feel free to add me to your already long list of people to add. I would enjoy your company a long the way.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello all, just started the LCHF thing about a month ago and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working for me. Well, now I know, lower protein and more FAT!! Who knew. Changed my micros, not worried about calories so I didn't mess with it. Gonna try hard to log daily and would love some friends to help "push" me along.
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    Feel free to add me. I count my cals, but I'm doing keto. In it to win it!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    What a great post! everyone is doing so well!! Congratulations to OP on your 100 lbs gone! amazing!! I've been keto since March 1st and am down 12lbs. I don't really pay attention to calories and have my macros set at 10//30/60 but am usually closer to 6 or 7% carbs. I'd love some new like minded friends so anyone who wants to add me feel free :)
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    Friend request sent - you are inspirational!
  • jessicamoye33
    jessicamoye33 Posts: 35 Member
    I've sent & accepted friend requests...please add me if I missed you! LOL!!!

    I'm loving my keto life. I just celebrated my 1 year and losing 100 pounds. Things are looking good, but more importantly, I'm feeling good. No anit-depressants, no bp meds, just coconut oil and some supplements. Keto life is good! :D
  • vaneguz87
    vaneguz87 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, I added a few of you. I really want to do this Keto but is hard to wrap my head around the amount of fats people are supposed to eat. I completely understand the science behind it. Just that so many years hearing about how bad fat is.... you know, makes it a little challenge at the beginning.
  • ninanew
    ninanew Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all - started keto about 2 weeks ago and am having some good success. Most of my weight loss to date is from VSG last June, but around Thanksgiving I started eating too many carbs and my weightloss was not what my surgeon wanted. I've gotten back on track and have decided the best thing for me to achieve my goals is keto - nothing else has let me stay this satisfied with so little calories.
